AVS-100 - do mielenia, mieszania, obróbki ścieków/nawozu
Types of interaction in the working chamber of AVS 1. Mechanical intensive dispersion of particle components with mixing of ferromagnetic particles due to the chaotic collision. 2. Destructive flows as a result of the action of the electromagnetic lens of the inductor. 3. Hydrodynamic action - expressed in high shear stresses pressure and changes in flow rate. 4. Hydroacoustic in liquid fluid. 5. Micro arcs and electromagnetic field 6. Electrolysis and ionization of water with the release of hydrogen and OH hydroxyl groups, as well as thermal effects. The devices can be effectively used in such industries as: construction - for grinding and mixing building mixtures, activating the surface layer of materials; chemical - for obtaining solutions, melts, emulsions and suspensions; agricultural - for mixing and receiving fertilizers; mining - for processing ore or sludge; machine-building - for obtaining lubricants; food - for juices, pectins, or pastes.