Produkty dla en organizacja (2127)

Krem przeciwstarzeniowy do twarzy i okolic oczu

Krem przeciwstarzeniowy do twarzy i okolic oczu

Crema Anti-Age viso e Contorno occhi Scopri il Prodotto L'azione anti-age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è determinata dalla sapiente miscelazione di ingredienti della tradizione cosmetica con attivi innovativi. Contiene un preparato brevettato di due principi attivi estratti da cellule staminali vegetali, per una tripla azione, dalla rivoluzionaria performance anti-age. La crema viso e contorno occhi anti-Age Staminax è sviluppata, prodotta e confezionata in Italia da professionisti farmaceutici e cosmetici con esperienza decennale. La Formula I due attivi, sono inclusi in una formula preziosa, con Olio d'Argan, Olio di Jojoba, Olio di Vinaccioli e Burro di Karatè. Per un prodotto sublime 99,8% di ingredienti Naturali 50,2% di ingredienti Biologici Senza Profumo Senza Parabeni Senza OGM Senza derivati animali Vegano Non testato su animali L'Efficacia Il potere Anti-Age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è garantito dall'alto contenuto di estratti da cellule staminali vegetali. Il primo stimola le nostre cellule a produrre collagene normalmente presente nella pelle umana, donando elasticità alla pelle, prevenendo e riducendo le rughe. Il secondo stimola la degradazione della bilirubina riducendo le occhiaie e migliora la microcircolazione riducendo le occhiaie. Gli Studi Sicurezza e Efficacia: Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili, studio condotto su 25 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo. Nichel Tested Testato per altri 8 metalli pesanti
Płynne integratory żywnościowe w kroplach

Płynne integratory żywnościowe w kroplach

Le gocce integratori alimentari sono una soluzione versatile e concentrata per chi desidera un'integrazione rapida e facile. Questi liquidi altamente concentrati possono essere aggiunti a bevande o cibi, rendendo l'assunzione dei nutrienti un processo semplice e discreto. Le gocce sono ideali per chi ha uno stile di vita frenetico e cerca un modo rapido per migliorare la propria salute.
Kwiat Hibiskusa - Suszone Zioła

Kwiat Hibiskusa - Suszone Zioła

Purity: 100% pure Hibiscus leaves or flowers. Less than 0.05% stems, 4-5% broken leaves, hand picked Packaging: 20kg in polypropylene bags or paper bags as per request Overview The tropical Hibiscus flower is a very popular item in spice shops all over the Middle East and Europe. It can be used in both sweet and savoury dishes. Hibiscus tea is also very widely enjoyed for both its flavour and health benefits. It can be chilled for a decent, tart drink. Dried hibiscus flowers can also be burnt and used as hair dyes. Common Uses Hibiscus tea is made from a mixture of dried flowers, leaves and the dark red calyces of this plant. In cooking it is used more than a garnish rather than for its flavour. When the dried, red flowers are seeped in boiled water, it releases a dark red colour and a very tart flavour that works well in both teas, cocktails and sauces. Recommended Storage The most important point is that dried herbs and spices can never go bad if they are kept dry. Yes, the potency is lost, but it will still influence the flavor of your cooking. Seeds, roots, leaves and flowers last longer than crushed or ground herbs and spices. When you are preparing to store your dry herbs and spices it is vital that they are completely dry. A good indication is to rub it with your finger to check if it crumbles. As oxygen degrades dried herbs and spices over time, you should store them in airtight containers. Glass jars with sealable lids are perfect, and so are metal tins. Plastic won’t do for long terms storage. Sunlight also degrades dried herbs and spices; therefore, it should be stored in a dark cabinet that is both cool and dry. If your spice rack is near the stove or cooker, steam will degrade your herbs and spices each time you open the container while cooking. When buying in bulk, you should always store only some of the dried herbs and spices in a glass or metal container. Each time you open it, it is exposed to the elements. When buying in bulk it is useful to label your containers with the purchase date and discard date.


Thaumatin, derived from the katemfe plant (Thaumatococcus daniellii), is a natural sweetener known for its intense sweetness, approximately 2000 to 3000 times sweeter than sugar. Widely used in foods and beverages, it's prized for its natural origin and potency. Its heat stability and low glycemic index make it a favorite for sugar-free, low-calorie, and diabetic-friendly products. Beyond sweetness, Thaumatin enhances flavors and acts as a natural preservative. While generally safe, adhering to recommended dosages is advised. Thaumatin's versatility and safety make it a popular choice for enhancing taste profiles and extending shelf life in various food and beverage applications. EC number:258-822-2 Molecular Formula:C19H29N3O3S CAS No:53850-34-3
Fraisier Mini-Tray Fraisiculteur - Cena dystrybutora - Hurtowy dostawca Fraisier Mini-Tray w cenach producenta ekologicznego i konwencjonalnego

Fraisier Mini-Tray Fraisiculteur - Cena dystrybutora - Hurtowy dostawca Fraisier Mini-Tray w cenach producenta ekologicznego i konwencjonalnego

Fraisiverse vous propose la plus large gamme variétale de fraisiers en France, incluant des fraisiers Frigo, Motte, Waiting Bed et Tray, le tout à prix producteur. Spécialiste de la vente en ligne, nous livrons partout en Europe toute l’année. Notre rapport qualité-prix est imbattable, avec un large choix de plants bio et conventionnels pour satisfaire fraisiculteurs et jardiniers. Nous offrons des devis gratuits et des conseils personnalisés pour vos projets de plantation. Notre service commercial est réactif et disponible 24h, avec un SAV de qualité. Faites confiance à Fraisiverse, votre partenaire fiable pour un approvisionnement continu et une expertise professionnelle. Site web : Fraisier Candiss, Capella, Capriss:Fraisier Charlotte, Chloe, Ciflorette Fraisier Cigaline, Cijosee, Cirafine:Fraisier Cireine, Dream, Gariguette Fraisier Gorella, Mara des Bois, Portola:Fraisier Rubis des Jardins, San Andreas, Senga-Sengana Fraisier Alba, Allegro, Aprica:Fraisier Asia, Bravura, Clery Fraisier Dahli, Daroyal, Darselect:Fraisier Dely, Elegance, Elsanta Fraisier Faith, Falco, Favori:Fraisier Flair, Florence, Florentina Fraisier Florice, Glorielle, Hademar:Fraisier Honeoye, Joly, Korona Fraisier Lambada, Lola, M.Centenary:Fraisier Magnus, Malga, Malling Centenary Fraisier Malwina, Marieka, Murano:Fraisier Ostara, Parlando, Polka Fraisier Renaissance, Rendezvous, Rendez-vous:Fraisier Rosaria, Rumba, Salsa Fraisier Senga Sengana, Seraphine, Sibilla:Fraisier Sonata, Sonsation, Symphony Fraisier Twist, Verdi, Magnum:Fraisier Twist, Verdi, Magnum Fraisier Favette, Gento, Mme Moutot:Fraisier Pajaro, Rabunda, Reine des Vallées Fraisier Surprise des Halles, Talisman, Vicomtesse Héricart de Thury:Fraisier Cantaliss, Cijosée,
Sprzedaż hurtowa oleju arganowego bio - Premium olej arganowy bio

Sprzedaż hurtowa oleju arganowego bio - Premium olej arganowy bio

Fournisseur huile d’argan certifiée. Huile d'argan en provenance du Maroc.
Bio sok z pomarańczy w proszku

Bio sok z pomarańczy w proszku

Unsere Saftpulver werden mit Hilfe eines innovativen Verfahrens unter Rohkostbedingungen hergestellt. Dies bedeutet, dass das Produkt zu keiner Zeit höheren Temperaturen als 41°C und niedrigeren Temperaturen als 1°C ausgesetzt wird. So können wir gewährleisten, dass nahezu alle Vitamine, Mineralien, sowie Farbe und Geschmack im Pulver erhalten bleiben.
Bio ACAI proszek owocowy w jakości premium, z Brazylii

Bio ACAI proszek owocowy w jakości premium, z Brazylii

AMAZONAS Naturprodukte Handels GmbH ist ein Direktimporteur von Acai und Hersteller, Produzent sowie Großhändler von Acai-Pulver und Acai-Tabletten. Wir bieten unsere Acai-Sortimente in Großmengen oder verpackt (mit oder ohne Etikett) an. Acai (Euterpe oleracea) ist eine kleine dunkelrote bis schwarze Beere, die in großen Trauben an 25 m hohen Acai-Palmen wächst. Diese wildwachsenden Bäume sind in der gesamten Amazonasregion zu finden. Besonders während geistiger und extremer körperlicher Anstrengung ist eine ausreichende Zufuhr von Antioxidantien wichtig, die hochwertige Naturprodukte wie Acai enthalten. Unser Acai enthält mindestens 3000 mg Polyphenole (Antioxidantien) pro 100 g Acai-Fruchtpulver-Extrakt. Unser B2B-Vertrieb liefert Acai-Pulver und Acai-Produkte an Händler, Großhändler zum Wiederverkauf und Großverbraucher im Lebensmittel- oder Industriesektor. Als Produzent von Acai bedienen wir die gesamte Lieferkette für Acai-Produkte, von der Rohstoffbeschaffung über Produktentwicklung und -herstellung bis hin zu Verpackung und Vertrieb an Wiederverkäufer oder Verbraucher. Gewicht: 80 g Dose Herkunft: Brasilien und Bolivien
Szampon Przeciwłupieżowy 8oz

Szampon Przeciwłupieżowy 8oz

Ce shampoing assainit le cuir chevelu en profondeur. Il possède une formule pour éliminer les pellicules, les particules blanches et les démangeaisons tout en préservant la balance hydratante naturelle du cuir chevelu . Sans parabène Traitement pour pellicules picotements et démangeaisons. Poids:227 g
MIELONY KUKURYDZA – Naturalny nawóz bogaty w azot - Sadzenie drzew owocowych

MIELONY KUKURYDZA – Naturalny nawóz bogaty w azot - Sadzenie drzew owocowych

Description La corne broyée, est un engrais naturel très riche en azote (14 %) à libération lente qui agit progressivement et de manière plus durable. Recommandé pour favoriser l’enracinement des arbres fruitiers. Enfoui dans la terre au pieds des végétaux, il suffira de seulement 50 g/m² de ce produit pour nourrir les plantes de massifs, directement dans les semis de printemps et le rempotage des plantes vertes 200 g aux pieds des arbres, des arbustes et des fruitiers 50 g dans le trou de plantation des tomates 100 g / m2 au démarrage des nouveaux gazons (favorise l’enracinement) 100 g en entretien des gazons La corne broyée s’épand sur la terre de préférence humide : griffer afin de bien l’incorporer au sol. Utilisation directe aux semis sans risques pour les racines et les jeunes plants. Une concentration d’azote pour toutes les plantes et arbustes en manque. Composition : AZOTE (N) : 14 % Phospore (P2O5) : 0 % Potassium ( K2O) : 0 % POIDS:ND DIMENSIONS:ND POIDS:20 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg, 3 kg, 5 kg
Całe Organiczne Fasole Mung

Całe Organiczne Fasole Mung

"Origin Mung beans Mung beans are unknown to many people, have been used for thousands of years in India and China, and yet almost everyone has come into contact with them at some point. Production process Mung beans Bean sprouts are the germ of what will eventually grow into a plant with pods (filled with mung beans). Not only bean sprouts is the way you came into contact with the Mung beans. Food items such as glass noodles are made from the bean. They are easily digestible but also super nutritious. Healthy properties Mung beans Mung beans are high in protein, protein and fiber, but few calories. The beans are rich in potassium (good for heart and blood vessels), folic acid, vitamin B and minerals."
Olej Sacha Inchi Bio 250 ml - Roślinny Olej Kulinarny Omega 3 Szklana Butelka 250 ml

Olej Sacha Inchi Bio 250 ml - Roślinny Olej Kulinarny Omega 3 Szklana Butelka 250 ml

Sacha-Inchi-Öl in der 250-ml-Flasche der Marke Shanantina ist im Vertrieb für den europäischen und internationalen Markt erhältlich. Beez ist Vertriebshändler für dieses biologische pflanzliche Speiseöl. Dieses Pflanzenöl ist ein Lebensmittelprodukt, das aus den geschälten und kalt gepressten (erste Kaltpressung) Samen der Sacha Inchi hergestellt wird. Sacha-Inchi-Öl ist reich an Omega 3, 6 und 9 sowie an den Vitaminen A und E. Betroffene Verbraucher : Dieses Bio-Öl ist für den direkten menschlichen Verzehr bestimmt, für die breite Öffentlichkeit Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene. Empfohlene Verwendung: Direkter Kaltverzehr für Salate oder Saucen. Allgemeine Bedingungen: Bewahren Sie das Produkt an einem kühlen, trockenen Ort bei einer Temperatur von unter 25 °C und vor Sonnenlicht geschützt auf. Haltbarkeit: 18 Monate bei optimalen Lagerbedingungen in einem geschlossenen Behälter. Versand : Primärverpackung: Glasflaschen (250 ml).
ROSSELLA Krem pod oczy

ROSSELLA Krem pod oczy

Siero ad azione idratante, tonificante e antietà, formulato per combattere efficacemente la caduta dei capelli compattezza della pelle e delle rughe, donando un aspetto più giovane al contorno occhi. La formula innovativa della crema occhi Time Freeze all'acido ialuronico di Rossylla (rinfrescante), che contiene due molecole di Acido Ialuronico, favorisce l'ottenimento ed il mantenimento duraturo di un'adeguata idratazione cutanea. La vitamina E esalta la luminosità del contorno occhi; piccoli peptidi aiutano a mantenere la pelle liscia, nonché la sua compattezza ed elasticità, garantendone un aspetto giovane e aspetto radioso. L'estratto di fave di cacao brasiliano, ad azione levigante e riparatrice, garantisce alla pelle una piacevole sensazione di freschezza.
Kimono - Zebra Czerwona

Kimono - Zebra Czerwona

Kimono - Zebra Red SKU:AZ-SH-KI-ZB-RD Model:Balyy Batik
Nawóz Ciekły - Biota Mangan 6%

Nawóz Ciekły - Biota Mangan 6%

Biota Manga is a concentrated single manganese fertiliser, based on lignosulphonic acid and part of our liquid organic single fertilizer line. Due to the unique production process, the nutrients are 100% present in the solution and can therefore be taken up directly by the plant. The product is fully made from plant-based materials and certified for use in organic agri- and horticulture. The ingredients are partly sourced from agricultural waste. Due to the natural origin, the nutrient content may vary. Biota Manga improves the photosynthesis of the crops. It manages enzymes which are responsible for green leaves. A shortage of manganese in the soil causes a pale green discolouration and speckled sports on the plant. Use Biota Manganese preventative for optimal growth and curative when a manganese deficiency occurs in the crop. Manganese creates strong cellular walls. Biota Manganese therefore increases resistance against fungal diseases. Manganese (Mn) Complexed by ligno-sulphonic acids 6%:Colour: Dark brown pH 7:Specific gravity (g/cc) 1.29
Pomarańcze - Świeże Owoce

Pomarańcze - Świeże Owoce

”HandelFresh’‘ is driven by a clear goal : to make the best Moroccan fruits and vegetables accessible to all. We not only emphasise quality, but also strive to provide the best personal service to our customers, our motto is ” A global company with personal touch” . By sourcing only from growers with a proven track record and stability are we able to give confidence in quality and efficient service. Sales can be contracted over a fixed period with agreed quantities and pricing. HandelFresh promises transparency, honesty, and an enduring commitment to supporting local communities.
Zielona herbata z Gwatemali - Zielona herbata

Zielona herbata z Gwatemali - Zielona herbata

Fournisseur de thé vert Guatemala, grossiste de thé vert Guatemala, thé vert premium Guatemala
Ekologiczny Proszek Buraczany; Ekologiczny Burak Pokrojony 10x10 mm; Proszek Buraczany; Burak - Chem2Market GmbH

Ekologiczny Proszek Buraczany; Ekologiczny Burak Pokrojony 10x10 mm; Proszek Buraczany; Burak - Chem2Market GmbH

Rote Bete wasserlöslicher Pulverextrakt 4:1 Qualität: für Lebensmittel Verarbeiteter Pflanzenteil: Wurzel Extraktionsmittel: Ethanol & Wasser Trägerstoff: Maltodextrin Rote Bete (Beta vulgaris L.), auch als Rote Rübe bekannt, ist ein Gemüse mit einer kräftigen roten Farbe und einem erdigen Geschmack. Sie ist reich an Ballaststoffen und Antioxidantien. Unsere Produkte werden als Bulkware verkauft. Bei den meisten unserer Produkte gibt es eine Mindestabnahmemenge von 25kg. Muster können bereitgestellt werden. Außerdem ist Plants2Market BIO und HACCP zertifiziert und seit Ende September 2023 DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 erstzertifiziert. Folgende Produkte bieten wir außerdem an: Acerola Ackerbohne Acker-Schachtelhalm Afrikanische Schwarzbohne Alant Alpha-Liponsäure Amla Artischocke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Baldrian Bambus Beta Glucan BIO Birkenblatt BIO Brasilianischer Mandelegerling BIO Brennnessel BIO Brokkoli BIO Chaga BIO Chlorella BIO Cranberry BIO Gerstengras BIO Ginseng
Acerola - Superfood, Zdrowe Odżywianie, Witamina C

Acerola - Superfood, Zdrowe Odżywianie, Witamina C

L'acerola, conosciuta anche come ciliegia delle Barbados o ciliegia delle Indie occidentali, è il frutto di un arbusto tropicale appartenente alla famiglia delle Malpighiaceae. Il suo nome scientifico è Malpighia glabra. Originaria delle regioni tropicali delle Americhe, in particolare dell'Amazzonia, del Brasile e delle Indie occidentali, l'acerola è famosa per il suo eccezionale contenuto di vitamina C e per i numerosi benefici per la salute.
Czerwone fasole

Czerwone fasole

Red Kidney Beans are a popular legume option that is perfect for a variety of culinary applications. As a wholesaler based in Germany, we offer a wide range of red kidney beans, known for their excellent quality and rich flavor. Our red kidney beans are ideal for soups, stews, salads, and more, providing a consistent and reliable source of plant-based protein and nutrients. Whether you're a home cook or a food manufacturer, our Red Kidney Beans are a trusted choice for your culinary needs.
Ser tarty trappista Milkyland

Ser tarty trappista Milkyland

Milkyland trappista grated is a shredded cheese that offers convenience and flavor in one package. Known for its mild and creamy taste, this cheese is perfect for melting over pizzas, pastas, and casseroles. Its smooth texture and balanced flavor make it a versatile choice for a wide range of dishes. Crafted from high-quality milk, Milkyland trappista grated is designed to provide a rich and satisfying cheese experience without the hassle of grating. It is a great source of calcium and protein, contributing to a healthy diet. Whether you're preparing a quick meal or a gourmet dish, Milkyland trappista grated is a reliable and delicious choice that will elevate your cooking.
Clementina Hernandina

Clementina Hernandina

The Clementina Hernandina is a variety of sweet and juicy citrus fruit, appreciated for its unique flavor and ease of consumption. These clementines are characterized by a thin and easily removable skin, bright orange in color, and tender, juicy flesh. They ripen from January to March, making them available during the winter months. The Clementine Hernandina is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which support the immune system and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. They are ideal for fresh consumption, in citrus salads, or as a healthy snack. Their natural sweetness also makes them perfect for preparing desserts and jams.
Olej z oliwek extra virgin w jednorazowych porcjach

Olej z oliwek extra virgin w jednorazowych porcjach

Aceite virgen extra en envases monodosis, de la más alta calidad. Ideal para eventos, restaurantes y hostelería.
Naturalne wióry drzewne z drewna suszonego w piecu do legowisk dla zwierząt i zwierząt domowych na sprzedaż

Naturalne wióry drzewne z drewna suszonego w piecu do legowisk dla zwierząt i zwierząt domowych na sprzedaż

Our high-quality wood shavings are an excellent choice for animal bedding, designed to provide a soft, comfortable, and hygienic environment for your pets or livestock. Made from 100% natural, kiln-dried wood, these shavings are free from harmful chemicals, making them safe for all types of animals. Soft and Comfortable: Our shavings are finely milled to ensure a soft bedding surface that helps reduce pressure points, keeping animals comfortable. Highly Absorbent: These shavings offer excellent absorbency, effectively controlling moisture and odors, keeping the bedding dry and fresh for longer periods. Dust-Free: Processed to reduce dust levels, our wood shavings minimize respiratory issues for both animals and handlers. Natural and Eco-Friendly: Made from sustainably sourced softwood, our wood shavings are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. Ideal for use with horses, chickens, rabbits, and other small animals, this bedding ensures superior comfort and cleanliness. Available in compressed bales for easy storage and transportation. Size of the 20 kg bag - 28x40x80 cm Full pallet 24 - 27 bags Full load 792 - 1026 bags
Małe fasole Alubia - Fasole

Małe fasole Alubia - Fasole

280-320 pcs/100g Small beans Alubia is one of the most popular varieties of beans grown for dry seeds. It is suitable for direct consumption, in cooked and baked dishes, but also as a preserve or in a preserved form. It does not lose its natural color under the influence of preservation, retains its taste and aroma. It contains many nutrients needed for the proper functioning of the body. It helps in the fight against cholesterol and removes too much acid accumulated in the body. The seeds are characterized by a large amount of protein (approx. 20 g of protein per 100 g of seeds).
100% Organiczna Naturalna Gruboziarnista Sól Himalajska - Naturalna sól kryształowa różowa Himalajska Sól do kąpieli

100% Organiczna Naturalna Gruboziarnista Sól Himalajska - Naturalna sól kryształowa różowa Himalajska Sól do kąpieli

Natural Crystal Salt, often known as Pink Himalayan Salt, is a high-quality mineral salt renowned for its distinctive pink hue and rich mineral content. Mined from ancient salt deposits in the Himalayan region, this salt is celebrated for its purity and unique flavor profile. The pink color is due to trace minerals such as iron oxide, which also contribute to its subtle, complex taste compared to regular table salt. It’s prized not only as a culinary ingredient but also for its purported health benefits, including essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium that are beneficial for maintaining a balanced diet. Beyond its culinary uses, Pink Himalayan Salt is often employed in various wellness and spa treatments, such as salt lamps and salt scrubs, due to its reputed therapeutic properties. Its coarse crystals can add a decorative touch to dishes and enhance the flavor of foods with a touch of natural elegance. Ingredients:Himalayan Salt Processing Type :Unrefined Size :1-100 mm Feature:Eco-friendly
Grecja Jogurtowa Maska do Twarzy - 2 x 8 ml - Grecki jogurt & królewski żel

Grecja Jogurtowa Maska do Twarzy - 2 x 8 ml - Grecki jogurt & królewski żel

"This hydrating and rejuvenating Greek yogurt facial mask is the perfect facial mask for dry skin. The face mask with Greek yogurt soothes and firms the skin. Like all our products, the Greek yogurt Face Mask is natural, sustainable and free from harmful chemicals. The active ingredients Greek yogurt, royal jelly and hyaluronic acid increase the moisture content in the upper layers of the skin and provide an anti-wrinkle effect. In addition, it accelerates cell renewal and restores the balance of the microbiome, which significantly improves your skin. By adding green clay to the facial mask with Greek yogurt, the skin is cleansed. Green clay deeply cleanses the pores, removes excess sebum and reduces black spots. This ensures clean and fresh skin. The facial mask firms the skin, keeping it looking younger. The face mask with Greek yogurt is also suitable for sensitive skin and very suitable for dry skin." SKU:5204702021287 Weight:0.02 kg Origin:Greece Brand:Greek yoghurt & royal jelly Fire:Body farm Contents in ml :2×8 Values :Cruelty Free, Paraben Free, Silicone Free
Organiczny Rafinowany Olej Sojowy, RBD - Oleje

Organiczny Rafinowany Olej Sojowy, RBD - Oleje

Organic Refined Soybean Oil Wholesale Supplier. RBD is a fully refined 100% soybean oil that has been refined, bleached and deodorized in a continuous process beginning with the crushing of the soybeans. Soybean oil has a high C18:2 linoleic acid composition. Botanical Name: Glycine soja Extraction Method: Cold Pressed Obtained From: Seeds (Soya Beans) Origin: USA Color: Pale yellow to golden yellow liquid. INGREDIENT SPECIFICATION: Soybean Oil, Organic RBD CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS: Each shipment to include certificate. DESCRIPTION: Organic Soybean Oil is derived from a Non-GMO Organic plant source. The organic beans originate from the USA, South America, and/or India, depending on availability. The beans are crushed, and oil refined and processed in the Turkey. APPEARANCE, FLAVOR & COLOR Bland flavor with no odor, color (Lovibond) Red = 2.0 Max. AVERAGE ANALYSIS: IODINE VALUE: 118 – 135 PEROXIDE VALUE: Max. 1.0 ACID VALUE: Max. 0.10% MOISTURE: Max. 0.10%
Distak-M: Fizyczno-chemiczny środek separujący do form metalowych

Distak-M: Fizyczno-chemiczny środek separujący do form metalowych

Distal-M Release agent based on selected organic compounds, promoting removal and anti-corrosive agents, ready-to-use, specific for metal moulds. Distak-M should be used undiluted, sprayed directly on the surfaces to be treated. Distak-M performs a physico-chemical action: the product, properly applied, forms an extremely thin separating film between the formwork and the fresh concrete, allowing easy detachment and the resulting surfaces are free from stains and soiling. Distak-M is suitable for "stripping" metal moulds, both in traditional buildings and in prefabrication with normal and/or steam curing. The chemical activity, connected with the reaction, at superficial level with the alkalis of the fresh concrete, which allows the elimination of the barrier effect, leaves surfaces without removal problems for subsequent coatings and painting. It facilitates formwork removal, without greasing or staining the workpiece. It prevents cracking and bubbles on the final surfaces of the product. After formwork removal, it can be painted or treated with another type of finish. It protects the formwork from rust. It can be used as a protective agent on truck mixers or equipment, to reduce internal and external concrete incrustations. Release treatments for concrete castings in metal moulds with normal and accelerated curing. Distak-M is a ready-to-use product that must be applied as a spray. With one litre of Distak-M, correctly applied, the indicative yield is about 30-50 m², depending on the quality of the formwork. Any excess product must be removed; any overdosage may compromise the stripping or the success of the superficial appearance of the casting. With 1 litre of Distak-M, correctly applied, it is possible to consider an indicative yield of approximately 30-50 m², according to the quality of the formwork. Packaging: 25-liter can UM: €/l
Organiczny ocet jabłkowy Domaine des 5 Autels (50cl) - Domaine des 5 Autels

Organiczny ocet jabłkowy Domaine des 5 Autels (50cl) - Domaine des 5 Autels

Reconnu depuis des siècles pour ses bienfaits thérapeutiques, le vinaigre de cidre est aussi très apprécié en cuisine ou son acidité particulière et ses notes de pommes permettront de réhausser nombreuses préparations. Notre vinaigre de cidre est issu de pommes biologiques (notre vergers son conduits en agriculture biologique depuis plus de. 50 ans). Il est non filtré (contient la mère), non pasteurisé, sans gluten et naturellement vegan. Poids net:1kg Volume:500ml