Automatyczna maszyna etykietująca - Ninon Mix - Etykiety do produktów kwadratowych, cylindrycznych, owalnych i stożkowych
CDA’s Ninon Mix facilitates adhesive labelling on the sides and tops of square, cylindrical, ovalized, and conical products without requiring any material changes.
This linear automatic labeller boasts the capability to apply up to 5 labels, with a labelling capacity reaching up to 60 products per minute depending on the packaging.
The Ninon Mix stands out for its versatility and streamlined touch screen management, making it seamlessly integrable into a complete packaging line.
This automatic labelling machine accommodates all formats and finds applications in various sectors, including:
Food processing (sauce, honey, jam, oil, vinegar, mustard, etc.),
Cosmetics (cream, perfume, body oil, soap, shampoo, etc.),
Paint and varnish (buckets, cans, jars, etc.),
Chemistry (dishwashing liquid, detergent, solvent, household products, etc.).