Produkty dla elementy kolumny kierowniczej (2)

linka hamulcowa

linka hamulcowa

The brake cable is a high-quality brake cable designed to ensure reliable and efficient braking performance for various vehicles. This component is perfect for both residential and commercial use, offering a dependable solution for maintaining and repairing your vehicle's braking system. Its durable construction and precise engineering make it a reliable choice for those seeking to enhance their vehicle's safety and performance. With the brake cable, users can enjoy improved braking accuracy and responsiveness, thanks to its advanced design and engineering. The easy installation process and compatibility with a wide range of vehicles make it a popular choice among technicians and vehicle owners. Whether you're repairing a lawn mower or maintaining an industrial vehicle, the brake cable is the ideal choice for ensuring the continued efficiency and reliability of your braking system.


Errecinque progetta e realizza tubazioni termoplastiche per un'ampia parte del circuito di raffreddamento/riscaldamento/climatizzazione dei veicoli ad alimentazione elettrica. Vengono prodotte tubazioni di collegamento ai circuiti batteria, motore elettrico, inverter, converter, pompa acqua, scambiatore di calore, vaschetta di espansione, radiatore, intercooler, ecc... Le tubazioni possono avere interfacce standard o specifiche in base alla tipologia di collegamento presente sui vari gruppi. Vengono realizzati inoltre layout ad hoc per ogni esigenza del Cliente senza alcun limite di forma e lunghezza