Produkty dla instrumenty (55)

Magnetyczna taśma miernicza

Magnetyczna taśma miernicza

Measuring tape with magnetic hook Ergonomic non-slip rubber case With tape locking button
MEM-Bus EtherNet/IP - Absolutny Koder Wieloobrotowy z Interfejsem EtherNet/IP

MEM-Bus EtherNet/IP - Absolutny Koder Wieloobrotowy z Interfejsem EtherNet/IP

Elap encoders MEM-Bus EtherNet/IP can be easily integrated in any EtherNet/IP net, as they comply with all EtherNet/IP interface requirements, according to directives IEC61784-1. The encoder features the encoder profile 22H according to CIP™ protocol specifications.The encoders are ODVA conformant certified, including CIP Sync certification.MEM-Bus encoders are supplied in multiturn version with 29 bit resolution (8192 steps/revolution x 65536 revolutions). Different mechanical versions are available to satisfy all application requirements: square flanged, round flanged with servo coupling, and with hollow shaft to couple directly to a motor shaft; all the types offer different options for the shaft/hole diameter. The electrical connection is by 3 M12 connectors. The stout aluminium case ensures a high protection degree, so that it is possible to apply MEM-Bus encoders in severe industrial environments. MEM-Bus EtherNet/IP are UL certified for the Canadian and United States market. Fieldbus interface:EtherNet/IP CIP™ Protocol Encoder profile :22H Protocol:CIP Sync protocol Resolution:29 bit Supply:10÷30 Vdc 2.5 W Certification:ODVA Conformant, including CIP SYNC Certification:UL Listed
REVO S 1PH - Jednofazowy Przekaźnik Stanu Stałego

REVO S 1PH - Jednofazowy Przekaźnik Stanu Stałego

Revo S 1PH è un Relè Statico monofase, completo di dissipatore, specificamente progettato per risparmiare spazio e lavoro. Range – 30A, 35A, 40A, 60A, 90A, 120A, 150A, 180A, 210A, 300A, 400A, 500A, 600A, 700A, 800A Range di Tensione 480V, 600V e 690V (a partire da 60A) Ingresso: SSR o Analogico (opzione) Accensioni Zero Crossing ZC e Burst Firing BF a 4, 8 o 16 cicli al 50% potenza richiesta. Allarme Heater Break per diagnosticare la rottura del carico parziale o totale e il rilevamento Cortocircuito SCR (opzione). Porta Fusibile e Fusibile Integrati (opzione fino a 40A). Fusibili interni fissi di serie sopra i 40A. Trasformatore di Corrente integrato (opzione) Cablaggio del sistema a Flat Cable (opzionale fino a 40A) per connessione multipla di più relè d’allarme HB e per l’alimentazione ausiliaria o ingresso analogico. Più unità REVO S possono essere collegate con il sistema REVO PC per una gestione multizona.Protezione IP20 Certificazione EMC, EAC, cULus® 508 e cUL®us fino a 700A come opzione. Certificazione UL® per unità da 800A.
FTT PD Termoregulator Wodny - Regulacja Temperatura Wody

FTT PD Termoregulator Wodny - Regulacja Temperatura Wody

La maggior parte delle unità di termoregolazione dei processi industriali funziona attraverso la pressione esercitata sull'acqua delle utenze di processo: ciò è conveniente nella maggior parte dei casi "standard", data la maggiore efficienza sviluppata dal sistema. Tuttavia, alcune criticità di processo possono rendere difficile questo tipo di funzionamento: è il caso di macchine che perdono fluidi, o con perdite, e che non è conveniente manutenere sul posto. In questi casi, è quindi utile lavorare con un termoregolatore a vuoto, che aspira l'acqua di consumo. I termoregolatori d'acqua FTT PD sono sistemi flessibili ed efficaci, che possono funzionare sia in pressione che in depressione, a seconda delle peculiarità dell'impianto. Le perdite di fluido sono quindi ridotte al minimo durante le operazioni. La semplicità di funzionamento è garantita anche dal pannello touch-screen, presente anche su altri termoregolatori Frigofluid.
Analogowy durometr Shore

Analogowy durometr Shore

Shore portatile e da laboratorio di semplice uso per la misurazione di materie plastiche e gomme secondo le norme ASTM 2240, ISO 7619 e ISO 868. Oltre ad essere resistente in qualunque condizione di prova, permette una ripetibilità e riproducibilità ad alte prestazioni. Il modello con pressore piano o raggiato è l'ideale per applicare una pressione centrata e costante su qualsiasi tipo di campione - persino su superfici curve - assicurando risultati precisi, simili a quelli ottenuti tramite prove con supporto da tavolo


Laser rotante LAR 350, ricevitore REC 300 Digital, telecomando RC-LAR350, staffa angolare 90°, occhiali per laser, piastra riflettente, valigetta di trasporto, 2 batterie D 1,5 V, 4 batterie AA 1,5 V Siete alla ricerca di un laser rotante robusto con cui lavorare a grandi distanze e coprire tutte le attività di misurazione? Il LAR 350 esegue l'allineamento orizzontale e verticale con la stessa facilità e affidabilità di un’inclinazione su 2 assi. Grazie all'intuitiva gestione del movimento MOTION CONTROL e al sistema LED ASSIST, potete lavorare in modo rapido ed efficiente. Grazie ai sistemi di protezione integrati, niente può fermare questo potente laser “made in Germany”, nemmeno eventuali cadute, la pioggia o la polvere. Tipico STABILA – perché una precisione costante è il fattore decisivo.
Przenośne CMM HandyPROBE Next - Nowa generacja przenośnych optycznych maszyn pomiarowych współrzędnych

Przenośne CMM HandyPROBE Next - Nowa generacja przenośnych optycznych maszyn pomiarowych współrzędnych

Produttori e responsabili della produzione possono utilizzare le tecnologie di misurazione portatili per consentire livelli sensibilmente maggiori di flessibilità ed efficienza nelle operazioni di controllo qualità (CQ) direttamente negli ambienti di produzione. La CMM HandyPROBE Next portatile garantisce una precisione di misura indifferente alle instabilità di qualunque ambiente. Libera da qualunque impostazione di misura rigida, la CMM portatile supera le tradizionali CMM portatili negli ambienti di produzione. Il sistema HandyPROBE Next completo ha l'esclusiva capacità di effettuare un riferimento dinamico in tempo reale dei propri dispositivi di sondaggio e di scansione, oltre che sui bersagli dell'oggetto in fase di ispezione. Il tracker ottico C-Track e la sonda senza fili possono essere spostati in qualunque momento durante la sequenza di misurazione, generando gli stessi dati di alta qualità.
Wibrujące Bazy - Liniowe

Wibrujące Bazy - Liniowe

Le basi vibranti lineari di questa serie sono state progettate per manipolare oggetti delicati, ma sono capaci di offrire prestazioni eccezionali sia in termini di lunghezza che di peso. La loro costruzione modulare consente di utilizzarli senza contrappeso fisso o mobile, se necessario, per adattarsi alle esigenze di spazio.
GWalkIn komory testowe klimatyczne z dostępem-GWalkIn komora klimatyczna

GWalkIn komory testowe klimatyczne z dostępem-GWalkIn komora klimatyczna

GWALKIN Modular Environmental Test Chambers, Galli Original Design - GALLI's GWALKIN model presents optimal testing conditions, These Walk-In Climatic Test Chambers boast a variety of features and advantages tailored to meet the diverse needs of product testing. Available in volumes from 5m3 to 40m3, equipped with precise temperature & humidity control, and lighting management, they serve as an exceptional choice for stability testing across industries such as Pharma, Food & Beverage, Cosmetics, and Material Testing. Moreover, they are suitable for conducting extreme tests in Automotive, Aeronautical, and various other industrial tests. GWALKIN ensure the ideal testing environments across a broad spectrum of temperatures, from sub-zero levels to high temperatures, with precise control over relative humidity, from minimal values to saturation points. In the pharmaceutical sector, our Walk-In Chambers cater to both long-term and accelerated stability testing conditions, according to ICH Q1A (R2) standard for new drug substances and drug products.
Maszyny i linie napełniające do szalek Petriego

Maszyny i linie napełniające do szalek Petriego

Una linea completa di macchine e linee per il riempimento di piastre Petri: Macchina compatta ed economica da tavolo Minipetri Macchina da tavolo ad un carosello Maxipetri S Macchina da tavolo a due caroselli Maxipetri D Linee industriali per il riempimento di piastre Petri
Wózek paletowy z wagą zatwierdzoną przez CE - Wózek paletowy z wagą TPR, dostępny z zatwierdzeniem CE lub do użytku wewnętrznego.

Wózek paletowy z wagą zatwierdzoną przez CE - Wózek paletowy z wagą TPR, dostępny z zatwierdzeniem CE lub do użytku wewnętrznego.

Incredibili prestazioni per questo transpallet con bilancia della serie TPR. Si distingue dai modelli di analoga categoria per avere alcuni plus delle versioni premium mantenendo un prezzo assolutamente competitivo. Disponibile in versione base ( controllo pesi per uso interno aziendale ) oppure Omologato CE-M ( vendita di prodotti a peso, pesate certificate per uso legale in rapporto con terzi . Dotato di un supporto ANTIURTO in metallo al visore, per proteggerlo da eventuali collisioni, ecco le principali caratteristiche ( che vi consigliamo di confrontare con altri transpallet presenti sul mercato ) : Struttura: In acciaio di forte consistenza e spessore, verniciate a forno con doppie ruote di guida in gomma e doppie ruote di carico in poliuretano. Sistema di pesata a 4 celle di carico in alluminio. Tastiera a 6 tasti a membrana meccanica a rilievo. Display: Grande LCD RETROILLUMINATO 25mm ben visibile.


L'igrometro industriale è utilizzato appunto dall'industria per le sale di stagionatura, le celle, e altri luoghi in cui è necessario il controllo dell'umidità.
Autoklawy Medyczne

Autoklawy Medyczne

CDR Digital Vet - Stół Rentgenowski

CDR Digital Vet - Stół Rentgenowski

Xray table for veterinary with 32kW generator and 125kV, 400mA power. With digital detector 43x43cm and workstation with full dicom software.
IMPACK 1.0 - Kompaktowa Maszyna Blisterowa do Laboratorium

IMPACK 1.0 - Kompaktowa Maszyna Blisterowa do Laboratorium

Ciclo completo con una sola macchina Le fasi di formatura, sigillatura e taglio sono facili grazie alla selezione del ciclo di lavoro dal pannello touch-screen e il cambio formato rapido. La produzione di piccoli lotti di blister che in precedenza era affidato a fornitori o reparti esterni, ora è possibile produrlo all'interno del laboratorio senza la necessità di attrezzature speciali o personale specializzato, con una conseguente riduzione dei costi, minimizzazione dei ritardi e ottimizzazione dei tempi di lancio del prodotto sul mercato. ​ Veloce e facile da installare, per utilizzare IMPack 1.0 non è richiesta alcuna formazione specializzata e, di conseguenza, un tecnico specializzato. ​ ​La nuova versione 2020 consente la completa intercambiabilità tra gli stampi IMPACK1.0 con gli stampi IMPACK4.0
Szycie Chirurgiczne: Flysorb Mono - Szycie Monofilamentowe, Fioletowe, Wchłanialne

Szycie Chirurgiczne: Flysorb Mono - Szycie Monofilamentowe, Fioletowe, Wchłanialne

Il colore viola conferisce una adeguata visibilità. Utilizzo suggerito in chirurgia orale: in parodontologia nel caso di innesti connettivali e per fissare membrane riassorbibili, in tutta la chirurgia implantare, in chirurgia maxillo-facciale e orale generale. Calibri disponibili: 4/0, 5/0, 6/0. Aghi disponibili: DSM16 – Black | Ago nero 3/8 cerchio, reverse cutting premium, 16mm DSM13 – Black | Ago nero 3/8 cerchio, reverse cutting premium, 13mm DSM12 – Black | Ago nero 3/8 cerchio, reverse cutting premium, 12mm DSM10 – Black | Ago nero 3/8 cerchio, reverse cutting premium, 10mm HS18 | Ago 1/2 cerchio, reverse cutting, 18mm Confezione: 24 pezzi
Enkoder inkrementalny SEB/SEB-Z - Inkrementalny enkoder obrotowy o średnicy 50 mm, obudowa ABS

Enkoder inkrementalny SEB/SEB-Z - Inkrementalny enkoder obrotowy o średnicy 50 mm, obudowa ABS

Stout and reliable the incremental rotary encoders series SEB/SEB-Z can be employed in severe conditions. They can be supplied in the bidirectional type (SEB) or bidirectional with zero reference pulse (SEB-Z). The number of pulses per revolution ranges from 2 to 12500. The types SEB-M/SEBZ-M operate according to the magnetic principle, with a number of ppr ranging from 8 to 2048. The ABS plastic case offers high protection against environmental agents – IP65 degree, which can be upgraded to IP66 with the optional O-ring mounted on the encoder shaft. The connections are provided by cable or connector in axial position; the output signals can feature the NPN open collector, push-pull or line-driver format. Electronic output:open collector NPN, Push-Pull, Line-driver Pulses per revolution range :2 to 12500 Voltage supply :5/30 Vdc
Kwadratowe Flanszowe Enkodery Inkrementalne Seria RE6xx - Enkodery Inkrementalne Rozmiar 58 - Kwadratowa Flansza - Stała Oś

Kwadratowe Flanszowe Enkodery Inkrementalne Seria RE6xx - Enkodery Inkrementalne Rozmiar 58 - Kwadratowa Flansza - Stała Oś

The range of square-flanged incremental encoders includes the series RE620, with centering mask diameter 31.75 mm, compatible with the international standard SIZE25, and the series RE650, with centering mask diameter 50 mm. Both the types are housed in a metal case. The connection type and position can be chosen among different options, as well as the output signal formats and the shaft diameters. The pulses per revolution number ranges from 2 to 12500. The zero reference pulse option is available for both series (type RE621 – RE651). Output signals:NPN open collector, push-pull, 5 Vdc line driver
Transduktory liniowe seria PD – PE - Inkrementalne transduktory liniowe, skoki od 60 do 990 mm

Transduktory liniowe seria PD – PE - Inkrementalne transduktory liniowe, skoki od 60 do 990 mm

Accurate, strong, easy to mount, and weatherproof, the transducers series PD and PE are the ideal solution when you need to measure thickness or control linear displacement on any kinf of industrial machine. High reading resolution (up to 0.005 mm) Easy mounting method High protection against environmental agents (IP65) Strokes: 60 ÷ 990 mm Strokes range:60 to 990 mm Resolution:0.05 to 0.005 mm Supply Voltage:10/24 or 5 Vdc Output signals:push-pull, line-driver, NPN open collector Protection Degree:IP65 Fixing:Easy fixing by moving feet or ball joints
Enkodery inkrementalne seria REC - Enkodery inkrementalne rozmiar 58 - Z certyfikatem UL - Oś stała lub pusta

Enkodery inkrementalne seria REC - Enkodery inkrementalne rozmiar 58 - Z certyfikatem UL - Oś stała lub pusta

Compact sized encoders series REC fit to any application where short body dimensions are required – the case length only measures 38 mm. REC encoders are available with different mechanical versions: with round flange and servo copling (type REC520/REC540), square flange (REC620) or hollow shaft, with (REC450) or without elastic support(REC440). The case is out of strong aluminium and connections are ensured by the connector type M12, or optionally by cable. The encoder with M12 connector output is UL Listed for the canadian and US markets. The pulses per revolution number ranges from 2 to 12500. Number of pulses/revolution: 2 to 12500 Output signal:Push pull, line driver Supply:5-30 Vdc Body diameter:58 mm Shaft type:Male shaft, blind hollow shaft Connections:M12 connector Certification:UL Listed
Enkoder inkrementalny E30 - Mały enkoder obrotowy - 30 mm - stała oś

Enkoder inkrementalny E30 - Mały enkoder obrotowy - 30 mm - stała oś

Engineered on the basis of a compact innovative technology, the incremental encoders E30, offer great accuracy and reliability in a small size, and an excellent price/performance ratio. The incremental encoders E30 are available both in the bidirectional version (E30) and in the bidirectional type with zero reference pulse (E31); the pulses per revolution no. ranges from 2 to 12500. Their body diameter measures 30 mm only, with shaft diameter 4 or 6 mm. The encoder E30 is housed in an ABS plastic case, with axial cable or connector outlet. The output signals can be provided in NPN open collector, push-pull or line-driver format. Supply:5Vdc or 8/24Vdc Output signals:push-pull, line driver Pulses per revolution range:2 to 12500
Enkoder Absolutny MEM - Enkoder Absolutny Jedno-/Wielowirnikowy z Wyjściami SSI/Równoległymi

Enkoder Absolutny MEM - Enkoder Absolutny Jedno-/Wielowirnikowy z Wyjściami SSI/Równoległymi

The encoders series MEM can be supplied in single or in multiturn version, with high resolution values: up to 13 bits info/revolution (corresponding to 8192 info/rev.) x 15 bits rev. (corresponding to 32768 rev.), in binary or Gray code. The multiturn encoders provide the SSI serial output signal, while the singleturn type offer two output options: SSI or push pull parallel signal. Several mechanical versions are available to satisfy all application requirements: round flange, square flange, hollow shaft, with different options for the shaft diameter and connection position and type. Resolution :5 ÷ 13 bits info/rev. x 15 bits rev. Code:Binary or Gray code Output signal:5V SSI serial output – Optional: push-pull parallel Supply voltage:5/28Vdc 1.2 W
Enkoder inkrementalny REV - Wysoka liczba ppr - Enkodery inkrementalne Rozmiar 58 - do 50000 ppr

Enkoder inkrementalny REV - Wysoka liczba ppr - Enkodery inkrementalne Rozmiar 58 - do 50000 ppr

The incremental encoders series REV ensure high performances in terms of reading accuracy and signal stability. The aluminium housing offers an excellent protection against environmental agents and makes them suitable for applications in harsh environments. They can be supplied with round clamping or sychro flange, or square flange. Output signals:push-pull, 5 Vdc line driver (supply5/28 Vdc) Pulses per revolution:1000 ÷ 50000 Voltage supply: 5/28 Vdc
Absolutny enkoder MEM-Bus EtherCAT - Absolutny enkoder wieloobrotowy z interfejsem EtherCAT

Absolutny enkoder MEM-Bus EtherCAT - Absolutny enkoder wieloobrotowy z interfejsem EtherCAT

Absolute encoders MEM-BUS EtherCAT comply with Profile CANopen over EtherCAT (CoE), Cia DS-406. They avail on EtherCAT conformance certification and are UL Listed for the canadian and US market. MEM-Bus encoders are supplied in multiturn version with 29 bit resolution (8192 steps/revolution x 65536 revolutions). Different mechanical versions are available to satisfy all application requirements: square flanged, round flanged with servo coupling, and with hollow shaft to couple directly to a motor shaft; all the types offer different options for the shaft/hole diameter. The electrical connection is by 3 M12 connectors. Reduced cabling and easy configuration – each slave is addressed automatically – simplify the installing operations. The stout aluminium case ensures a high protection degree, so that it is possible to apply MEM-Bus encoders in severe industrial environments. Encoder profile :CANopen over EtherCAT (CoE), CIA DS-406 Physical Layer:EtherCAT 100Base-TX, Fast Ethernet, ISO/IEC 8802-3 Output code: Binary Resolution:29 bit Supply:10÷30 Vdc 2.5 W Certification:EtherCAT Conformance Tested Certification:UL Listed
Przewodowy enkoder absolutny WPS z interfejsem magistrali - Enkodery absolutne z przewodem ciągnącym z interfejsem magistrali - Skok 2,3 do 5 m

Przewodowy enkoder absolutny WPS z interfejsem magistrali - Enkodery absolutne z przewodem ciągnącym z interfejsem magistrali - Skok 2,3 do 5 m

Wire transducers series WPS are composed by the draw-wire mechanics coupled to Elap multiturn absolute high-resolution encoder MEM-BUS or MEM. They can provide different communication protocols – EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, PROFINET, Profibus, CANopen or SSI output signal. The encoder grants high resolutions values (28 or 29 bit) and two availble strokes: 2300 or 5000 mm. The housing is out of glass fiber reinforced nylon, whilst the wire consists of coated poliamide stainless steel. Strokes range:2300, 5000 mm Housing:Glass fiber reinforced nylon Wire:Coated poliamide stainless steel
Enkoder Inkrementalny RE50 - Inkrementalny enkoder obrotowy średnica 50 mm

Enkoder Inkrementalny RE50 - Inkrementalny enkoder obrotowy średnica 50 mm

Compact sized – Ø 50 mm x 48 mm – and stout, incremental encoders series RE50 are specially engineered for industrial use. The number of pulses per revolution ranges from 2 to 12500, with or without zero reference pulse.. The aluminium case offers PI65 protection degree against environmental agents. The connections are provided by cable or M12 connector in axial position; the output signals can feature the push-pull or line-driver format. Pulses/revolution:2 ÷ 12500 Electronic output:Push-Pull, Line-driver Supply Voltage:5/30 Vdc
Okrągłe flanszowe enkodery inkrementalne Seria RE6xx - enkodery inkrementalne rozmiar 58 - okrągła flansza - stała oś

Okrągłe flanszowe enkodery inkrementalne Seria RE6xx - enkodery inkrementalne rozmiar 58 - okrągła flansza - stała oś

The range of incremental encoders with 58 mm round flange includes different mechanical types: the series RE520, with centering mask diameter 50 mm, compatible with the international standard SIZE23, RE540, with centering mask diameter 36 mm and RE510 with centering mask diameter 31.75. All the types are housed in a metal case. The connection type and position can be chosen among different options, as well as the output signal formats and the shaft diameters. The pulses per revolution number ranges from 2 to 12500. The zero reference pulse option is available for all the series (type RE521 etc.). Output signal:push-pull, line-driver Pulses per revolution range :2 to 12500 Voltage supply:5/30 Vdc
Przewodowy enkoder absolutny WDS z interfejsem fieldbus - Enkodery absolutne z przewodem z interfejsem fieldbus - Skok od 3 do 15 m

Przewodowy enkoder absolutny WDS z interfejsem fieldbus - Enkodery absolutne z przewodem z interfejsem fieldbus - Skok od 3 do 15 m

Wire transducers series WDS are composed by the draw-wire mechanics coupled to Elap multiturn absolute high-resolution encoder MEM-BUS or MEM. They can provide different communication protocols – EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, PROFINET, Profibus, CANopen or SSI output signal. The encoder grants high resolutions values (28 or 29 bit) and strokes ranging from 3000 to 15000 mm. The housing is out of aluminium, whilst the wire consists of coated poliamide stainless steel. Strokes range:3 to 15 metres Housing:Alumiun Wire: Coated poliamide stainless steel Available interface:EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, Profinet, Profibus, CANopen, SSI
Enkoder inkrementalny seria E40 - Mały enkoder obrotowy - 40 mm - wał stały lub pusty

Enkoder inkrementalny seria E40 - Mały enkoder obrotowy - 40 mm - wał stały lub pusty

The small size encoders series E40 feature great accuracy and compact size. The incremental encoder E40 can be supplied with different mechanical flanges: the type E40 has 6 fixing holes on diameter 30 mm, while the type 40A has 4 holes on diameter 25.4 mm; the encoder E40V has a front fixing screw, and the series E40Q is provided with a square flange of mm 43×43. The types E40M and E40S are hollow shaft encoders designed for motor coupling, respectively by joint and by anti-rotational elastic metal support. For all the types the ppr no. ranges from 2 to 12500, with or without zero pulse (E40 or E41). The series standard case is out of ABS plastics, with axial or radial cable or connector outlet; series RE40 with aluminium housing and IP65 radial cablepress outlet is also available. Pulses per revolution range :2 to 12500 Supply:5Vdc or 8/24Vdc Output signals:push-pull, line driver
Absolutny enkoder MEM40-Bus CANopen - Absolutny enkoder wieloobrotowy z interfejsem CANopen

Absolutny enkoder MEM40-Bus CANopen - Absolutny enkoder wieloobrotowy z interfejsem CANopen

The absolute encoders series MEM-Bus avail on an interface to connect to field bus systems according to the CANopen standard. The encoders comply with standards CIA DS301, DS406, DS 305, featuring the functions of Class 2. They are supplied in multiturn version with 29 bit resolution (8192 steps/revolution x 65536 revolutions). The encoder operating parameters are set directly by the user: revolutions no., steps per rev., rotation direction and preset no. The diagnostic function signals possible parameter, position or temperature errors as well as the battery alarm – the data memory is anyway ensured for a long period (30 years). The baud rate and node selection can be easily set by LSS protocol or by means of dip-switches. MEM40-Bus encoders avail on 3 signalling LEDs for supply state, line and error. The encoder comes with metal housing, round flange, solid or hollow shaft. The electrical connection is by M12 connector. The encoders are UL listed for Canada and USA markets. Fieldbus interface:CANopen Resolution:29 bit Supply:10/30Vdc 2 W Certification:UL Listed