Produkty dla la dostawy (250)

Laserowa obrotowa głowica RSLH 3D-3 - Głowica 3D

Laserowa obrotowa głowica RSLH 3D-3 - Głowica 3D

RSLD is our short cut for a laser head consisting of a total of 3 motorized axes for use in large-format laser machines in gantry design for the 3-dimensional laser cutting of components. The horizontal main axis of the laser head permits endless movement, even during the rotary movement the axes below are permanently supplied with cooling water, process gases and all electrical signals. Suitable optics are used for the laser source used, either directly water-cooled metal mirrors with low-absorption coating or alternatively glass optics. The use of an adaptive optics enables the freely programmable focus position for cutting and piercing. The exclusive use of torque motors reduces mechanically moving components and thus guarantees consistently high machining accuracy and best machining results over a long service life, against mechanical damage reliably protects our proven 3D collision protection.
Wkłady do Odświeżacza Powietrza - Dostarczanie Zapachu

Wkłady do Odświeżacza Powietrza - Dostarczanie Zapachu

Neutralize home odors with plug-in air freshener wicks Plug-in air fresheners are designed to deliver fragrances quickly. For more intense and consistent fragrance release, Porex developed porous fiber and sintered particle wicks. Specifically designed for plug-in air fresheners, these wicks deliver fragrance from the bottle or container to the heater using capillary action, thereby diffusing fragrance from the wick into the air. Our porous fiber provide an intense fragrance release, while our sintered particle wicks deliver a consistent fragrance release over the life of the air freshener. Both types of wicks are available in many shape options, including 2D shape capability for the porous fiber technology and 3D shape capability for the sintered particle technology. Features Engineered pore/capillary structures Customizable 2D and 3D shapes Color options available Precise control and release of fragrance to meet application needs Materials Offered Advanced porous materials...
Wózek Bankietowy Light BKW Light 1 x 2/1 GN Podgrzewany

Wózek Bankietowy Light BKW Light 1 x 2/1 GN Podgrzewany

Wagen zum Warmhalten der Speisen zur zeitgleichen Ausgabe an die Gäste. (zwei Ausführungen) aus Edelstahl. Korpus, Türen doppelwandig, isoliert. Schrankabteil mit fugenlos tiefgezogenen Auflagesicken für Edelstahl-Roste oder GN-Behälter bei Sickenabstand 115 mm, mit Kippsicherung. Türen mit Silikondichtung. Türverschluß einrastend. Stirnseitig 1 Schiebegriff. 4 Stoßecken. Rostfreie Rollenausstattung gemäß DIN 18867, Teil 8, Raddurchmesser 200 mm. 2 Bockrollen, 2 Lenkstopprollen. Umluftheizung, Thermostatregelung von + 30 °C bis +90 °C. Facheinteilung gastronomgerecht. Artikelnummer: 88 23 01 11 / 88 23 01 12 Außenmaße: 777 x 837 x 1674 mm Leergewicht: 120 kg Anzahl Schiebegriffe: 1 Abstand Auflagesicken: 115 / 70 mm Gesamtanschlusswert: 1750 W max. Anzahl Roste GN 2/1: 11 / 18 Stück Zubehör: auf Anfrage
Ekologiczny Papier Toaletowy - 3-warstwowy Miękki Super Miękki Papier Toaletowy

Ekologiczny Papier Toaletowy - 3-warstwowy Miękki Super Miękki Papier Toaletowy

Bambuspapier besitzt einen äußerst großen ökologischen Mehrwert. Schließlich werden im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Produkten keinerlei Frischfasern aus Holz verwendet. Somit müssen für Toilettenpapier und Taschentücher keine Bäume aus Urwäldern abgeholzt sondern stattdessen nur Bambuspflanzen geerntet werden. Bambuspflanzen benötigen bis zur Ernte etwa ein Jahr. Dagegen dauert das Nachwachsen von Bäumen mehrere Jahre bis Jahrzehnte. Darüber hinaus kommen die nachhaltigen Produkte ohne eine Plastikverpackung aus. Vielmehr wird bei Bambus Klopapier auf eine nachhaltige Verpackung aus Recyclingpapier oder Recyclingkarton gesetzt.
Szczotki paskowe z metalową ramą

Szczotki paskowe z metalową ramą

Grundlage der Streifenbürsten von LAIB sind die in einem Metallband eingefassten Borsten.
Książka Menu lub Folder Menu

Książka Menu lub Folder Menu

Das Speisebuch bzw. Speisemappe (hier sehr schmaler Rücken) ist hochwertig produziert. Das Speiseangebot wird durch Schrauben fixiert. Mappe mit Schrauben, in vielen Größen erhältlich, hochwertig produziert. Eigenes Logo als Prägung.
Ekologiczny Proszek Baobab - Dostępny od Ręki - Najlepsze Ceny - Najlepsza Jakość

Ekologiczny Proszek Baobab - Dostępny od Ręki - Najlepsze Ceny - Najlepsza Jakość

Ihr Vitamin C-Kick mit erfrischender Zitrusnote! Das Fruchtfleisch der Früchte des Affenbrotbaums trocknet bereits am Baum und wird anschließend zu einem nährstoffeichen Pulver vermahlen. - reich an Vitamin C, Eisen & Kalium - für Drinks, Smoothies, Müsli, Joghurt & mehr Vitamin C trägt dazu bei, die Zellen vor oxidativem Stress zu schützen. Vitamin C und Eisen tragen zur Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung bei. Bio Baobab Fruchtfleisch. Bei Bio-Produkten: DE-ÖKO-006
Dostawa Gleby i Ziemi

Dostawa Gleby i Ziemi

Füllboden dunkel; Oberboden für Rasen; Mutterboden; Kompostboden; Rindenmulch; Spielsand; Promenadengrand
Fleece tnący 3,0 mm do L-2500

Fleece tnący 3,0 mm do L-2500

Schneidunterlage Cuttervlies Menge/Format: 4 Unterlagen à 1.400 mm x 950 mm Stärke: ca. 3.0 mm Farbe: Schwarz Artikel-Nr:99310031.8 Hersteller:Diverse
Sprzedaż i Dostawa Materiałów Budowlanych

Sprzedaż i Dostawa Materiałów Budowlanych

Sie benötigen Mutterboden für Ihren Garten, Füllkies, Sandsteine oder Pflastersteine?KDU hat oft benötigte Baustoffe auf Lager zum Verkauf. Und wenn Sie wünschen liefern wir diese ganz bequem zu Ihnen Wir liefern folgende Baustoffe und Baumaterialien in Dresden: • Schotter • Humus • Mutterboden • Mineralgemische • Sand • Kies • Natursteine • Spielsand • Beton Recycling • Verfüllmaterial für Häuser • Kiesel 8/ 6 • Kiesel 16/ 32 • Split 2/ 5 • Granitsplitt in Gelb, Rot & Grau • Granitschotter 16/ 32 in Gelb, Rot und Grau • Sandsteinquader • Sandsteinbruch • Granitpflaster gebraucht • Erde für Garten und Wiese • Sandstein • Granit • Pflastersteine • Splitt • Wasserbausteine • Steinmehl • Granitbordsteine • Fallschutzkies 2/ 8 • Estrichkies • Humuserde • Verfüllkies • Felsbruchsteine in Gelb, Rot und Grau • Quarzsand • Mineralstoffe • Rindenmulch • Frotschutzschichten • Lehm
in-pact 3 - Pułapka na Latające Insekty

in-pact 3 - Pułapka na Latające Insekty

die bewährten Fluginsektenfänger für die Industrie Die ausgereifte Technik, eine robuste Konstruktion und einfache Wartung machen die 3er-Serie zum modernen Industriestandard. Auf Wunsch in spritzwasser- (IP 54) oder strahlwassergeschützter (IP 65) Ausführung sowie als explosionsgeschütze Version.
Nowy Daily

Nowy Daily

DER KASTENWAGEN ERÖFFNET NEUE PERSPEKTIVEN FÜR IHR BUSINESS. Der neue Daily Kastenwagen ist mehr als nur ein Nutzfahrzeug. Er unterstützt Sie dabei, Ihr Transportgeschäft nachhaltig zu führen und eine gesunde Unternehmensbilanz zu erzielen. Mit dem neuen Daily Kastenwagen verfügt der Fahrer über alles, was er braucht: Wer den Großteil seines Arbeitstages hinter dem Lenkrad verbringt, für den sollten Komfort und Fahrgefühl an erster Stelle stehen. Deswegen haben wir im Laufe der 40-jährigen Geschichte des Daily das Fahrerlebnis kontinuierlich verbessert und damit branchenweite Standards gesetzt. Bei der Konnektivität legt der neue Daily Kastenwagen die Latte wieder ein Stück höher und erschließt eine Welt mit neuen Serviceleistungen. So bietet er ein umfassendes Paket, das passgenau auf die Nutzung des Fahrzeugs durch die Kunden und ihr jeweiliges Geschäft zugeschnitten ist.
Elementy chłodzące absorpcyjne

Elementy chłodzące absorpcyjne

Sorba-Freeze Absorber-Kühlelemente bestehen aus Superabsorbergranulat in einem wasserdurchlässigen Beutel. Das Granulat ist ungiftig und für die Verwendung mit Lebensmitteln zertifiziert. Vor Ihrem Einsatz werden die Elemente gewässert und anschließend eingefroren. Nach dem Auftauen bleibt das Wasser in den Elementen gebunden.
Partura® - Stół porodowy SCHMITZ - komfortowy i bezpieczny poród - z naciskiem na prewencyjną położnictwo

Partura® - Stół porodowy SCHMITZ - komfortowy i bezpieczny poród - z naciskiem na prewencyjną położnictwo

The delivery table is designed in such a way as to leave the expectant mother much freedom of movement, allowing her to choose from a great variety of birthgiving positions. The expectant mother can adjust the table herself through all its adjustment functions using the hand-held control unit The comfortably padded mattres is wide enough to allow active support by the partner The midwife can use the foot section as a seat The closed, smooth covering and the mattresses and pads are easy to clean and to disinfect If required, the bed may be adjusted in just a few easy steps so as to allow rapid medical intervention Fabrication:Made in Germany
Odzież Gastronomiczna 'Gastro Line' - Wszechstronna i wysokiej jakości odzież dla gastronomii

Odzież Gastronomiczna 'Gastro Line' - Wszechstronna i wysokiej jakości odzież dla gastronomii

Die "Gastro Line" von Stickerei Avanta bietet hochwertige Bekleidung für die Gastronomie und Hotellerie. Unsere Kollektion umfasst: - Kochjacken: Strapazierfähig und komfortabel, mit doppelter Knopfreihe und Brusttasche. Perfekt zum Besticken von Kochjacken. - Schürzen: Robuste, pflegeleichte Schürzen in verschiedenen Längen mit verstellbaren Trägern und Taschen. Ideal zum Bedrucken von Schürzen oder Besticken von Schürzen. - Kochmützen: Hygienische Kopfbedeckungen, die das Erscheinungsbild Ihres Teams abrunden. Geeignet für das Besticken von Mützen mit Firmenlogo. Jedes Produkt kann individuell mit Ihrem Firmenlogo bestickt oder bedruckt werden. Unsere Dienstleistungen umfassen: - Kochjacken besticken lassen - Schürzen bedrucken - Handtücher besticken lassen - Mützen besticken
Filtry i knotki do aplikatorów miejscowych - Dostarczanie leków

Filtry i knotki do aplikatorów miejscowych - Dostarczanie leków

Improve application of wound sealing agents POREX® topical applicator filters and wicks are designed for fluid-based application of sealing agents for wound closure, such as surgical adhesive or drug delivery in dental treatment applications, and can also serve as a filter if the solutions are mixed and expressed from crushed glass ampoules. Designed to provide maximum performance for topical applicators, our filters and wicks: Deliver optimal wicking rates–Design provides optimal wicking rates of the liquid adhesive from the reservoir to the tip surface, which is then used as the applicator. Deliver precise application – POREX topical applicator tips provide specified lay-down of the liquid adhesive to the wound surface. Ensure appropriate press-fit seal and manufacturability–Filter strength and pliability ensures appropriate seal between the filter applicator and the device’s exterior barrel, and also allows for automated assembly processes and sterilization via gamma or...
Filtry i Zawory Zestawu Terapii Infuzyjnej - Podawanie Leków

Filtry i Zawory Zestawu Terapii Infuzyjnej - Podawanie Leków

Balance performance and protection for optimal infusion therapy POREX ® infusion therapy set filters and vents provide the perfect balance of performance and protection for optimal infusion therapy with reduced risk of infection. Critical components of our infusion therapy solutions include: POREX ® spike vents - Complete efficient delivery of the dose solution without impacting the physical stability or introduction of microbes or foreign matter, thereby protecting the medical professional from infection and drug exposure. POREX ® in-line filters - Hydrophilic membrane protects against accidental air intrusion into the infusion line. POREX® primer vent - Hydrophobic membrane with 1.2 micron pore size that allows air to pass through but stops fluid and provides a barrier to contact contamination.
Filtry i Zawory Zestawu Terapii Infuzyjnej - Podawanie Leków

Filtry i Zawory Zestawu Terapii Infuzyjnej - Podawanie Leków

Balance performance and protection for optimal infusion therapy POREX ® infusion therapy set filters and vents provide the perfect balance of performance and protection for optimal infusion therapy with reduced risk of infection. Critical components of our infusion therapy solutions include: POREX ® spike vents - Complete efficient delivery of the dose solution without impacting the physical stability or introduction of microbes or foreign matter, thereby protecting the medical professional from infection and drug exposure. POREX ® in-line filters - Hydrophilic membrane protects against accidental air intrusion into the infusion line. POREX® primer vent - Hydrophobic membrane with 1.2 micron pore size that allows air to pass through but stops fluid and provides a barrier to contact contamination.
Inhalatory nosowe i filtry do pomp spray - Dostarczanie leków

Inhalatory nosowe i filtry do pomp spray - Dostarczanie leków

Deliver precise doses while minimizing contamination in nasal inhalers Pharmaceutical and healthcare companies rely on Porex for customized antimicrobial filtering solutions for nasal inhalers and spray pumps. POREX ® filters are designed to prevent contamination of the pharmaceutical agent. Our nasal inhaler and spray pump filters: Facilitate cleaning filtration–Porous materials ensure pharmaceutical agent is free of contamination. Deliver preservative-free packaging–Antimicrobial additives in the structure of porous material helps maintain the sterility of the pharmaceutical agent. Offer optimized air flow performance as specified by the functional requirements of the specific device.
Rezerwuary Dostarczania Leków - Dostarczanie Leków

Rezerwuary Dostarczania Leków - Dostarczanie Leków

Deliver accurate and consistent doses POREX ® drug delivery reservoirs can be loaded with pharmaceutical agents and incorporated into a drug delivery device. Reservoirs can be developed from porous polymer or porous fiber materials, depending on the design and functional performance requirements of the reservoir. Our drug delivery reservoirs: Optimize dosage accuracy–Both porous plastic and porous fiber materials are engineered for dosage accuracy and structural integrity. Deliver consistent drug dose release- Optimized for loading and absorption of the drug into the porous material for statistical consistency of drug dose release, as well as for air flow and chemical resistance. Accommodate varied device requirements through customized part geometries.
Filtry i knoty do aplikatorów miejscowych - Dostarczanie leków

Filtry i knoty do aplikatorów miejscowych - Dostarczanie leków

Improve application of wound sealing agents POREX® topical applicator filters and wicks are designed for fluid-based application of sealing agents for wound closure, such as surgical adhesive or drug delivery in dental treatment applications, and can also serve as a filter if the solutions are mixed and expressed from crushed glass ampoules. Designed to provide maximum performance for topical applicators, our filters and wicks: Deliver optimal wicking rates–Design provides optimal wicking rates of the liquid adhesive from the reservoir to the tip surface, which is then used as the applicator. Deliver precise application – POREX topical applicator tips provide specified lay-down of the liquid adhesive to the wound surface. Ensure appropriate press-fit seal and manufacturability–Filter strength and pliability ensures appropriate seal between the filter applicator and the device’s exterior barrel, and also allows for automated assembly processes and sterilization via gamma or...
Filtry i wentylacje nebulizatora - Dostarczanie leków

Filtry i wentylacje nebulizatora - Dostarczanie leków

Minimize contamination and noise of nebulizers POREX® nebulizer filters and vents offer a two-fold advantage when assembled into a nebulizer, a device that converts liquid into an aerosol for inhalation of medication. Our porous materials effectively filter or vent the air as it is drawn into the device through the air inlets, keeping out particulates, microbes and other contaminants. In addition, these filters also act to muffle the noise created by the action of the device. Specifically designed for nebulizers, our filters and vents: Assure easy assembly–Designed for ease of assembly into the nebulizer, these three-dimensional molded part designs are inherently strong, creating a better seal than traditional fiber filters when press-fit into nebulizer devices. Reduce contamination–Effectively filter or vent air as it is drawn into the device through the air inlets, keeping out particulates, microbes and other contaminants. Offer a better user experience– Diffuse sound by...
Rezerwuary Dostarczania Leków - Dostarczanie Leków

Rezerwuary Dostarczania Leków - Dostarczanie Leków

Deliver accurate and consistent doses POREX ® drug delivery reservoirs can be loaded with pharmaceutical agents and incorporated into a drug delivery device. Reservoirs can be developed from porous polymer or porous fiber materials, depending on the design and functional performance requirements of the reservoir. Our drug delivery reservoirs: Optimize dosage accuracy–Both porous plastic and porous fiber materials are engineered for dosage accuracy and structural integrity. Deliver consistent drug dose release- Optimized for loading and absorption of the drug into the porous material for statistical consistency of drug dose release, as well as for air flow and chemical resistance. Accommodate varied device requirements through customized part geometries.
Filtry i zawory nebulizatora - Dostarczanie leków

Filtry i zawory nebulizatora - Dostarczanie leków

Minimize contamination and noise of nebulizers POREX® nebulizer filters and vents offer a two-fold advantage when assembled into a nebulizer, a device that converts liquid into an aerosol for inhalation of medication. Our porous materials effectively filter or vent the air as it is drawn into the device through the air inlets, keeping out particulates, microbes and other contaminants. In addition, these filters also act to muffle the noise created by the action of the device. Specifically designed for nebulizers, our filters and vents: Assure easy assembly–Designed for ease of assembly into the nebulizer, these three-dimensional molded part designs are inherently strong, creating a better seal than traditional fiber filters when press-fit into nebulizer devices. Reduce contamination–Effectively filter or vent air as it is drawn into the device through the air inlets, keeping out particulates, microbes and other contaminants. Offer a better user experience– Diffuse sound by...
Inhalatory donosowe i filtry do pomp spray - Dostarczanie leków

Inhalatory donosowe i filtry do pomp spray - Dostarczanie leków

Deliver precise doses while minimizing contamination in nasal inhalers Pharmaceutical and healthcare companies rely on Porex for customized antimicrobial filtering solutions for nasal inhalers and spray pumps. POREX ® filters are designed to prevent contamination of the pharmaceutical agent. Our nasal inhaler and spray pump filters: Facilitate cleaning filtration–Porous materials ensure pharmaceutical agent is free of contamination. Deliver preservative-free packaging–Antimicrobial additives in the structure of porous material helps maintain the sterility of the pharmaceutical agent. Offer optimized air flow performance as specified by the functional requirements of the specific device.
Rezerwuary Dostarczania Leków - Dostarczanie Leków

Rezerwuary Dostarczania Leków - Dostarczanie Leków

Deliver accurate and consistent doses POREX ® drug delivery reservoirs can be loaded with pharmaceutical agents and incorporated into a drug delivery device. Reservoirs can be developed from porous polymer or porous fiber materials, depending on the design and functional performance requirements of the reservoir. Our drug delivery reservoirs: Optimize dosage accuracy–Both porous plastic and porous fiber materials are engineered for dosage accuracy and structural integrity. Deliver consistent drug dose release- Optimized for loading and absorption of the drug into the porous material for statistical consistency of drug dose release, as well as for air flow and chemical resistance. Accommodate varied device requirements through customized part geometries.
Filtry do inhalatorów doustnych - Dostarczanie leków

Filtry do inhalatorów doustnych - Dostarczanie leków

Ensure metered dose integrity and accuracy in oral inhalers Customized POREX ® inhaler filters are used in metered dose inhalers to deliver measured amounts of pharmaceutical agents to patients via oral-bronchial administration. With the added ability for customization to promote preservative-free packaging, our oral inhaler filters: Deliver accurate doses in metered dose inhalers–Customized inhaler filters facilitate the delivery of measured amounts of pharmaceutical agents specific to the device’s design requirements. Protects inhaler's mechanical systems from obstruction, thereby enhancing performance. Can be customized based on device requirements by optimizing for pore size, airflow and dimensional tolerances.
Filtry i Wentyle Zestawu Terapii Infuzyjnej - Podawanie Leków

Filtry i Wentyle Zestawu Terapii Infuzyjnej - Podawanie Leków

Balance performance and protection for optimal infusion therapy POREX ® infusion therapy set filters and vents provide the perfect balance of performance and protection for optimal infusion therapy with reduced risk of infection. Critical components of our infusion therapy solutions include: POREX ® spike vents - Complete efficient delivery of the dose solution without impacting the physical stability or introduction of microbes or foreign matter, thereby protecting the medical professional from infection and drug exposure. POREX ® in-line filters - Hydrophilic membrane protects against accidental air intrusion into the infusion line. POREX® primer vent - Hydrophobic membrane with 1.2 micron pore size that allows air to pass through but stops fluid and provides a barrier to contact contamination.
Filtry i knotki do aplikatorów miejscowych - Dostarczanie leków

Filtry i knotki do aplikatorów miejscowych - Dostarczanie leków

Improve application of wound sealing agents POREX® topical applicator filters and wicks are designed for fluid-based application of sealing agents for wound closure, such as surgical adhesive or drug delivery in dental treatment applications, and can also serve as a filter if the solutions are mixed and expressed from crushed glass ampoules. Designed to provide maximum performance for topical applicators, our filters and wicks: Deliver optimal wicking rates–Design provides optimal wicking rates of the liquid adhesive from the reservoir to the tip surface, which is then used as the applicator. Deliver precise application – POREX topical applicator tips provide specified lay-down of the liquid adhesive to the wound surface. Ensure appropriate press-fit seal and manufacturability–Filter strength and pliability ensures appropriate seal between the filter applicator and the device’s exterior barrel, and also allows for automated assembly processes and sterilization via gamma or...
Filtry i zawory nebulizatora - Dostarczanie leków

Filtry i zawory nebulizatora - Dostarczanie leków

Minimize contamination and noise of nebulizers POREX® nebulizer filters and vents offer a two-fold advantage when assembled into a nebulizer, a device that converts liquid into an aerosol for inhalation of medication. Our porous materials effectively filter or vent the air as it is drawn into the device through the air inlets, keeping out particulates, microbes and other contaminants. In addition, these filters also act to muffle the noise created by the action of the device. Specifically designed for nebulizers, our filters and vents: Assure easy assembly–Designed for ease of assembly into the nebulizer, these three-dimensional molded part designs are inherently strong, creating a better seal than traditional fiber filters when press-fit into nebulizer devices. Reduce contamination–Effectively filter or vent air as it is drawn into the device through the air inlets, keeping out particulates, microbes and other contaminants. Offer a better user experience– Diffuse sound by...