Produkty dla combi (5)

Elastotex 250 Combi: Wodoodporna taśma z Hypalon, 25 cm, do spoin rozszerzalnych

Elastotex 250 Combi: Wodoodporna taśma z Hypalon, 25 cm, do spoin rozszerzalnych

Elastotex 250 Combi Strap with high resilience and resistance, with an overall width of 25 cm, consisting of a special elastomeric layer in Hypalon, resistant to raging and wear and tear, for use in combination with the epoxy resins paste Syntech AS 21 or Syntech AS 31, for waterproofing watertight expansion joints in buildings, works and structures below the aquifer level or to ensure the water sealing of structural connections even off the ground. Specific applications for industrial or infrastructural use. The excellent adhesion with epoxy adhesives such as Syntech AS 21 (AS 31) is greatly improved thanks to the perforated edges that allow a collaboration between the lower layer and the upper layer of resin. SYNTECH AS epoxy fillers allow the gluing of the Elastotex 250 Combi strip on various types of substrates (see paragraph "Preparation of substrates") including pvc supports (see technical document "Adhesion test on pvc sheath"). The strip is flexible and deformable (even at low temperatures) and extremely resistant to traction, root aggression, atmospheric agents and many chemicals. It is easy to lay and this allows for quick, safe and non-hazardous applications for the applicator. Waterproofing expansion joints, including large ones, subject to considerable work movements, and of natural joints and fissures, also in conditions of hydraulic counter-thrust, in tunnels, silos, tanks, pools, basements, roofing, prefabricated coverings, road joints and hydraulic works in general. The concrete surfaces must certainly be free of incoherent parts, traces of grease, release agent, paints by sandblasting, shot peening, grinding or milling, followed by careful removal of dust. The cement conglomerates must have a minimum tensile strength of 1.5 N / mm2. The curing of the concrete must be at least 3 - 6 weeks depending on the climate. The metal surfaces must be perfectly clean and free from rust, calamine or lamination residues, by sandblasting or equivalent mechanical treatment followed by careful removal of dust (on metal surfaces pay maximum attention to the dew point). The polymeric surfaces must be roughened by sanding. Work areas, edges, etc. they must be delimited with adhesive tape. Mix the epoxy resin SYNTECH 21 (AS 31) thoroughly in the pre-determined amount as required (on average roughly 1 kg per meter). Spread the epoxy adhesive prepared as described above, on the sides of the joint to be waterproofed by toothed adhesive spreader, kept constantly clean, taking care to obtain uniformity of the thickness applied that must not be less than 2 mm. Unroll and apply the Elastotex 250 Combi strap, on the fresh adhesive spread, pressing it against the resin, stretching the ends by hand, taking care to avoid wrinkling and air bubbles, until the underlying resin leaks out from the holes on the strap. Apply with a metal filling knife a second layer (at least 2 mm) of Syntech AS 21 (AS 31) adhesive at the edges of the strap, already impregnated, in order to protect it permanently from accidental damage and to obtain certain monolithicity of the end to the support. For the joint between two adjacent straps, weld the end flaps for overlap and solder them using a special hot air welding machine. For additional security of the seal, a small layer of Syntech AS 21 (AS 31) should be applied on the heated flaps. The final system resistances will be reached after about 7 days after laying, but already after 24 hours at 20°C, values equal to 60-70% of the final performances can be obtained. In any case the performance after 24 hours will be much greater than those of a high quality concrete. 1 metre of Elastotex 250 Combi for each linear metre, being careful to overlap the rolls of approximately 5-10 cm in correspondence with the edges of the band to guarantee the permanent water tightness of the system. Consumption of epoxy resin for bonding about 1.5 kg / m. Roll 20 m


Produzione senza limiti. Destinate alla produzione combinata di gelato e milkshake. L’elevata capacità produttiva rende le macchine Combi ideali per gli ambienti come le Catene Commerciali che hanno picchi notevoli di clienti.
Banco Sega combi BS 700 K - Użycie profesjonalne, rolniczo-leśne

Banco Sega combi BS 700 K - Użycie profesjonalne, rolniczo-leśne

Attacco a tre punti frontale o con motore monofase o trifase. Lama diametro 700 mm, trasmissione a cinghie. La macchina con cavalletto è indispensabile per il taglio di notevoli quantità di legname; si rende adatta anche a lavori di precisione grazie alla possibilità di utilizzare il pianale fisso con l’operazione semplice e veloce di cambio d’uso del Combi, che permette all’operatore di lavorare in qualsiasi caso con la massima sicurezza. Le macchine costruite con telaio portante in profilato e protezioni in lamiera.
Forni Linea SNACK - Piece do piekarni, cukierni i delikatesów

Forni Linea SNACK - Piece do piekarni, cukierni i delikatesów

BAKE OFF Italiana produce forni da oltre 30 anni. Una lunghissima esperienza maturata nel tempo insieme ai gusti e alle tendenze della grande distribuzione e dei professionisti del settore. Da attività artigianale si è trasformata in realtà industriale, percorrendo con tenacia e determinazione tutte le tappe della sua costruzione aziendale, in sintonia con le esigenze del mercato Internazionale. La sua storia, un crescendo di iniziative che dimostrano come l’azienda abbia saputo adeguarsi con forte capacità di innovazione a mutazioni del gusto, di abitudini, di mercato, all’incalzare di sempre nuove tecnologie nei processi di cottura. Negli Stati Uniti, dove fu coniato, il termine "bake-off" descriveva una competizione informale a colpi di dolci da forno tra amici, colleghi e vicini di casa; oggi il significato di "bake-off"si è esteso a quello generico di "gara", "sfida", che rappresenta perfettamente il nostro modo di intendere l'innovazione che portiamo nei nostri prodotti.
Elatotex 250 Combi : Taśma wodoodporna z Hypalon, 25 cm, do spoin rozszerzeniowych

Elatotex 250 Combi : Taśma wodoodporna z Hypalon, 25 cm, do spoin rozszerzeniowych

Elatotex 250 combi Strap with high resilience and resistance, with an overall width of 25 cm, consisting of a special elastomeric layer in Hypalon, resistant to raging and wear and tear, for use in combination with the epoxy resins paste Syntech AS 21 or Syntech AS 31, for waterproofing watertight expansion joints in buildings, works and structures below the aquifer level or to ensure the water sealing of structural connections even off the ground. Specific applications for industrial or infrastructural use. The excellent adhesion with epoxy adhesives such as Syntech AS 21 (AS 31) is greatly improved thanks to the perforated edges that allow a collaboration between the lower layer and the upper layer of resin. SYNTECH AS epoxy fillers allow the gluing of the Elastotex 250 Combi strip on various types of substrates (see paragraph "Preparation of substrates") including pvc supports (see technical document "Adhesion test on pvc sheath"). The strip is flexible and deformable (even at low temperatures) and extremely resistant to traction, root aggression, atmospheric agents and many chemicals. It is easy to lay and this allows for quick, safe and non-hazardous applications for the applicator. Waterproofing expansion joints, including large ones, subject to considerable work movements, and of natural joints and fissures, also in conditions of hydraulic counter-thrust, in tunnels, silos, tanks, pools, basements, roofing, prefabricated coverings, road joints and hydraulic works in general. The concrete surfaces must certainly be free of incoherent parts, traces of grease, release agent, paints by sandblasting, shot peening, grinding or milling, followed by careful removal of dust. The cement conglomerates must have a minimum tensile strength of 1.5 N / mm2. The curing of the concrete must be at least 3 - 6 weeks depending on the climate. The metal surfaces must be perfectly clean and free from rust, calamine or lamination residues, by sandblasting or equivalent mechanical treatment followed by careful removal of dust (on metal surfaces pay maximum attention to the dew point). The polymeric surfaces must be roughened by sanding. Work areas, edges, etc. they must be delimited with adhesive tape. Mix the epoxy resin SYNTECH 21 (AS 31) thoroughly in the pre-determined amount as required (on average roughly 1 kg per meter). Spread the epoxy adhesive prepared as described above, on the sides of the joint to be waterproofed by toothed adhesive spreader, kept constantly clean, taking care to obtain uniformity of the thickness applied that must not be less than 2 mm. Unroll and apply the Elastotex 250 Combi strap, on the fresh adhesive spread, pressing it against the resin, stretching the ends by hand, taking care to avoid wrinkling and air bubbles, until the underlying resin leaks out from the holes on the strap. Apply with a metal filling knife a second layer (at least 2 mm) of Syntech AS 21 (AS 31) adhesive at the edges of the strap, already impregnated, in order to protect it permanently from accidental damage and to obtain certain monolithicity of the end to the support. For the joint between two adjacent straps, weld the end flaps for overlap and solder them using a special hot air welding machine. For additional security of the seal, a small layer of Syntech AS 21 (AS 31) should be applied on the heated flaps. The final system resistances will be reached after about 7 days after laying, but already after 24 hours at 20°C, values equal to 60-70% of the final performances can be obtained. In any case the performance after 24 hours will be much greater than those of a high quality concrete. 1 metre of Elastotex 250 Combi for each linear metre, being careful to overlap the rolls of approximately 5-10 cm in correspondence with the edges of the band to guarantee the permanent water tightness of the system. Consumption of epoxy resin for bonding about 1.5 kg / m. Packaging: Roll of 20 meters Unit of Measure: €/m