Repar SM: Strukturalny cement szpachlowy, tiksotropowy, szybko twardniejący
Repar SM
Fine skim, monocomponent, thixotropic, rheoplastic, composite , "multipurpose", fast solidifying. Perfect for millimetre and cosmetic smoothing of artefacts and works of concrete in structural and/or functional restoration.
Repar SM is a fine plaster, monocomponent, thixotropic, rheoplastic, composite , "multipurpose"; based on high-resistance cements, superpozzolanic fillers, hydrodispersed polymeric resins, plasticisers, stabilisers, and anticorrosives, antiallergic additives, selected aggregates, microfibres.
Repairs, finishing coats, protective and waterproofing coatings, planar regularisations, surface coatings, adhesives, etc., on concrete and masonry supports, even in cold weather.
Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface".
Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Repar SM and the remaining water; continue to mix until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. The mixing water should be about 15-18% of the weight of the bag. After mixing is completed wait a few minutes before applying. It is recommended to prepare a limited quantity of mixture at a time, to avoid waste.
Smoothe the surfaces to be regularised by applying the product with a spatula, sponge float, etc.
Approximately 1.65 kg/m² of Repar SM for each millimetre of thickness to be made.
Bag 25 kg