Dörries Contumat Vc 1600 V
With the addition of a moveable table, traversing through the twin column portal design of the VC machine range, the VCV provides the ultimate flexibility for machining large components. In addition to the «on center» machining capability of a standard lathe the VCV machines are able to machine eccentric features. With the use of our extensive range of standard milling and drilling attachments, the VCV machine range is capable of full 5 sided machining of components up to 12,000 mm in diameter and 350 tons in weight.
On machines with a Yaxis the component can be machined in any position. The turning table is set on a sliding bed. The default Yaxis travel corresponds to the swing diameter of the machine size, but can be tailored to suit any application.
Swing diameter:mm 1,600
Table diameter:mm 1,250 / 1,400
Y-axis:mm +/- 800
Working height max:mm 1,885
Main drive S1:kW 2x 60 - 2x 150