Produkty dla en organizacja (2189)

Anti-Age Twarz i kontur oczu

Anti-Age Twarz i kontur oczu

Crema Anti-Age Scopri il Prodotto L'azione anti-age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è determinata dalla sapiente miscelazione di ingredienti della tradizione cosmetica con attivi innovativi. Contiene un preparato brevettato di due principi attivi estratti da cellule staminali vegetali, per una tripla azione, dalla rivoluzionaria performance anti-age. La crema viso e contorno occhi anti-Age Staminax è sviluppata, prodotta e confezionata in Italia da professionisti farmaceutici e cosmetici con esperienza decennale. La Formula I due attivi, sono inclusi in una formula preziosa, con Olio d'Argan, Olio di Jojoba, Olio di Vinaccioli e Burro di Karatè. Per un prodotto sublime 99,8% di ingredienti Naturali 50,2% di ingredienti Biologici Senza Profumo Senza Parabeni Senza OGM Senza derivati animali Vegano Non testato su animali L'Efficacia Il potere Anti-Age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è garantito dall'alto contenuto di estratti da cellule staminali vegetali. Il primo stimola le nostre cellule a produrre collagene normalmente presente nella pelle umana, donando elasticità alla pelle, prevenendo e riducendo le rughe. Il secondo stimola la degradazione della bilirubina riducendo le occhiaie e migliora la microcircolazione riducendo le occhiaie. Gli Studi Sicurezza e Efficacia: Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili, studio condotto su 25 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo. Nichel Tested Testato per altri 8 metalli pesanti Efficacia testa in Vivo, studio condotto su 30 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo. Per aproffondimenti visita il sito :


Le compresse deglutibili sono una forma classica di integratori alimentari, progettate per essere ingerite facilmente con un bicchiere d'acqua. Queste compresse offrono una concentrazione precisa di nutrienti, garantendo un dosaggio accurato e costante. Ideali per chi cerca un metodo semplice e diretto per integrare la propria dieta, le compresse deglutibili sono una scelta affidabile per molti consumatori.
Liście Molokhia

Liście Molokhia

Purity: 100% pure leaves no stems, crushed machine cleaned with no foreign substances Packaging: 5 kg carton box for the leaves (200gr 400gr retail carton boxes) – 20 kg polypropylene bags for crushed leaves Molokhia, also known as jute leaves, is a popular leafy green vegetable in Middle Eastern and North African cuisines. It is often used in soups and stews, providing a unique, slightly slimy texture and a rich, earthy flavor. At Caliph Trade, we offer high-quality molokhia that is carefully dried to preserve its nutritional value and flavor. Our molokhia is perfect for adding a touch of authenticity to your traditional dishes. Beyond its culinary uses, molokhia is packed with nutrients, including vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron. It is known for its health benefits, such as supporting immune function and promoting healthy digestion. Our molokhia is sourced from reputable farms, ensuring that you receive a product that is both nutritious and flavorful. Trust Caliph Trade for your molokhia needs and enjoy the taste and health benefits it brings to your meals.
Ogonek indyka

Ogonek indyka

Turkey Tail, scientifically known as Trametes versicolor, is a type of mushroom known for its unique appearance resembling the tail feathers of a turkey. It boasts a rich history in traditional medicine, particularly in Asian cultures, where it has been used for centuries for its potential health benefits. They are commonly consumed in tea form or as a dietary supplement to harness their medicinal properties.
Ekologiczny szafran z Maroka - Hurtowa sprzedaż szafranu

Ekologiczny szafran z Maroka - Hurtowa sprzedaż szafranu

Producteur safran qualité supérieure. Grossiste Safran bio pur. Fournisseur de safran certifié bio.
Żarówka, Żaróweczka, Ząbki czosnku PRO - Hurtowy dostawca Żarówka Czosnek Pro w cenach producenta BIO/CONV

Żarówka, Żaróweczka, Ząbki czosnku PRO - Hurtowy dostawca Żarówka Czosnek Pro w cenach producenta BIO/CONV

Bulbiverse, fournisseur et grossiste spécialisé en bulbes bulbilles et Caïeux d’ail bio et conventionnels, propose une large gamme à prix producteur. Bénéficiez d’un service commercial joignable et réactif 24h, avec devis gratuit et conseils personnalisés pour répondre aux besoins des maraîchers et producteurs. Livraison rapide partout en Europe à partir d’un sac, avec possibilité de commandes groupées pour optimiser vos coûts. Nos bulbes, rigoureusement sélectionnés, garantissent des rendements élevés, une excellente conservation et sont adaptés aux pratiques biologiques et conventionnelles. Vente en ligne. Faites confiance à Bulbiverse pour réussir vos cultures d'ail avec un accompagnement expert et un service sur mesure. Conditionnement : Sac 25 KG, 20 KG, 10 KG, 5 KG, 1 KG, 500 gr, 250 gr Nombreux Calibres : 14/21, 7/14, 10/21, 45+, 60+, 50/60, 15/40, 15/35, 45/60, 22/26, 12/21 Site Internet : Bulbes Ail Automne Germidour:Sac 25 KG, 20 KG, 10 KG, 5 KG, 1 KG, 500 gr, 250 gr Bulbes Ail Automne Messidrome:Sac 25 KG, 20 KG, 10 KG, 5 KG, 1 KG, 500 gr, 250 gr Bulbes Ail Automne Thermidrome:Sac 25 KG, 20 KG, 10 KG, 5 KG, 1 KG, 500 gr, 250 gr Bulbes Ail Automne Messidor:Sac 25 KG, 20 KG, 10 KG, 5 KG, 1 KG, 500 gr, 250 gr Bulbes Ail Printemps Eden Rose:Sac 25 KG, 20 KG, 10 KG, 5 KG, 1 KG, 500 gr, 250 gr Bulbes Ail Printemps Flavor:Sac 25 KG, 20 KG, 10 KG, 5 KG, 1 KG, 500 gr, 250 gr
Zabieg olejowy 12oz (355ml)

Zabieg olejowy 12oz (355ml)

Complexe d’huile, Enrichi avec du thé vert et du ginseng. Aide a hydrater le cuir chevelu et a atténuer les démangeaisons N’alourdit pas le cheveux Efficace sur cheveux naturels, défrisés, colorés etc.. Poids:341 g
LAPACHO Rindentee w 100g i 1000g workach etykietowanych lub neutralnych

LAPACHO Rindentee w 100g i 1000g workach etykietowanych lub neutralnych

100 % geschnittene Lapachorinde aus Wildwuchs LAPACHO Rindentee, pflanzliche Antioxidantien für starke Abwehrkräfte: Neben Calcium, Eisen und Kalium befinden sich auch seltene Spurenelemente wie Strontium, Barium, Jod und Bor in der inneren Rinde, die dem menschlichen Körper oft fehlen. Die Inkas nannten Lapacho den „Baum des Lebens“ und tranken den Tee, um ihre Beschwerden zu lindern. Heute wird Lapacho in den Krankenhäusern Südamerikas aufgrund seiner immunstärkenden Wirkung als Stärkungstee eingesetzt. ANWENDUNG: Die Lapachorinde besitzt keine aufputschenden Substanzen und ist auch für Kinder ideal geeignet. HERSTELLUNG: Lapacho innerer Rindentee stammt aus Wildsammlungen und wird nach dem Prinzip der erhaltenden Erntemethode gewonnen, wonach nur ein kleiner Anteil der Rinde entfernt wird die schnell nachwächst. • Dadurch wird der Regenwald ökologisch sinnvoll genutzt und nicht ausgebeutet oder zerstört. • Nachdem die Rinde vom Stamm abgeschält ist, trennt man die äußeren Borkenteile von der inneren wertvollen Rinde, die anschließend in einem dunklen und trockenen Raum gelagert wird. VERZEHREMPFEHLUNG: 1 Esslöffel Lapacho Rindentee in einem ½ Liter Wasser ca. 5 Minuten kochen und anschließend etwa 15 Minuten ziehen lassen. Ein kleiner Spritzer Zitronensaft beim Aufgießen dem Tee beigemischt, hilft die Mineralstoffe besser heraus zu lösen. Der Rindentee kann in beliebiger Menge, heiß oder kalt getrunken werden. Beutel: 100g + 1000g
Puryn czosnkowy – Naturalne leczenie mszyc i chrabąszczy

Puryn czosnkowy – Naturalne leczenie mszyc i chrabąszczy

Description Extrait d’ail artisanal L’extrait d’ail est utilisé en prévention contre l’oïdium et la cloque du pêcher, le Botrytis Cinera (pourriture grise qui attaque la vigne et la tomate), sur les acariens (tarsonèmes du fraisier) et les thrips (avec un complément de purin de fougère), la fonte des semis, la mouche de l’oignon et les larves de tipules. Efficace contre les pucerons et les chenilles. Eloigne les mulots, les lapins, les chevreuils en badigeons sur les arbres, dans les galeries contre les taupes . Les fraises traitées avec l’extrait d’ail gardent toute leur saveur et leur goût n’est en rien altéré par l’ail. Sur les fraisiers, potager, vigne, fruitier, arbustes à fleurs et plantes d’appartement : diluer à 2 % (20cl pour 9,8 litres d’eau) Contre les attaques des pucerons sur vos rosiers : diluer à 5 % pour un premier passage POIDS:2 kg DIMENSIONS:20 × 20 × 30 cm
Organiczny proszek białka grochu - Organiczny proszek białka grochu

Organiczny proszek białka grochu - Organiczny proszek białka grochu

"Wat is Erwt proteine poeder? Erwten, iedereen kent erwten: ze zijn klein, rond en groen. De meeste mensen vinden ze lekker en sommige mensen vinden ze vies. De bekendste toepassing van erwten is die van snert. Maar erwten worden ook gebruikt als basisgrondstof voor de productie van erwten proteïne poeder. Een proteïnepoeder wordt ook wel een eiwitpoeder genoemd. Een proteïnepoeder zit dus vol met eiwitten. Sporters gebruiken proteïnepoeders om hun spieropbouw te ondersteunen. Spieren hebben eiwitten nodig om zich te kunnen ontwikkelen en om te herstellen. En een van de meest gebruikte plantaardige eiwitbronnen is erwtenproteïne poeder. Hoe wordt Erwt proteine poeder gemaakt? Na de oogst worden de erwten geselecteerd, schoongemaakt en vloeibaar gemaakt. Het eiwit wordt gewonnen door middel van een dubbel scheiding proces: de eiwit vloeistof wordt afgegoten en vervolgens gezuiverd. Het wordt daarna gedroogd, gezeefd, geïnspecteerd en verpakt voor verzending.…"
Serum antyoksydacyjne z 1% kwasu hialuronowego i witaminą E (Cod. 30XT)

Serum antyoksydacyjne z 1% kwasu hialuronowego i witaminą E (Cod. 30XT)

Siero Glicerosomiale con principi attivi idratanti e lenitivi a base di Ialuronico Acido e Vitamina E. Efficace nel trattamento urto per pelli sottoposte a stress cutaneo mostra segni di sensibilità, irritazione e arrossamento. Ideale per lenire gli arrossamenti. Anche perfetto come dopobarba per uomo o come terapia domiciliare per una bellezza particolarmente irritante trattamenti. È formulato con pochissimi ingredienti, in assenza di PEG, EDTA, siliconi e parabeni. La Tecnologia Glicerosomiale, brevetto esclusivo Prigen, è in grado di favorire l'azione di Vitamina E di oltre 3 volte per garantire un risultato sicuro ed efficace. Grande attenzione è stata posta nella selezione delle materie prime, tutte di origine vegetale, che lo fanno non appesantire la formula con ingredienti aggressivi. INCI:Acqua, glicerina, lecitina, ialuronato di sodio, acetato
Szlafrok hammam - Winogrono

Szlafrok hammam - Winogrono

Hammam bathrobe - Grape SKU:F4W-BR-El-grp Model:Elephant
Organiczny Oliwa z Oliwek Extra Virgin

Organiczny Oliwa z Oliwek Extra Virgin

Organic virgin olive vegetable oil is obtained by first cold pressing Olea Europea’s fruits. This fruit grows on a well-known tree that is widespread throughout the Mediterranean. The great presence of oleic acid (omega 9) stands out in its composition, which is considered one of the great moisturizers in nature. Hydroxytyrosol, as well as squlenes and vitamin E, are its main antioxidants. Phytosterols act with their repairing action. Virgin olive vegetable oil is a natural and ecological product. INCI:OLEA EUROPAEA FRUIT OIL CAS:8001-25-0 EINECS:232-277-0
Pełne mleko w proszku

Pełne mleko w proszku

Supplier of Whole Milk Powder for sale in Europe. We export milk powder of all kinds, including skimmed milk powder, Nido, and full cream milk powder in 25kg bags. Our milk powder is produced under strict quality controls, ensuring that it retains all the essential nutrients and flavors. Ideal for baking, cooking, or as a nutritional supplement, our milk powder is a versatile ingredient for various applications. We are committed to providing high-quality dairy products that meet international standards.
Mleko Milkyland 1,5%

Mleko Milkyland 1,5%

Enjoy the light and refreshing taste of Milkyland milk 1.5%, a premium dairy product that offers a perfect balance of flavor and nutrition. This milk is sourced from the finest dairy farms, ensuring a fresh and wholesome taste that is ideal for drinking, cooking, and baking. With its smooth and creamy texture, Milkyland milk 1.5% is a versatile ingredient that enhances the flavor and nutrition of your favorite recipes. Milkyland milk 1.5% is a low-fat option that provides essential nutrients, including calcium and vitamin D, making it a healthy choice for those who are mindful of their dietary intake. Its light and refreshing taste make it a delightful addition to your morning cereal, coffee, or smoothies. Whether you're enjoying a glass of milk on its own or using it as a base for your culinary creations, Milkyland milk 1.5% is the perfect choice for those who appreciate the taste and quality of premium dairy products. Embrace the goodness of Milkyland milk 1.5% and experience the difference that high-quality milk can make in your daily routine.
Guarana - superfood, organiczny, kofeina

Guarana - superfood, organiczny, kofeina

Il guaranà è una pianta originaria della regione amazzonica, in particolare del Brasile. È conosciuta per i suoi semi, che contengono una quantità significativa di caffeina, spesso superiore a quella dei chicchi di caffè. Il guaranà è comunemente utilizzata come stimolante naturale per migliorare l'energia e la concentrazione. La guaranà è comunemente utilizzata come stimolante naturale per migliorare l'energia e la concentrazione.
Oliwa z Oliwek Extra Virgin z Oliwek Picual Wybór CD, Zbiory

Oliwa z Oliwek Extra Virgin z Oliwek Picual Wybór CD, Zbiory

Práctica y económica presentación para su AOVE de uso diario en la cocina. Es nuestro PICUAL virgen extra con la misma calidad de la botella de cristal, pero más económico.
Ekologiczne Zapałki do Grilla, Zapałki BBQ - 24 szt.

Ekologiczne Zapałki do Grilla, Zapałki BBQ - 24 szt.

Ignite your fires effortlessly with WOODBIOMA Match Firelighters. Each match in this carton box is an eco-friendly marvel, providing a robust 6-minute burn time to start your fires quickly and safely. Made exclusively from biomass with no added chemicals, these firelighters are non-toxic and have no unpleasant odors. They're perfect for indoor or outdoor use, ensuring a clean and environmentally responsible burn every time. Whether you're kindling a campfire, barbecue, or cozy hearth, these cubes are your go-to for a reliable, natural flame.
Nawóz Ciekły - Biota 7-2-3

Nawóz Ciekły - Biota 7-2-3

Biota 7-2-3 is unique because of it being the highest concentrated liquid biological single fertilizer on the market. Due to the unique production process, the nutrients are 100% present in the solution and can therefore be taken up directly by the plant. It can be used as a quickly accessible source of nitrogen, during maximum vegetative development and to recover from nitrogen deficiency. Another unique feature of Biota 7-2-3 is its low content of chlorine, sodium and sulfur. The product is fully made from plant-based materials and approved for use in organic agri- and horticulture. The ingredients are partly sourced from agricultural waste. Due to the natural origin, the nutrient content may vary. Can be used as a supplement to nitrogen in the soil or as a replacement if the soil contains at least 3% organic matter. Repeated applications of Azotobacter nitrogen fixating bacteria can be reduced by using Biota 7-2-3. Nitrogen (N total) 7%:Liquid Phosphate (P2O5) 2%:Specific gravity 1,12-1,15 kg/liter Potassium (K2O) 3%:Organic matter 7% Sodium (Na2O) <0,1%:pH 4-5
Karczochy w organicznej oliwie z oliwek extra virgin 120g — Włoskie smaki wegańskie - buononaturale

Karczochy w organicznej oliwie z oliwek extra virgin 120g — Włoskie smaki wegańskie - buononaturale

Les artichauts buononaturale sont cultivés, fraîchement transformés et conservés dans de l'huile d'olive biologique de haute qualité selon les normes biologiques. Cet aliment riche en nutriments est prêt à être dégusté comme apéritif élégant ou comme amuse-gueule lors de happy hours (ou d'apéritifs à la manière italienne), mais peut tout aussi facilement et de manière créative être combiné avec d'autres ingrédients pour des repas savoureux. Ils sont présentés dans des bocaux en verre recyclables. Poids net:120g
Materiał folderu Mleko osła - Mleko osła

Materiał folderu Mleko osła - Mleko osła

Folded trifold brochure with information about the Donkey milk products. The brochure provides an overview of the products, but does not contain all products. On the back of the brochure there is space to place your own logo or stamp and at the bottom is the Sprelink logo. The brochures are intended to provide information and can be placed next to the products, for example. Let's try to avoid waste as much as possible, only order the brochures you really want. Prefer a folder with your own logo on the back? Ask us about the possibilities! Weight:0,01 kg
Bio sok z cytryny w proszku

Bio sok z cytryny w proszku

Unsere Saftpulver werden mit Hilfe eines innovativen Verfahrens unter Rohkostbedingungen hergestellt. Dies bedeutet, dass das Produkt zu keiner Zeit höheren Temperaturen als 41°C und niedrigeren Temperaturen als 1°C ausgesetzt wird. So können wir gewährleisten, dass nahezu alle Vitamine, Mineralien, sowie Farbe und Geschmack im Pulver erhalten bleiben.
Surowy czarny organiczny konopie

Surowy czarny organiczny konopie

Mortalhas Raw black organic hemp King Size > Mortalhas por Pacote: 32
ORGANICZNY proszek z grzybów migdałowych z Brazylii - Chem2Market GmbH

ORGANICZNY proszek z grzybów migdałowych z Brazylii - Chem2Market GmbH

Quality: for foodstuffs Processed plant part: Fruit body Extraction agent: Ethanol & water Carrier: Maltodextrin Scientific name: Agaricus blazei murrill The Brazilian almond mushroom is a mushroom native to Brazil and other tropical regions and is prized for its unique flavor and culinary value. The Brazilian almond mushroom is being studied in traditional medicine for its health benefits due to its potential health-promoting properties. Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided. Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. We also offer the following products: Acerola Field bean Field horsetail African black bean Elecampane Alpha lipoic acid Amla Artichoke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Valerian Bamboo Beta Glucan ORGANIC Birch leaf ORGANIC Brazilian almond ORGANIC Nettle ORGANIC Broccoli
Mąka słonecznikowa w BIG BAG z dostawą

Mąka słonecznikowa w BIG BAG z dostawą

Гранулиран слънчогледов шрот в Big Bag с тегло 1 тон. Параметри на продукта: • Протеин: 39% • Влажност: до 10,4% • Мазнини: 1,4% • Фибри: 22,8% Цена: • 1250 PLN за Big Bag, с доставка до провинцията. Mazowiecki или района около Бяла Подляска. Минимална поръчка от 22 тона - пълни количества, плащане след доставка на стоката. Допълнителна информация: • Сертификати за изтегляне и повече снимки на продукти можете да намерите на нашия уебсайт:; • Офертата идва от полска фирма; • Възможност за издаване на фактура по ДДС. Моля, свържете се с нас: 503#577#909 Обадете ни се и ни уведомете мястото за доставка и ние ще изчислим цената. Ние гарантираме кратки срокове за доставка и професионално обслужване. минимална поръчка:23 тона
Olej arganowy

Olej arganowy

Argan vegetable oil, known as the liquid gold of Morocco, is extracted from the fruits of the argan tree. This oil is rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamin E and other essential nutrients for skin and hair. It is appreciated for its moisturizing and nourishing properties, helping to soften and revitalize dry and dehydrated skin. Additionally, argan oil is known for its ability to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, as well as improve skin elasticity. In hair care, this essential oil helps strengthen hair, reduce frizz and improve shine, making it a popular option in treatments for dry and damaged hair. Its light texture and rapid absorption make it a versatile and highly valued oil in the world of personal care. Also available organic argan oil and deodorized argan oil. CONTAINER:25 kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg. INCI:Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil CAS:223747-87-3
Suszone Pomidory: Połówki - Połówki suszonych pomidorów

Suszone Pomidory: Połówki - Połówki suszonych pomidorów

Roma-style tomatoes that are picked at the peak of ripeness, dried naturally under the sun, with salt as the preservative, using the traditional method to develop the rich flavor profile characteristic of naturally sun dried tomatoes
Jadalny olej konopny - Smak oregano

Jadalny olej konopny - Smak oregano

Rediscover the cooking and its flavours through our innovative natural culinary hemp oil, from organic farming, made in France. Culinary oil made from organic hemp, oregano and chilli taste. Simple and quick to use, press the pump and season at your convenience.
Bioderma - Bioderma Sensibio, Woda micelarna Bioderma, Pigmentbio, Atoderm

Bioderma - Bioderma Sensibio, Woda micelarna Bioderma, Pigmentbio, Atoderm

Siete interessati ad assicurarvi un buon accesso a Bioderma? Bioderma è un marchio rinomato per la cura della pelle, riconosciuto per i suoi prodotti sviluppati da dermatologi e progettati per promuovere una pelle sana ed equilibrata. Uno dei suoi prodotti più venduti è l'acqua micellare Bioderma Sensibio H2O, famosa per le sue proprietà di rimozione del trucco e di pulizia della pelle delicate ed efficaci. B. Futurist B.V. aiuta il vostro business della bellezza a crescere assicurandovi un buon accesso a Bioderma e ad altri marchi di prodotti per la cura della pelle. Forniamo un portafoglio in crescita di oltre 800 marchi di bellezza che spaziano dalle fragranze ai cosmetici, dalla cura dei capelli ai filler dermici. Siete interessati ad acquistare marchi specifici o a ricevere offerte speciali da parte nostra? Non vediamo l'ora di lavorare con voi, contattateci oggi stesso.
Organiczny olej Sacha Inchi w beczce 60 litrów - Roślinny olej do gotowania w beczce 60 litrów dla przemysłu spożywczego

Organiczny olej Sacha Inchi w beczce 60 litrów - Roślinny olej do gotowania w beczce 60 litrów dla przemysłu spożywczego

Sacha-Inchi-Öl im zylindrischen 60-Liter-Metallfass der Marke Shanantina ist im Vertrieb für den europäischen und internationalen Markt erhältlich. Beez ist Importeur, Händler und Großhändler dieses hochwertigen Bio-Lebensmittel-Pflanzenöls. Dieses Pflanzenöl ist ein Lebensmittelprodukt, das aus den geschälten und kalt gepressten (erste Kaltpressung) Sacha-Inchi-Samen hergestellt wird. Sacha-Inchi-Öl ist reich an Omega-3-, -6- und -9-Fettsäuren sowie an Vitamin A und E. Betroffene Wirtschaftssektoren : - Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie - Kosmetikbranche Versand: Primärverpackung: Zylinder aus kaltgewalztem Stahl, innen mit Valspar EHD002 Epoxyphenollack beschichtet. Lagerung : Haltbarkeit: 18 Monate bei optimalen Lagerbedingungen in einem geschlossenen Behälter.