Produkty dla do silników (76)

Inżynieria Hydrauliczna

Inżynieria Hydrauliczna

Civil engineering is the branch of engineering responsible for the design of artefacts and infrastructures for civil use and thus for all related fields: civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, infrastructure, structural engineering, urban planning. Hydraulic engineering is characterised by hydraulic applications that operate in very demanding areas with a high risk of wear: River dams, locks and weirs require cylinders that are operational under water. The use of piston rods made of stainless steel material and/or rods with NiCr or ceramic coatings are often required for these applications Hidromec develops hydraulic cylinders and systems for hydraulic engineering applications that are reliable, durable and comply with the relevant environmental standards.
Zawór zbiornika IGP - Kapsle / Zatyczki

Zawór zbiornika IGP - Kapsle / Zatyczki

IGP threaded tank cap in stainless steel and plastic material, complete of sealing gasket. Different threads are available: 1” 1/2 male (standard thread; for a perfect match, we suggest to combine our threaded cap with our G 1″.1/2 female threaded filling systems) P3 female (non-standard thread, compatible with our P3 filling system). It is available hermetic, ventilated or equipped with controlled ventilation system through valves. For the optimal operation of the endothermic engine or in case it is required by law or specific regulations, the IGP tank cap can be equipped with unidirectional valves, that allow both the expulsion of vapors generated by fuel and the air inlet into the tank; moreover, in case of tank overturning, the loss of fuel is limited by the valves of controlled ventilation system. IGP threaded fuel plug can be provided with removable filter and/or safety chain or cable; it can also be customized with company logos, writings and drawings. CATEGORY:Caps / Plugs COMPONENTS:Sealing Gasket
Zestaw Fazy Silnika - Zestaw Fazy Silnika

Zestaw Fazy Silnika - Zestaw Fazy Silnika

Assortimento messa in fase motore universale
Kalibracja Kontroli Silnika - Usługi Testowania i Certyfikacji Silników

Kalibracja Kontroli Silnika - Usługi Testowania i Certyfikacji Silników

In funzione dei diversi standard nazionali, siamo in grado di effettuare cicli omologativi, calibrazione controllo motore e testing su direttiva cliente
40007 - Pompa wodna z silnikiem benzynowym

40007 - Pompa wodna z silnikiem benzynowym

40007 motopompa a zaino PROFESSIONAL con motore a scoppio 2 tempi MITSUBISHI (MIX 4%) con capacità 25 lt accoppiato ad una pompa a 2 pistoni che consente di arrivare alla pressione di 25 bar (regolabile). E’ disponibile la versione della motopompa su carrello: 40007 C
M9DT30 używany

M9DT30 używany

Il M9DT30 è un carro raccoglifrutta semovente progettato per la raccolta e la potatura nei moderni impianti ad interfilare ridotto. Questo modello offre un piano di lavoro unico ad elevazione idraulica, con larghezza chiusa di 1,30/1,50/1,70 metri, apribile fino a 2,28/2,80/3,10 metri. La lunghezza del piano è di 2,00 metri, con un'altezza massima di 2,46 metri. Equipaggiato con 4 ruote motrici e sterzanti indipendenti, il M9DT30 garantisce una manovrabilità eccellente. Gli elevatori idraulici anteriori e posteriori facilitano il carico e scarico dei bins, mentre la trasmissione idrostatica e il cambio a due rapporti a comando elettrico assicurano un controllo preciso della velocità.
Inżynieria Lądowa - Optymalizacja Zużycia Energii

Inżynieria Lądowa - Optymalizacja Zużycia Energii

FAE S.r.l. progetta impianti elettrici civili rispondenti alle normative vigenti, italiane ed europee, e che si dividono in due tipologie: Interventi realizzati in abitazioni condominiali e, in estensione, su base condominiale completa Interventi realizzati in ville o abitazioni sulla base di progetti di particolare complessità Pur essendo considerato un lavoro semplice e di tipo ordinario, la realizzazione di impianti elettrici ad uso civile necessita di una grande attenzione. Gli obiettivi che FAE S.r.l. si pone in questa fase sono due: la scrupolosa sicurezza che ogni impianto elettrico domestico impone e l’ottimizzazione dei consumi energetici. Per raggiungere questi standard qualitativi, FAE S.r.l. utilizza materiali accuratamente selezionati e che abbiano un gradevole aspetto estetico e siano garanzia di funzionalità e durata nel tempo.
Castrol Power 1 4T 10w40 1L

Castrol Power 1 4T 10w40 1L

Castrol Power 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 è un olio completamente sintetico, formulato specificatamente per motociclette sportive ad alte prestazioni, che aumenta l'accelerazione e l'erogazione della potenza fino ai massimi regimi.


Riporto in gomma su inserti metallici, successivamente rettificati sul diametro esterno, anche con profilo conico singolo o doppio.
Włącznik/wyłącznik akceleratora - Kontrola gazu z funkcją wyłączania silników benzynowych

Włącznik/wyłącznik akceleratora - Kontrola gazu z funkcją wyłączania silników benzynowych

Il manettino Gas on/off viene montato su Motocoltivati, Motozappe ed ha la funzione di spegnimento motore quando la leva viene portata sullo zero.
Stoły testowe mocy Sport Devices - Wyłączny dystrybutor w Włoszech

Stoły testowe mocy Sport Devices - Wyłączny dystrybutor w Włoszech

BANCHI PROVA POTENZA A RULLI - SPORT DEVICES DIAGNOSI E PREPARAZIONE Serie banchi prova potenza 2WD e 4WD, mororullo (diametro 500 mm) completi di sincronizzazione (o predisposizione, nel caso del 2WD) degli assi anteriore e posteriore, per mezzo giunto cardanico telescopico. BANCHI 4WD - SINCRONIZZAZIONE MECCANICA DEGLI ASSI La sincronizzazione meccanica degli assi è oggi requisito indispensabile, per poter testare senza difficoltà ogni tipo di veicolo. Ricreando condizioni paragonabili a quelle in di marcia in strada (sincro- nismo rotazione ruote asse anteriore/asse posteriore) si hanno immediati vantaggi: • NON dover attivare complesse funzioni SW veicolo, quali il ‘dyno mode’ • Si evitano rischi di rottura alla trasmissione del veicolo Il sistema di collegamento degli assi è inoltre disinseribile per mezzo di comando pneumatico, per lavorare ad assi scollegati ed indipendenti, ga- rantendo così la massima flessibilità.
All in - Kiedy masz pomysł i chcesz go zrealizować

All in - Kiedy masz pomysł i chcesz go zrealizować

Comprende: studio di fattibilità sviluppo dello studio particolari controllo esecutivi
Inżynieria elektryczna

Inżynieria elektryczna

Progettiamo e Realizziamo schemi elettrici con la massima flessibilità, adattandoci ai diversi processi progettuali e produttivi delle aziende, garantendo una completa ed efficiente documentazione.
Baza Danych Marketingu E-mailowego Inżynierowie - zaktualizowana baza danych e-mailowych z ponad 35 000 włoskimi inżynierami

Baza Danych Marketingu E-mailowego Inżynierowie - zaktualizowana baza danych e-mailowych z ponad 35 000 włoskimi inżynierami

Email Marketing DEM Ingegneri Database: database per campagne DEM email marketing su database di oltre 35.000 indirizzi email di Ingegneri in Italia.
Usługi Budowlane - Prace Remontowe i Konsultacje

Usługi Budowlane - Prace Remontowe i Konsultacje

Servizi dell’ impresa edile DittaPosapiù, effettua di manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria, ristrutturazione appartamenti chiavi in mano, consolidamento, recupero e nel restauro conservativo dal casale al bilocale.. Specializzata direttamente come impresa di rifinitura di interni e posa in opera di pavimenti e rivestimenti. Dal 1999 opera sul patrimonio edilizio adottando tecniche riprese dalla tradizione accanto a sistemi e prodotti innovativi. L’impresa ha sempre cercato di privilegiare la soddisfazione e la fidelizzazione del cliente, i migliori veicoli promozionali per i propri Servizi a garantire la continuità e la crescita. Il raggiungimento di questo obiettivo è dimostrato dal fatto che lavora in maniera prevalente con i medesimi artigiani, i quali garantiscono i Servizi considerati sicuri, dai rapporti lavorativi pluriennali. <p>&nbsp;</p> <h4>I nostri servizi di ristrutturazioni e opere edili</h4> <p>Le opere che eseguiamo sono elencate qui per aver maggio
Zatyczka zbiornika D.60.TE z kluczem - Zatyczki / Korki

Zatyczka zbiornika D.60.TE z kluczem - Zatyczki / Korki

D.60.TE fuel tank cap with key, in plastic material, hermetic, with internal bayonet coupling, passage diameter 60 mm with sealing gasket. This product is equipped with lock protection door with “DIESEL” writing, to protect it from dust, debris residues and rainwater. At your request, we can supply it equipped with safety chains or cables. This product shall be sold with our bayonet filling systems passage 60 mm. The D.60.TE tank cap with key is mainly used in truck tanks, on agricultural and construction equipment, and in power generator tanks. We guarantee always quality and reliability of our product. PASSAGE DIAMETER:60 mm Passage
D.40 G 1.1/2” korek zbiornika - Korki / Zatyczki

D.40 G 1.1/2” korek zbiornika - Korki / Zatyczki

D.40 G 1.1/2″ tank cap, male threaded, in plastic and steel material, with different types of sealing gasket in relation to the fluid in the tank. It is available hermetic or ventilated and it can be proposed in 4 colors (black, blue, red, green) for various needs in different sectors; it can also be equipped with removable filter and/or safety chain or cable. This product is customizable with company logos, writings and drawings. We manufacture types with all metal components in stainless steel for nautical applications and corrosive environments. D.40 G 1.1/2″ filling plug is also used in hydraulic field, such as on hydraulic power units. For a perfect match, we suggest to combine our threaded cap with our G 1”.1/2 female threaded filler neck. The adoption of accurate production processes performed with latest generation CNC numerical control machines and the use of selected raw materials, are the first guarantee of quality and reliability over time of our product. CATEGORY:Caps / Plugs PASSAGE DIAMETER:45 mm Passage
Zakrętka zbiornika ASM.CB - Nakrętki / Wtyczki

Zakrętka zbiornika ASM.CB - Nakrętki / Wtyczki

ASM.CB fuel tank cap, in aluminium and steel material, with internal bayonet coupling, passage diameter 40 mm and different types of sealing gasket in relation to the fluid in the tank. It is available hermetic, ventilated or ventilated through valves. For the optimal operation of the endothermic engine or in case it is required by law or specific regulations, the ASM.CB tank cap can be equipped with unidirectional valves, that allow both the expulsion of vapors generated by fuel and the air inlet into the tank; moreover, in case of tank overturning, the loss of fuel is limited by the valves of controlled ventilation system. We can supply versions equipped with safety chains or cables and with customized writings, company logos and drawings on request. This product shall be sold with our bayonet filling systems passage 40 mm. Thanks to its ergonomic design and its technical features, the ASM. PASSAGE DIAMETER:40 mm Passage
Zatyczka zbiornika TED - Kapsle / Zatyczki

Zatyczka zbiornika TED - Kapsle / Zatyczki

TED tank cap for oil and fuel, in steel and stainless steel material, with internal bayonet coupling passage diameter 30 mm and different types of sealing gasket in relation to the fluid in the tank. It is available hermetic, ventilated or ventilated through valves. For the optimal operation of the endothermic engine or in case it is required by law or specific regulations, the TED tank cap can be equipped with unidirectional valves, that allow both the expulsion of vapors generated by fuel and the air inlet into the tank; moreover, in case of tank overturning, the loss of fuel is limited by the valves of controlled ventilation system. We manufacture types with all metal components in stainless steel for nautical application, corrosive environments and Urea solutions (AUS 32 (AdBlue®)). The steel version can be supplied also in black color. PASSAGE DIAMETER:30 mm Passage
Zatyczka zbiornika TED z kluczem - Zatyczki / Korki

Zatyczka zbiornika TED z kluczem - Zatyczki / Korki

TED tank cap with key for oil and fuel, in steel and stainless steel material, with internal bayonet coupling passage diameter 30 mm and different types of sealing gasket in relation to the fluid in the tank. It is available hermetic or ventilated. The steel variant can be supplied in black version. At your request, the TED filling plug with key can be equipped with safety chains or cables. This product shall be sold with our internal bayonet filler necks passage diameter 30 mm or with our niche series 45 for connection to oil or fuel flexible fuel hose Ø 45 mm. The TED fuel tank cap with key is used for different applications in several industrial fields, and, thanks to its small size and its high quality, it is particularly suitable in the fields of pneumatics and oil-hydraulics, as well as oil cap in generating sets, earth moving machines, excavators and so on. PASSAGE DIAMETER:30 mm Passage
Korek zbiornika P3 z gwintem żeńskim 32 mm przejście - Korki / Zatyczki

Korek zbiornika P3 z gwintem żeńskim 32 mm przejście - Korki / Zatyczki

P3 tank cap for gasoline, diesel or biodiesel and cleanser, female threaded, in plastic material, passage diameter 32 mm with different types of sealing gasket in relation to the fluid in the tank. It is available hermetic, ventilated or ventilated through valves. For the optimal operation of the endothermic engine or in case it is required by law or specific regulations, the P3 tank cap can be equipped with unidirectional valves, that allow both the expulsion of vapors generated by fuel and the air inlet into the tank; moreover, in case of tank overturning, the loss of fuel is limited by the valves of controlled ventilation system. On request, we can supply versions with different colours, customized writings and logos. We also provide versions with modified design for easing the handle even when worker uses work gloves. We supply P3 filling plug combined to our P3 threaded filling system, possibly also equipped with safety cable and removable filter. CATEGORY:Caps / Plugs PASSAGE DIAMETER:32 mm Passage
Przejście gwintowanego wlewu P3 32 mm - Wlewy / Systemy napełniania

Przejście gwintowanego wlewu P3 32 mm - Wlewy / Systemy napełniania

P3 filler neck male threaded, in steel or aluminium material, passage diameter 32 mm, to be welded on tanks or to be connected to flexible pipes for fuel, hydraulic oils and other fluids. This product is available in different materials and, on request, we can provide it with vent connection, removable filter or welded to a suitable fixing plate. P3 filler neck is supplied in combined with our P3, PGE and IGP threaded tank caps and it is generally used on tanks of construction and agriculture vehicles, such as earth moving machines and motor mowers, on machines for cleaning and environment and in fuel and oil tanks of special vehicles, such as go-karts and remote controlled model cars. For more details on the variants and threads of the filler neck P3 special thread, we invite you to consult the data sheets from the widget below. The use of accurate production processes in all phases and the careful selection of raw materials guarantee quality and reliability of our product over time. CATEGORY:Filler Necks / Filling Systems PASSAGE DIAMETER:32 mm Passage
960 korek zbiornika z gwintem żeńskim 32 mm przejście - Korki / Zatyczki

960 korek zbiornika z gwintem żeńskim 32 mm przejście - Korki / Zatyczki

960 tank cap female threaded, in plastic material, passage diameter 22 mm, with different types of sealing gasket in relation to the fluid in the tank. It is available hermetic or ventilated and in different colours on request. The special threaded filler neck profile, compatible with 960 cap, is obtained directly from the tank molding. 960 filling plug is used in different building and agriculture applications, especially on auxiliary water and oil tanks of small sizes. For more details on the variants and threads of this tank cap, we invite you to consult the data sheets from the widget below. The careful selection of raw materials and the adoption of accurate production processes allow us to always guarantee quality and reliability of our product. We perform several strength and durability tests and test for product quality control during the various processing phases. On request we can issue the relevant certificates in compliance with national and CE regulations. PASSAGE DIAMETER:22 mm Passage
Zatyczka zbiornika TED

Zatyczka zbiornika TED

Tappo serbatoio TED per olio e carburante in acciaio e acciaio inox, con innesto a baionetta interna, diametro di passaggio 30 mm, completo di guarnizione di tenuta di varie tipologie in relazione al fluido contenuto nel serbatoio. E’ disponibile ermetico, ventilato o ventilato con valvole. Per il funzionamento ottimale del motore endotermico o nel caso sia richiesto da normative specifiche, il tappo serbatoio TED può essere dotato di valvole unidirezionali che consentono sia lo sfiato dei vapori generati dal carburante, sia l’ingresso di aria nel serbatoio; inoltre, in caso di ribaltamento del serbatoio, la perdita di carburante è limitata dalle valvole del sistema di ventilazione controllata. Per applicazioni nautiche, ambienti corrosivi e soluzioni di urea (AUS 32 (AdBlue®)) il prodotto viene fornito con tutti i componenti metallici in acciaio inox. La versione in acciaio è disponibile anche nella variante nera.
Seria Nisz 32-40-50 - Nisze / Uchwyt do napełniania pokładu

Seria Nisz 32-40-50 - Nisze / Uchwyt do napełniania pokładu

Cases for deck filler 32-40-50 mm series in technopolymer, for connection to filling flexible hose with three different diameters: Ø 32 mm (for water) Ø 40 mm (for fuel) Ø 50 mm (for fuel). These niches are supplied in combination with three possible our internal bayonet tank caps passage diameter 40 mm: 240 tank cap AIR tank cap V7 S tank cap It’s available the new rectangular NBR sealing gasket, specifically designed for all our external plastic deck fill holders. This gasket provides a perfect seal without the need for sealants or silicone, thus making assembly, disassembly and maintenance operations faster. We can produce our flush-mount plastic compartments for plug housing in a wide range of colors (black, blue, red, green, white) to meet the most varied aesthetic requirements or allow a better identification of the type of fluid to be loaded into the tank. CATEGORY:Niches / Deckfill Holder PASSAGE DIAMETER:40 mm Passage
Zatyczka zbiornika GR z kluczykiem - Zatyczki / Zatyczki

Zatyczka zbiornika GR z kluczykiem - Zatyczki / Zatyczki

GR fuel tank cap with key for gasoline, diesel or biodiesel, hydraulic oil and lubricating oil, in steel and stainless steel material, with internal bayonet coupling passage diameter 40 mm and different types of sealing gasket in relation to the fluid in the tank. It is available hermetic or ventilated. The steel version can be also supplied with black cap covering. This product shall be sold with our bayonet filling systems passage 40 mm. The shape of GR filling plug facilitates its handle even when the operator is using work gloves: it is therefore mainly used in agricultural and building sectors, in particular on tanks of agricultural machines, earth moving machines and building machines. The careful selection of raw materials and the adoption of innovative and rigorous production processes allow us to always guarantee quality and reliability of our product. PASSAGE DIAMETER:40 mm Passage
Zatyczka zbiornika D.60 - Kapsle / Zatyczki

Zatyczka zbiornika D.60 - Kapsle / Zatyczki

D.60 steel fuel tank cap for gasoline, diesel or biodiesel, internal bayonet coupling passage diameter 60 mm, with sealing gasket. It is available hermetic or ventilated and, at your request, we can supply it in different colors for various needs in the fields of use and it can be equipped with safety chains or cables. This product shall be sold with our niche series 70 for connection to flexible fuel hose passage Ø 70 mm or with bayonet filling systems passage 60 mm, which can be possibly provided with anti-syphon device or removable filters. Thanks to its feature and its ergonomic design, the D.60 cap with key is widely used on tanks of trucks, on building and agricultural machines, on earth moving machines, on generating sets tanks and so on. We aways guarantee quality and reliability of our product. We perform several strength and durability tests and tests for product quality control during the various processing phases. PASSAGE DIAMETER:60 mm Passage
Zatyczka zbiornika D.96 - Zatyczki / Korki

Zatyczka zbiornika D.96 - Zatyczki / Korki

D.96 tank cap for gasoline, diesel or biodiesel, hydraulic oil, lubricating oil and cleanser, in technopolymer and steel material, with internal bayonet coupling passage diameter 40 mm and diameter of cap covering 96 mm. This cap is equipped with different types of sealing gasket in relation to the fluid in the tank. It is available hermetic or ventilated and, at your request, in varied colors for various needs in different sectors. We can propose this product equipped with safety chains or cables or in a version with padlock, thanks to the Ø 96 mm cap covering. We manufacture types with all metal components in stainless steel for nautical applications, corrosive environments as well as for biodiesel and urea solutions tanks (AUS 32 (AdBlue®). This product shall be sold with our bayonet filling systems passage Ø 40 mm or with our niches for connection to flexible fuel hose Ø 60 mm or with our complete filling systems, that we can customize in relation to you specific needs. PASSAGE DIAMETER:40 mm Passage
Zapasowa nakrętka AIR RCM z kluczem do zbiornika kampera - Nakrętki / Zatyczki

Zapasowa nakrętka AIR RCM z kluczem do zbiornika kampera - Nakrętki / Zatyczki

AIR RCM spare cap with key for camper, caravan and motorhome in technopolymer and aluminium material, with internal bayonet coupling passage diameter 40 mm and aluminium reduction flange, suitable for diesel, gasoline and water tanks. We supply this cap in black, in grey or white color and, on request, with fixed code double key, for opening more caps with the same key. The AIR RCM spare cap is combined with our aluminium reduction flange, which allows an easy and quick replacement of the existing loading system, without having to modify the wall panels of the camper, caravan and motorhome. The following video shows the sequence of the substitution phases: Versions with ventilated cap, or hermetic are available. Our vent connection can be mounted on the loading system, according to your specific requirements. List of components included in kits with reduction flange: AIR cap 240 Loading system with external reduction flange in aluminium PASSAGE DIAMETER:40 mm Passage