Produkty dla korona (4)

Cafe Crown

Cafe Crown

Cafe Crown
Dysze i korony wlotowe - Rury i dysze węglowe i grafitowe

Dysze i korony wlotowe - Rury i dysze węglowe i grafitowe

Chemisch beständige Kohle und Grafitrohre in der chemischen Industrie
Pierścienie koronowe / Pierścienie wału

Pierścienie koronowe / Pierścienie wału

Kranzreifen aus gewelltem Eisen-Flachdraht in verschiedenen Größen ideal geeignet als Basis für Adventskränze, Türkränze bzw. alle anderen Kranzbindearbeiten Lieferbar in folgenden Abmessungen: 12 cm 15 cm 18 cm 20 cm 25 cm 30 cm Andere Lauflängen und Aufmachungen (auch Eigenlabel) nach Absprache.
Rozwiązania uszczelniające TPE dla kapsli - EPSeal 100

Rozwiązania uszczelniające TPE dla kapsli - EPSeal 100

Sealing compounds for crown corks The EPSeal 100 series is designed for crown corks and can be used for carbonated beverages including lemonades, beer, mineral water, juices and milk based drinks. Different versions accommodate all the beverage processing systems including sterilisation. Additional versions address steel down-gauging as well as twist off crown applications. Our laser marking versions support beverage promotion strategies. Oil free grades are also available. Tested by Nehring and VLB Berlin Odour and taste of a mineral water stored in a light box and sealed with a crown cork lined with EPSeal 100 had no taste or odour deviation. The crown corks lined with EPSeal 100 were classified as Type A according to the STLB. Download EPSeal Product Guide