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Przemysłowe filamenty PEEK do druku 3D - dostępne w 12 kolorach

Przemysłowe filamenty PEEK do druku 3D - dostępne w 12 kolorach

PEEK performance Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is a high-performance, engineering thermoplastic characterized by an unusual combination of properties. These properties range from high temperature performance to mechanical strength and excellent chemical resistance. Material Grade ARKPEEK-1000: 100%PEEK Produced from virgin polyetheretherketone resin and offers the highest toughness and impact resistance of all types. ARKPEEK-CF30: 30% Carbon Fiber + 70% PEEK Carbon fiber reinforcement lends the material a high level of rigidity and creep strength, high mechanical strength and heat conductivity values. ARKPEEK-GF30: 30% glass fiber + 70% PEEK Glass filled PEEK exhibits increased mechanical strength and high rigidity. ARKPEEK-MOD: 10% Carbon Fiber + 10% PTFE +10% Graphite high performance engineering plastic with product characteristics including excellent sliding and abrasion & wear resistance, high mechanical. Material:Polyetheretherketone Composition:Pure PEEK/PEEK CF30/PEEK GF30/PEEK MOD Temperature:High Temperature Resistance Engineering:High Performance Chemical:Chemical Resistance Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength characteristics:Sliding, Abrasion & Wear Resistance Size:Standard & Customized
Rura PEEK 1000 PEEK-1000 Klasa Virgin - Inżynieria Polimerów Termoplastycznych

Rura PEEK 1000 PEEK-1000 Klasa Virgin - Inżynieria Polimerów Termoplastycznych

A polieteretercetona (PEEK) - é um termoplástico de alto desempenho, alta temperatura, semicristalino fabricado pela ARKPEEK. O mais importante e mais conhecido membro do grupo polieteretercetona combina excelentes propriedades de desgaste e mecânicas, mesmo sob carga térmica. A excepcional resistência química e uma alta temperatura de operação (até 260°C) completam este perfil e fazem do ARKPEEK um material apropriado quase que universalmente para peças altamente solicitadas. Sua excelente estabilidade dimensional combinada com a alta estabilidade de fluência dão suporte à adequabilidade do PEEK para as mais sofisticadas peças usinadas. Designação química:PEEK (Poli-éter-éter-cetona) Cor:bege Densidade:1,31 g/cm3 temperatura:boa temperatura de deflexão usinabilidade:boa usinabilidade chama:inerentemente retardante de chama radiação:resistente a radiação de alta energia deslize:boas propriedades de deslize creep:alta resistência a def. sob carga (creep) química:ótima resistência química hidrólise: resistente a hidrólise e vapor superaquecido
Części Tokarskie PEEK - do Aplikacji Wysokotemperaturowych

Części Tokarskie PEEK - do Aplikacji Wysokotemperaturowych

Our PEEK turning parts are engineered to excel in the most demanding environments, offering unparalleled performance in high-temperature and extreme conditions. Made from Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK), these components are renowned for their exceptional thermal stability, making them the material of choice for applications that require consistent performance under continuous heat exposure. PEEK's unique properties provide excellent resistance to chemicals, wear, and mechanical stress, ensuring longevity and reliability even in the harshest conditions.
Śruba Termoplastyczna PEEK Inżynieria Polimerów - Części Komponentów PEEK

Śruba Termoplastyczna PEEK Inżynieria Polimerów - Części Komponentów PEEK

A polieteretercetona (PEEK) - é um termoplástico de alto desempenho, alta temperatura, semicristalino fabricado pela ARKPEEK. O mais importante e mais conhecido membro do grupo polieteretercetona combina excelentes propriedades de desgaste e mecânicas, mesmo sob carga térmica. A excepcional resistência química e uma alta temperatura de operação (até 260°C) completam este perfil e fazem do ARKPEEK um material apropriado quase que universalmente para peças altamente solicitadas. Sua excelente estabilidade dimensional combinada com a alta estabilidade de fluência dão suporte à adequabilidade do PEEK para as mais sofisticadas peças usinadas. Assim como para todos os nossos materiais PEEK, podemos confirmar a conformidade do nosso ARKPEEK natural em relação a RohS, uma vez que os limites da Restrição 2011/65/EU de Substâncias perigosas em equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos são cumpridos. Designação química:PEEK (Poli-éter-éter-cetona) dureza:dureza melhorada chama:inerentemente retardante de chama química:boa resistência química hidrólise:resistente a hidrólise e vapor superaquecido dureza:alta dureza dimensional: alta estabilidade dimensional radiação:resistente a radiação de alta energia ......:......
12-woltowy Aktuator Elektryczny - Źródło Aktuatora Liniowego 12 woltów - Ruch Power Jack

12-woltowy Aktuator Elektryczny - Źródło Aktuatora Liniowego 12 woltów - Ruch Power Jack

12V light electric linear actuators were designed for applications where space is limited and lighter loads are used. The 12V power is often derived from a battery. So 12 volt linear actuators are more easy to use on automobile machines and off-highway vehicles automation. With extensive experience in several engineering projects towards actuator miniaturization, we can easily design the small linear actuator type. At the same time, we can also focus on providing general improvements on mechanical efficiency, speed, or load capacity.
Rura PEEK Rura PEEK - Tworzywo inżynieryjne

Rura PEEK Rura PEEK - Tworzywo inżynieryjne

Polieteretercetona, prescurtat PEEK, este un material plastic foarte rezistent, chiar si in conditii de temperatura ridicata, de pana la 260ºC. Rezistenta sa termica si proprietatile tribologice exceptionale, recomanda utilizarea polieteretercetonei, in conditii de siguranta, in cele mai dificile conditii de caldura excesiva. peek pretPrintre caracteristicile generale ale PEEK se gasesc rezistenta la tractiune, la impact, la uzura. Temperatura maxima la care acesta familie de materiale poate fi prelucrata in continuu este de 260ºC si pentru perioade scurte de timp pana la 310 ºC. PEEK este rezistent la foc, stingandu-se singur dupa indepartarea sursei si are emisii scazute de gaze toxice in timpul arderii. PEEK are cateva proprietati care il diferentiaza de ceilalti polimeri, transformandu-l intr-o materie prima performanta. In anumite variante, el este rezistent atat la radiatiile de tip X, cat si la razele ultraviolete. dimensională:Excelentă stabilitate dimensională inflamabil:Greu inflamabil și cu proprietăți de auto-stingere gazelor:Densitate foarte scăzută a gazelor de evacuare ridicată:Rezistență ridicată la doze mari de radiații energetice alunecare:Excelente proprietăți de alunecare abraziune:Bună abraziune și rezistență la uzură raport:Raport excelent între rigiditate, rezistență și elasticitate alungire:Tendință slabă de alungire dimensională:Stabilitate dimensională ridicată la temperaturi calde electrică:Bună izolație electrică la temperaturi diferite
PEEK Suwak - PEEK CNC | PEEK Suwak | PEEK Ślizg

PEEK Suwak - PEEK CNC | PEEK Suwak | PEEK Ślizg

Experience the reliability and longevity of our thermoplastic PEEK slider. Designed for optimal performance, this slider is known for its chemical resistance, high-temperature capabilities, and smooth sliding motion. With its low friction coefficient, it ensures reduced wear and enhanced efficiency. Whether you need a slider for industrial equipment or consumer electronics, our precision-engineered thermoplastic PEEK slider delivers exceptional durability and functionality. Material:Polyetheretherketone Composition:Pure PEEK/PEEK CF30/PEEK GF30/PEEK MOD Temperature:High Temperature Resistance Engineering:High Performance Chemical:Chemical Resistance Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength characteristics:Sliding, Abrasion & Wear Resistance Drawing:Customized
Wkładka siedziska PEEK - Uszczelki do zaworów metalowych i polimerowych do 28 cali

Wkładka siedziska PEEK - Uszczelki do zaworów metalowych i polimerowych do 28 cali

Manufacturing Process CNC Machining & Injection Molding PEEK performance Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is a high-performance, engineering thermoplastic characterized by an unusual combination of properties. These properties range from high temperature performance to mechanical strength and excellent chemical resistance. Material Grade ARKPEEK-1000: 100%PEEK Produced from virgin polyetheretherketone resin and offers the highest toughness and impact resistance of all types. ARKPEEK-CF30: 30% Carbon Fiber + 70% PEEK Carbon fiber reinforcement lends the material a high level of rigidity and creep strength, high mechanical strength and heat conductivity values. ARKPEEK-GF30: 30% glass fiber + 70% PEEK Glass filled PEEK exhibits increased mechanical strength and high rigidity. ARKPEEK-MOD: 10% Carbon Fiber + 10% PTFE +10% Graphite high performance engineering plastic with product characteristics including excellent sliding and abrasion & wear resistance, high mechanical. Material:Polyetheretherketone Composition:Pure PEEK/PEEK CF30/PEEK GF30/PEEK MOD Temperature:High Temperature Resistance Engineering:High Performance Chemical:Chemical Resistance Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength characteristics:Sliding, Abrasion & Wear Resistance Size:1/8-28"
Rura PEEK Rura PEEK - Inżynieryjny Tworzywo Termoplastyczne

Rura PEEK Rura PEEK - Inżynieryjny Tworzywo Termoplastyczne

E’ un termoplastico semi cristallino tecnologicamente molto innovativo poiché combina varie e straordinarie caratteristiche meccaniche (resistenza chimica, resistenza al calore, resistenza al vapore, resistenza al freddo più estremo). Applicazioni: – Boccole e cuscinetti. – Compressori. – Valvole. – Isolanti. – Pompe. – Aria condizionata. meccanica:Elevata resistenza meccanica Rigidità:Rigidità e durezza dimensionale:Ottima stabilità dimensionale infiammabile:Difficilmente infiammabile e autoestinguente densità:Densità dei gas combusti molto bassa temperature:Resistente alle alte e basse temperature all’abrasione:Ottima resistenza all’abrasione e all’usura Rigidità:Ottimo rapporto tra rigidità, resistenza e resilienza dilatazione:Basso coefficiente di dilatazione lineare
Łożysko ślizgowe ramienia kompozytowego PEEK - Wysokowydajny termoplast PEEK

Łożysko ślizgowe ramienia kompozytowego PEEK - Wysokowydajny termoplast PEEK

The Wear-Resistant PEEK Composites Arm Plain Bearing is an exceptional choice for heavy-duty applications that demand reliable and long-lasting performance. Engineered with superior wear resistance, this bearing can withstand the harshest operating conditions, ensuring extended service life and reducing the need for frequent replacements. Its robust construction and advanced materials make it highly resistant to abrasion, impact, and fatigue, enabling it to handle high loads and harsh environments with ease. By choosing the Wear-Resistant PEEK Composites Arm Plain Bearing, you can optimize your equipment's reliability, minimize downtime, and achieve substantial cost savings in maintenance and replacement. Material:Polyetheretherketone Composition:Pure PEEK/PEEK CF30/PEEK GF30/PEEK MOD Temperature:High Temperature Resistance Engineering:High Performance Chemical:Chemical Resistance Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength Characteristics:Sliding, Abrasion & Wear Resistance Drawing:Customized
Części PEEK Komponenty PEEK - Termoplastyczne

Części PEEK Komponenty PEEK - Termoplastyczne

Полиетеретеркетонът е материал с превъзхождащи повечето пластмаси качества. PEEK се отличава с изключителните си плъзгащи и механични свойства дори и при високи температури. Има отлична химическа резистентност и е устойчив на хидролиза дори при температури над 260°С. Притежава добри електроизолационни парамтери и е UV устойчив. Приложение: РЕЕК е материал покриващ най-високи изисквания при плъзгащи лагери, лагерни черупки, зъбни колела, лопатки на помпи, уплътнения, щепселни съединители и др. Подходящ е за детайли на медицински инструменти, компоненти в полупроводниковата техника и др. РЕЕК е една от малкото пластмаси съвместими с приложения в среда на ултра-висок вакуум. размерите:Отлична стабилност на размерите запалим:Трудно запалим, самозагасящ се материал радиация :Висока устойчивост на радиация и UV лъчи плъзгащи:Отлични плъзгащи свойства пълзене:Ниска склонност към пълзене температура:Висока продължителна работна температура: 260°С
Części uszczelkarskie z polimeru inżynieryjnego PEEK - Wysokowydajny inżynieryjny plastik

Części uszczelkarskie z polimeru inżynieryjnego PEEK - Wysokowydajny inżynieryjny plastik

Manufacturing Process CNC Machining & Injection Molding PEEK performance Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is a high-performance, engineering thermoplastic characterized by an unusual combination of properties. These properties range from high temperature performance to mechanical strength and excellent chemical resistance. Material Grade ARKPEEK-1000: 100%PEEK Produced from virgin polyetheretherketone resin and offers the highest toughness and impact resistance of all types. ARKPEEK-CF30: 30% Carbon Fiber + 70% PEEK Carbon fiber reinforcement lends the material a high level of rigidity and creep strength, high mechanical strength and heat conductivity values. ARKPEEK-GF30: 30% glass fiber + 70% PEEK Glass filled PEEK exhibits increased mechanical strength and high rigidity. ARKPEEK-MOD: 10% Carbon Fiber + 10% PTFE +10% Graphite high performance engineering plastic with product characteristics including excellent sliding and abrasion & wear resistance, high mechanical. Material:Polyetheretherketone Composition:Pure PEEK/PEEK CF30/PEEK GF30/PEEK MOD Temperature:High Temperature Resistance Engineering:High Performance Chemical:Chemical Resistance Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength characteristics:Sliding, Abrasion & Wear Resistance Size:Standard & Customized
Pręt PEEK 2 cale 50,4 mm - Inżynieryjne Tworzywa Sztuczne Przemysłowej Jakości

Pręt PEEK 2 cale 50,4 mm - Inżynieryjne Tworzywa Sztuczne Przemysłowej Jakości

Experimente o ápice do desempenho de nível industrial com a nossa vara de PEEK de 2 polegadas, elaborada meticulosamente para atender aos requisitos mais exigentes. Esta vara de 50 mm de diâmetro possui uma resistência excepcional ao calor e produtos químicos, garantindo durabilidade inabalável em ambientes desafiadores. Ideal para várias aplicações industriais, ela representa um testemunho de confiabilidade e longevidade em operações críticas.
Kompozyty ceramiczne PEEK - Doskonałość inżynieryjna w obliczu trudnych wyzwań.

Kompozyty ceramiczne PEEK - Doskonałość inżynieryjna w obliczu trudnych wyzwań.

Eleve sus aplicaciones con nuestro compuesto cerámico de PEEK. Este material avanzado combina las propiedades excepcionales de PEEK con la fuerza adicional y la durabilidad de la cerámica. Experimente un rendimiento mecánico mejorado y resistencia al desgaste, convirtiéndolo en la elección perfecta para soluciones industriales exigentes. Elija PEEK lleno de cerámica para precisión y resistencia en condiciones extremas.
Płyta PEEK Warstwa PEEK - tworzywo inżynieryjne

Płyta PEEK Warstwa PEEK - tworzywo inżynieryjne

PEEK Polietereketon olağan dışı karakteristiklere sahip, yüksek ısıya dayanıklı ileri düzey yüksek performans plastiklerindendir. Yarı kristallerin aromatik polymerlerin sertliği yüksek ısılarda dahi korunur. Buna ek olarak PEEK Polietereketon açok iyi darbe dayanımı, yüksek mekanik yorgunluk dayanımı, çok az deformasyon tendensi, çok iyi kayganlık ve aşınma dayanımına sahiptir. Olağan dışı karakteristik özelliklerine sahip, zorlu ve talepkar kullanım alanlarında kullanılır. Çalışma Sıcaklıkları:+250°C ile -40°C arası mekanik:Yüksek mekanik dayanım özellikleri sıcaklık:Yüksek sıcaklık dayanımı kimyasal:İyi kimyasal dayanım Hidrolize:Hidrolize dayanım Boyutsal:Boyutsal stabilite alev:Düşük alev alma ve düşük duman salınımı elektriksel:İyi elektriksel özellikler Radyasyon:Radyasyon dayanımı
Cięcie Arkusza PEEK 12x18x40mm - Arkusz Materiału PEEK: Cięcie na Zamówienie - Twoje Rozwiązanie Inżynieryjne

Cięcie Arkusza PEEK 12x18x40mm - Arkusz Materiału PEEK: Cięcie na Zamówienie - Twoje Rozwiązanie Inżynieryjne

O PEEK Puro 100% sem preenchimento, também conhecido como nosso grau de material ARKPEEK-1000, é um notável termoplástico de alto desempenho, que apresenta excelente resistência química e estabilidade térmica. Suas aplicações versáteis abrangem indústrias onde a confiabilidade e a resiliência são fundamentais. Explore os diversos usos do PEEK sem preenchimento e aproveite suas propriedades excepcionais para os requisitos específicos do seu projeto.
Płyta PEEK 40x200x200mm - Twoje rozwiązanie dla wysokowydajnych tworzyw inżynieryjnych

Płyta PEEK 40x200x200mm - Twoje rozwiązanie dla wysokowydajnych tworzyw inżynieryjnych

O PEEK Puro 100% não preenchido, também conhecido como nossa classificação de material ARKPEEK-1000, é um termoplástico de alto desempenho notável, que apresenta resistência química excepcional e estabilidade térmica. Suas aplicações versáteis abrangem indústrias onde confiabilidade e resiliência são cruciais. Explore os diversos usos do PEEK não preenchido e aproveite suas propriedades excepcionais para atender aos requisitos específicos do seu projeto.
Implantat medyczny PEEK PEEK - Plastik inżynieryjny

Implantat medyczny PEEK PEEK - Plastik inżynieryjny

PEEK har en modul svært nær den til selve beinet, og har utmerket seighet og utmattelsesmotstand. Ved bruk av intervertebralt utstyr har PEEK flere fordeler enn metallmaterialer av titan og kobolt-kromlegering. Den har mange fordeler som biokompatibilitet, kjemisk stabilitet og elastisitetsmodul som ligner på selve beinet. Med utviklingen av implantatmarkedet brukes PEEK i flere andre felt: som plastisk kirurgi, kardiovaskulær, farmasøytisk og så videre. I dag er mer enn 2 millioner produkter implantert i menneskekroppen. Materialet har blitt anerkjent av mange produsenter av medisinsk utstyr og kirurger for sin utmerkede ytelse og kvalitet, og har blitt brukt fullt ut innen ryggrad, traumer og ledd. I tannlegen brukes PEEK for tannimplantattilbehør, som midlertidige distanser, helbredende hetter, helbredende distanser og så videre.
PEEK Termoplastyczna Uszczelka Inżynieria Polimerów - Części Komponentów PEEK

PEEK Termoplastyczna Uszczelka Inżynieria Polimerów - Części Komponentów PEEK

A polieteretercetona (PEEK) - é um termoplástico de alto desempenho, alta temperatura, semicristalino fabricado pela ARKPEEK. O mais importante e mais conhecido membro do grupo polieteretercetona combina excelentes propriedades de desgaste e mecânicas, mesmo sob carga térmica. A excepcional resistência química e uma alta temperatura de operação (até 260°C) completam este perfil e fazem do ARKPEEK um material apropriado quase que universalmente para peças altamente solicitadas. Sua excelente estabilidade dimensional combinada com a alta estabilidade de fluência dão suporte à adequabilidade do PEEK para as mais sofisticadas peças usinadas. Assim como para todos os nossos materiais PEEK, podemos confirmar a conformidade do nosso ARKPEEK natural em relação a RohS, uma vez que os limites da Restrição 2011/65/EU de Substâncias perigosas em equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos são cumpridos. Designação química:PEEK (Poli-éter-éter-cetona) dureza:dureza melhorada chama:inerentemente retardante de chama química:boa resistência química hidrólise:resistente a hidrólise e vapor superaquecido dureza:alta dureza dimensional:alta estabilidade dimensional radiação:resistente a radiação de alta energia ......:......
PEEK Biokompatybilny - Biokompatybilne Polimery PEEK: Inżynieria dla Zdrowszej Przyszłości

PEEK Biokompatybilny - Biokompatybilne Polimery PEEK: Inżynieria dla Zdrowszej Przyszłości

O PEEK Biocompatível é uma solução de ponta projetada para revolucionar o campo dos materiais biocompatíveis. Projetados para atender aos mais altos padrões de biocompatibilidade, nossos polímeros PEEK são a escolha ideal para aplicações nas indústrias médica e de ciências da vida. Esses materiais oferecem resistência, durabilidade e precisão excepcionais, garantindo a segurança e o bem-estar dos pacientes, bem como o sucesso de empreendimentos de pesquisa. Com o PEEK Biocompatível, você pode buscar com confiança a inovação em dispositivos médicos, soluções de implantes e projetos de ciências da vida, todos voltados para melhorar e proteger vidas.
Arkusz PEEK - Tworzywo inżynieryjne

Arkusz PEEK - Tworzywo inżynieryjne

Polieterio eterketonas (PEEK), organinis termoplastinis polimeras, PEEK polimerai paskatino pažangą visose pramonės šakose. Jie išlieka aktyvių naujovių šaltiniu. PEEK pasižymi puikiomis mechaninio ir cheminio atsparumo savybėmis, kaip metalo pakeitimo sprendimas, šie didelio našumo polimerai padeda patenkinti pagrindinius kritinių komponentų inžinerinius reikalavimus. cheminis:Išskirtinis cheminis atsparumas mechaninės:Geros mechaninės savybės aukštesnėje temperatūroje atsparus:Atsparus karštam vandeniui ir garams guolių:Guolių klasė PEEK pasižymi puikiomis nusidėvėjimo savybėmis įvertinimas:UL 94 V-0 degumo įvertinimas liepsnai:Labai mažas dūmų ir toksiškų dujų išmetimas veikiant liepsnai
Polimer PEEK Polietereterketon - Wysokowydajny inżynieryjny termoplast

Polimer PEEK Polietereterketon - Wysokowydajny inżynieryjny termoplast

PEEK Performance Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is a high-performance, engineering thermoplastic characterized by an unusual combination of properties. These properties range from high temperature performance to mechanical strength and excellent chemical resistance. Material Grade ARKPEEK-1000: 100%PEEK Produced from virgin polyetheretherketone resin and offers the highest toughness and impact resistance of all types. ARKPEEK-CF30: 30% Carbon Fiber + 70% PEEK Carbon fiber reinforcement lends the material a high level of rigidity and creep strength, high mechanical strength and heat conductivity values. ARKPEEK-GF30: 30% glass fiber + 70% PEEK Glass filled PEEK exhibits increased mechanical strength and high rigidity. ARKPEEK-MOD: 10% Carbon Fiber + 10% PTFE +10% Graphite high performance engineering plastic with product characteristics including excellent sliding and abrasion & wear resistance, high mechanical. Material:Polyetheretherketone Composition:Pure PEEK/PEEK CF30/PEEK GF30/PEEK MOD Temperature:High Temperature Resistance Engineering:High Performance Chemical:Chemical Resistance Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength characteristics:Sliding, Abrasion & Wear Resistance
Łożyska kulkowe Peek - Części inżynieryjne z tworzyw sztucznych

Łożyska kulkowe Peek - Części inżynieryjne z tworzyw sztucznych

Manufacturing Process CNC Machining & Injection Molding PEEK performance Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is a high-performance, engineering thermoplastic characterized by an unusual combination of properties. These properties range from high temperature performance to mechanical strength and excellent chemical resistance. Material Grade ARKPEEK-1000: 100%PEEK Produced from virgin polyetheretherketone resin and offers the highest toughness and impact resistance of all types. ARKPEEK-CF30: 30% Carbon Fiber + 70% PEEK Carbon fiber reinforcement lends the material a high level of rigidity and creep strength, high mechanical strength and heat conductivity values. ARKPEEK-GF30: 30% glass fiber + 70% PEEK Glass filled PEEK exhibits increased mechanical strength and high rigidity. ARKPEEK-MOD: 10% Carbon Fiber + 10% PTFE +10% Graphite high performance engineering plastic with product characteristics including excellent sliding and abrasion & wear resistance, high mechanical. Material:Polyetheretherketone Composition:Pure PEEK/PEEK CF30/PEEK GF30/PEEK MOD Temperature:High Temperature Resistance Engineering:High Performance Chemical:Chemical Resistance Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength characteristics:Sliding, Abrasion & Wear Resistance Size:Standard & Customized
PEEK CEV - Tworzywo Inżynieryjne

PEEK CEV - Tworzywo Inżynieryjne

PEEK (ARKPEEK) plastika je visokozmogljiva tehnična plastika, izdelana iz poliarileterketona, ki je polkristalni termoplast z odličnimi termičnimi, mehanskimi, kemijskimi in električnimi lastnostmi. Zaradi odpornosti na visoko stalno delovno temperaturo je PEEK plastika primerna za produkte, ki morajo prenesti visoke obremenitve. temperaturi:Dolgotrajna uporaba pri temperaturi +260°C mehanske:Izredne mehanske lastnosti tudi pri visokih temperaturah kemikalije:Odlična obstojnost na kemikalije drsne:Zelo dobre drsne lastnosti živili:Dovoljen stik z živili sevanjih:Visoka odpornost pri energijsko močnih sevanjih
Czarna płyta PEEK - Rozwiązania dla czarnej płyty PEEK z węgla | Precyzja, siła i niezawodność

Czarna płyta PEEK - Rozwiązania dla czarnej płyty PEEK z węgla | Precyzja, siła i niezawodność

PEEK material performance Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is a high-performance, engineering thermoplastic characterized by an unusual combination of properties. These properties range from high temperature performance to mechanical strength and excellent chemical resistance. Material Grade ARKPEEK-1000: 100%PEEK ARKPEEK-CF30: 30% Carbon Fiber + 70% PEEK ARKPEEK-GF30: 30% glass fiber + 70% PEEK ARKPEEK-MOD: 10% Carbon Fiber + 10% PTFE +10% Graphite Material:ARKPEEK-CF30 Composition:30% Carbon Fiber + 70% PEEK Temperature:High Temperature Resistance Engineering:High Performance Chemical:Chemical Resistance Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength Characteristics:Sliding, Abrasion & Wear Resistance Size:Customized
PEEK Biokompatybilny - Polimery PEEK Biokompatybilne: Inżynieria Zdrowszej Przyszłości

PEEK Biokompatybilny - Polimery PEEK Biokompatybilne: Inżynieria Zdrowszej Przyszłości

Medical-grade Biocompatible PEEK PEEK Biocompatible is a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize the field of biocompatible materials. Engineered to meet the highest standards of biocompatibility, our PEEK polymers are the ideal choice for applications in the medical and life sciences industries. These materials provide exceptional strength, durability, and precision, ensuring the safety and well-being of patients and the success of research endeavors. With PEEK Biocompatible, you can confidently pursue medical device innovation, implant solutions, and life science projects, all aimed at improving and safeguarding lives. Material:Polyetheretherketone Composition:100% Pure Medical PEEK Grade:Long Term Implantable Standard:ASTM F2026 Biological:ISO 10993 Specification:Medical-grade Application:Surgery & Medical Devices
Części zaworu PEEK - inżynieryjny polimer termoplastyczny

Części zaworu PEEK - inżynieryjny polimer termoplastyczny

EL PEEK es un polímero orgánico termoplástico utilizado en aplicaciones de ingeniería, el cual ofrece una combinación única de altas propiedades mecánicas, resistencia a la temperatura hasta 260 ºC y excelente resistencia química. Mantiene sus propiedades físicas como la flexión o la tracción en entornos de agua o vapor caliente. Este material de altas prestaciones está demandado en la industria en general por la resistencia, ligereza y duración de características en condiciones de dificultad, pero sobretodo se demandada en sectores de alta tecnología. quimica:buena resistencia química tenacidad:tenacidad mejorada retardante:retardante a la llama inherente hidrólisis: resistente a la hidrólisis y al vapor rigidez:elevada rigidez creep:muy resistente al creep radiación:resistente contra alta radiación dimensional:elevada estabilidad dimensional
Billet PEEK - Dostawca Billet PEEK | Dostępne pręty PEEK o wysokiej wydajności

Billet PEEK - Dostawca Billet PEEK | Dostępne pręty PEEK o wysokiej wydajności

PEEK billets, also known as PEEK rods, are the epitome of precision and durability, catering to a wide spectrum of industrial needs. Forged from high-quality PEEK (Polyether Ether Ketone) material, these billets exhibit remarkable thermal stability, exceptional chemical resistance, and outstanding mechanical strength. Whether you require specific dimensions, custom lengths, or tailored features, our PEEK billets can be crafted to meet your unique project requirements. They are ideally suited for applications in aerospace, medical devices, automotive, electronics, and many other industries, thanks to their unwavering reliability and longevity. Material:ARKPEEK-1000 Composition:100% Pure PEEK Temperature:High Temperature Resistance Engineering:High Performance Chemical:Chemical Resistance Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength Characteristics:Sliding, Abrasion & Wear Resistance Size:1/8-10"
Polimer PEEK Polietereterketon Termoplast - Tworzywo inżynieryjne

Polimer PEEK Polietereterketon Termoplast - Tworzywo inżynieryjne

PEEK-materialet (med den kemiska benämningen polyetereterketon) tillverkas av Ensinger i form av standardmässiga halvfabrikat för vidare bearbetning. Eextruderas i plattor, stänger och rör av polymererna ARKPEEK. PEEK är en unik delkristallin, teknisk termoplast som även erbjuder utmärkt kemisk beständighet. Delar som tillverkas av högtemperaturplasten PEEK-polymer kan användas i temperaturer på upp till 260 °C och har en smältpunkt på omkring 341 °C. PEEK-plast används ofta i miljöer där det förekommer varmt vatten eller ånga där materialet bibehåller sina fysiska egenskaper såsom böj- och draghållfasthet. Polyetereterketoner ses ofta som en av de dyra termoplasterna. Erfarna användare vet dock att PEEK-material har ett stort mervärde att erbjuda, eftersom de kan användas vid tillverkningen av delar som är lättare, starkare och tåligare i tuffa miljöer. mekanisk:Tål hög termisk-mekanisk belastning seg:Mycket seg friktionskoefficient:Låg friktionskoefficient creep:Kryphållfast nötningsbeständig:Nötningsbeständig kemikalieresistens:Utmärkt kemikalieresistens elektriskt:Elektriskt isolerande hydrolysbeständig:Hydrolysbeständig, även i överhettad ånga gammastrålning:Hög resistens mot gammastrålning Formbeständig:Formbeständig
Części PEEK Komponenty PEEK - Termoplastyczny Plastik Inżynieryjny

Części PEEK Komponenty PEEK - Termoplastyczny Plastik Inżynieryjny

Le polyétheréthercétone (PEEK) est un thermoplastique d'ingénierie unique, semi-cristallin et performant à haute température. Cet excellent matériau convient à un large éventail d'applications où les propriétés thermiques, chimiques et de combustion sont essentielles aux performances. La capacité du PEEK à conserver ses propriétés de flexion et de traction à des températures très élevées – supérieures à 250 °C (482 °F) – est d'une importance considérable à cet égard. L'ajout de renforts mécaniques en fibre de verre ou de carbone améliore les propriétés et thermiques du matériau PEEK de base. chimique:Excellente résistance chimique à haute température. mécaniques:Excellente performance propriétés mécaniques. à l'usure et à l'abrasion:Excellente résistance à l'usure et à l'abrasion à haute température. l'hydrolyse: Excellente résistance à l'hydrolyse à haute température. rayons:Excellente résistance aux rayons gamma. chimiques:Résistance à la plupart des produits chimiques organiques et inorganiques. chocs:Bonne résistance aux chocs. d'usure:Faible taux d'usure. frottement: Faible coefficient de frottement.