Produkty dla mięso mięsne (1998)



Our premium pork cuts are meticulously processed to deliver superior taste and quality. Each piece is tender and flavorful, ensuring a delightful culinary experience. Whether you're preparing a classic pork dish or exploring new recipes, our pork provides the perfect foundation for a range of culinary creations. With a focus on quality and taste, we bring you pork that stands out for its superior texture and rich flavor. Our pork selection is crafted to deliver exceptional flavor and quality. From tender chops to flavorful roasts, our pork cuts are processed with precision to ensure a delicious and satisfying experience in every bite.
Polędwica wieprzowa iberyjska

Polędwica wieprzowa iberyjska

Cerdo ibérico mayor de 10 meses. Bola pequeña de magro, extraída de la mandíbula inferior de la cabeza.Pieza no superior a los 150 gr. La Carrillera de cerdo ibérico es una exquisita pieza de carne magra, obtenida de la mandíbula inferior del cerdo ibérico de más de 10 meses de edad. Este corte, con un peso aproximado de 150 gramos, destaca por su ternura y sabor profundo, ideal para preparaciones de cocción lenta, como guisos o estofados. La carrillera ofrece una textura melosa y jugosa que, al cocinarse, libera todo el sabor característico de la carne de cerdo ibérico. Este corte es perfecto para quienes buscan un plato gourmet de alta calidad, con el sello inconfundible de la gastronomía ibérica.
Mrożone mielone mięso - karton 5Kg

Mrożone mielone mięso - karton 5Kg

10 x 500g par carton - Viande hachée surgelée - pur bœuf
Filet w próżni - Wołowina

Filet w próżni - Wołowina

The tenderloin is the most valuable cut. It is made of soft, tender and succulent muscular tissue. One of the most common procedures is aging it for 2-7 days, depending on the age of the animal, in order to be prepared for frying on the grill. At the same time, the muscle is used to prepare tournedos and medallions or filet mignon.
Mrożone mięso - surowce

Mrożone mięso - surowce

Frozen meat Available packages: 0.500 kg package 2.00 kg package Product features: The snails are cooked once for 5-7 minutes. Removed from the shells, cleaned, washed and frozen. This product is not ready for direct consumption and undergoes subsequent heat treatment (cooking, frying, etc.) Storage: – 18 ° С
ETD 60 Maszyna do Tumbler Mięsa - Maszyna do Tumbler Mięsa

ETD 60 Maszyna do Tumbler Mięsa - Maszyna do Tumbler Mięsa

The chassis is made entirely of 304 CrNi material. Our machine features a single-wall stainless steel boiler. Vacuum System Maximum Safety Easy Operation with Manual Panel Boiler sheets are made entirely of 304 quality CrNi material. Boiler Body Sheet: 3 mm Boiler Rear Dome: 3 mm ETD Mixer Reducer 25 Revolutions 1.1 KW Ensures thorough mixing of added spices. Ensures optimal binding of added proteins. Prepares the product for processing. WARRANTY : - ETD Vertical Meat Tumbler that we manufacture; (Within production and fabrication errors) - Chassis and boiler manufacturing is under our 2-year warranty. - Electrical switchgear materials are under the warranty of the companies for 1 year. Width :60cm Length:104 cm Height:110 cm
Analog mięsa grochowego VG Hostly P-M C1

Analog mięsa grochowego VG Hostly P-M C1

The Pea Meat Analog VG Hostly P-M C1 is a frozen product designed to replicate the texture and taste of chicken. It is ideal for use in ready meals, catering, and convenience foods after thawing and cooking. Made from pea protein, it contains 30g of protein per 100g and is available in shredded pieces with a chicken aroma, measuring approximately 1 to 8 cm. Packaged in a 10kg PE bag, this product is perfect for creating plant-based kebabs, cutlets, nuggets, chicken salads, and pâtés.
Filet - Tył - Surowy

Filet - Tył - Surowy

Filet - Arrière - Brut
Iberyjski Loin Karmiony Żołędziami 50% Rasy Iberyjskiej - LOINY I WĘDLINY

Iberyjski Loin Karmiony Żołędziami 50% Rasy Iberyjskiej - LOINY I WĘDLINY

Pieza procedente de cerdos ibéricos, alimentados en montanera durante 3-4 meses a base de bellotas, hierbas y rastrojos. Se embute artesanalmente con Pimentón D.O. de la Vera (Cáceres), también adobado con especias naturales y sin ningún tipo de conservantes, sal ajo y orégano. Se aprecia su extraordinario olor y aroma. Ingredientes: Lomo de cerdo de bellota ibérico, sal, aroma natural, pimentón, especias naturales y tripa natural de vaca. 100 % ingredientes naturales. Sin alérgenos. Con una curación mínima de 5-6 meses, se caracteriza por un extraordinario olor y aroma. Ingredientes:Lomo de cerdo de bellota ibérico, sal, aroma natural, pimentón, especias naturales
Słone nadziewane przekąski - z mięsem i bez mięsa

Słone nadziewane przekąski - z mięsem i bez mięsa

Veggie to hearty, traditionally to sophisticatedly filled
Gotowane mięso z głowy homara

Gotowane mięso z głowy homara

Cooked lobster head meat
Mięso i wyroby mięsne

Mięso i wyroby mięsne

Meat and Meat Products
Ręcznie Wykonana Mrożona Mielona Wołowina i Pita z Kashkaval od Dalya

Ręcznie Wykonana Mrożona Mielona Wołowina i Pita z Kashkaval od Dalya

Dalya Handmade Frozen Minced Meat and Kashkaval Pita: Frozen Traditional Flavors Hunkar brand now offers its handmade pita bread inspired by traditional Turkish cuisine in frozen form. Minced Meat and Kashkaval Pita is carefully prepared and packaged frozen, 100% faithful to the original Turkish recipe. Now, you can quickly prepare this unique flavor whenever you want and make your table festive. The thin dough is covered with delicious minced meat and plenty of cheddar cheese and baked in the oven, leaving an unforgettable taste on the palate. Hunkar's frozen pita brings together practicality and traditional flavor. Prepared with the skill of experienced hands, this pita will add joy to your tables.
Środek do iniekcji dla mięsa i ryb

Środek do iniekcji dla mięsa i ryb

TenderFox® TenderFox® has been developed to combat production and storage losses in meat and fish and to give a greater yield. TenderFox® is strongly effective when injected as a spray brine into meat and fish. In order to permit reliable and simple processing, TenderFox® is also available as a liquid product for high-concentration brines. In the case of high-volume injection (from 30% injection volume), it is solely available in powder form, including brine stabilisation. Starting from the versatile basic seasoning, TenderFox® is also available in the aroma variants Roast, Smoked and cured and Boiled ham and in the flavours poultry, pork and beef. In combination with TopFox® dry seasoning, TenderFox® can be further used in many other ways, e.g. in the flavours lamb, herbs, chili or smoke. TenderFox® gives you optimum value creation combined with a tiptop flavour – a unique solution. Benefits at a glance: Flexible increase in value creation Simple to use
Mrożone mięso małży IQF 100 - 200

Mrożone mięso małży IQF 100 - 200

Snel ingevroren om de versheid te behouden, zijn onze bevroren schelpen een handige optie voor elke keuken. Gemakkelijk op te slaan, behoudt een hoge voedingswaarde. Groothandel voor bedrijven: supermarkten, hotels, restaurants en cafés.
Młynek do mięsa dla przemysłu spożywczego

Młynek do mięsa dla przemysłu spożywczego

Le Metton, lait écrémé caillé, est essentiellement utilisé pour fabriquer la cancoillotte, un fromage à base de lait de vache. Fort de son expérience dans l’industrie agro-alimentaire, TCM - THOMAS CONSTRUCTIONS MECANIQUES a développé un broyeur à metton entièrement automatique, intégrant toutes les phases de conception, de fabrication, de mise au point et d’industrialisation. Géré via un automate central, entièrement automatique, ce broyeur à Metton dernière génération est conforme aux réglementations européennes les plus strictes en matière d’hygiène, de sécurité et de respect de l’environnement. Les opérations de nettoyage sont optimisées grâce à une conception d’ensemble facilement démontable ; d’une capacité de 1000 kg/heure, il permet le broyage d’une large gamme de blocs de Metton jusqu’à 65 kg. Le broyeur se règle suivant la granulométrie ciblée. Le conditionnement du produit fini est ajusté en fonction du poids souhaité en sortie de convoyeur.


Mączka mięsno-kostna brązowa - Pasza dla zwierząt

Mączka mięsno-kostna brązowa - Pasza dla zwierząt

These slaughter products are originated from animals cattle and lamb, which are being examined by veterinary before being killed; and found healthy. Raw material is approved by official vet. Physically chemical properties: Color: Light brown to yellow brown Odor: Characteristic, without extraneous odor Appearance: Fine powder without mechanical particles
Czysta jagnięcina - wykonana z 100% mięsa jagnięcego

Czysta jagnięcina - wykonana z 100% mięsa jagnięcego

Lamm Pur von Beckers Beste Tiernahrung Lamm Pur, für ein pures Essvergnügen Ihres vierbeinigen Hausgenossen. Er wird es Ihnen danken, mit Lebensfreude und einem gesunden Aussehen. Die klassische Delikatesse in einer praktischen Dose. Lammfleisch ist nahrhaft für unsere vierbeinigen Freund aller Rassen. Wir verarbeiten unser Lammfleisch ohne Zusätze zu einem schmackhaften Nassfutter, damit Sie Ihren vierbeinigen Liebling artgerecht ernähren. ist ein artgerechtes, natürliches und getreidefreies Hundefutter mit höchstem Fleischanteil aus reinem Lamm. Das Nassfutter aus reinem Lammfleisch versorgt Ihren Hund mit allen wichtigen Nährstoffen. Aufgrund unserer natürlichen und erlesenen Zutaten ist unser Lamm Pur äußerst schmackhaft und bekömmlich. Unsere Zusammensetzung beinhaltet 100 % Lamm (bestehend aus Lammfleisch, Lammherz, Lammleber, Lammpansen). Unser Nassfutter für Hunde mit dem Singleprotein Lamm von Beckers Beste Tiernahrung ist leicht verdaulich und für Allergiker ..
INTERKALARY ŻYWNOŚCIOWE - Ochrona dla plastrów żywności, ryb, mięs, wędlin..

INTERKALARY ŻYWNOŚCIOWE - Ochrona dla plastrów żywności, ryb, mięs, wędlin..

Feuille intercalaire lisse, permettant de séparer les aliments coupés finement de façon à éviter que les tranches ne collent entre elles. Garantie contact alimentaire.
Mrożone Mięsa w Kartonach

Mrożone Mięsa w Kartonach

Explorez notre gamme de viandes congelées, sélectionnées pour leur qualité et leur fraîcheur. Chaque morceau est soigneusement préparé et congelé rapidement pour préserver toutes ses qualités nutritives et gustatives. Idéale pour vos repas quotidiens ou vos occasions spéciales, notre viande congelée se décline en diverses variétés : bœuf, poulet, porc, agneau et plus encore. Profitez de la praticité et de la longévité de nos produits surgelés, tout en savourant une viande tendre et savoureuse à chaque bouchée. Commandez dès maintenant pour une expérience culinaire optimale.
Hurtownik Mięsa - Świeże Mięsa i Wędliny

Hurtownik Mięsa - Świeże Mięsa i Wędliny

Chez M-S services, vous trouverez une variété de choix alléchants, tels que l'agneau tendre, le boeuf de qualité, des options halal, du lapin savoureux, du mouton de premier choix, et du porc de qualité supérieure. Nous nous engageons à vous offrir des produits de viande de la plus haute qualité pour satisfaire tous les palais. Découvrez la différence avec notre sélection exceptionnelle de viandes et charcuteries.
teksturant do produktów mięsnych - składniki teksturujące clean-label do produktów cateringowych

teksturant do produktów mięsnych - składniki teksturujące clean-label do produktów cateringowych

Nos solutions clean-label des gammes Mixeo et Stabeo, à base de fibres végétales, sont vos alliés pour vos applications vos applications traiteurs, aussi bien carnés, de la mer ou végan. Stabeo et Mixeo participent à la rétention d’eau en apportant proposant des résultats différents Grâce à la grande quantité de fibres qu’elles contiennent, nos solutions permettent d’augmenter significativement la teneur en fibres du produit final.
Etykietowanie mięsa pakowanego próżniowo

Etykietowanie mięsa pakowanego próżniowo

Branding by Banding bietet für alle Bereiche der Industrie Möglichkeiten. Die bekanntesten Anwendungen findet man in der Lebensmittelindustrie, wo Hersteller und Verpacker von Mahlzeitsalaten, Nüssen, Pizza’ und Desserts bereits seit Jahren die Vorteile von Branding by Banding erkennen. Aber tatsächlich ist jeder Industriezweig interessant. Man denke an die luxuriösen Kartonverpackungen in der Health und Beauty-Industrie. Oder an "Branding" von industriellen Produkten, wie Elektronik oder Materialien aus der Anlagentechnik.
Absolute ML - Widelec do Mięsa - NOŻE

Absolute ML - Widelec do Mięsa - NOŻE

The meat fork is a special addition to every kitchen and the must-have for every budding chef. With the ultra-sharp tip and long tines, the 7-inch fork pierces with minimal pressure, allowing steadfast slicing control. The tongs, made of stain-resistant multilayer steel MLS33-VG10, consists of 33 layers of steel with an extra hard V-Gold 10-core, (61 +/- 1 HRC). The ergonomic handle made from food-safe material ensures perfect balance, and extra safety while cutting or picking up meat. Presentation STRUCTURALLY STRONGER, MORE DURABLE, STAYS SHARPER LONGER For the perfect cut and easy serving, the FELIX ZEPTER meat fork is the best complement to your kitchen utensils. Resistant to corrosion, our advice is to clean and maintain the knives and kitchen accessories by hand to preserve their beauty and high performance for longer. Item code:KAF-020 Product name:Absolute ML - Meat Fork Gross weight [KG]:0.34 Net weight [KG]:0.21 Application:Meat fork Producer:FELIX SOLINGEN GmbH , An den Eichen 6, 42699 Solingen Made in:Germany Dimensions:430 x 90 x 30 mm Material:Blade – Japanese MLS 33 VG10 – multilayer Damascus steel Ice-hartened structure Cleaning and Care:Recommended cleaning and washing knives by hand. Suitable for use in the dishwasher:Not recommended Warranty:5-year warranty in case of discovered defects in materials or workmanship. Certifications/Declaration:Declaration of Conformity concerning the Regulation (EC) Nº1935/2004 on materials
Edge Drive Ambient Spiral - Ta spirala jest idealna do schładzania produktów piekarniczych, mięsnych i owoców morza.

Edge Drive Ambient Spiral - Ta spirala jest idealna do schładzania produktów piekarniczych, mięsnych i owoców morza.

A superior cooling solution. Handcrafted in Denmark. Zero Compromises. This space-saving ambient spiral delivers continuous uniform cooling and high production capacities of meat, poultry, seafood, vegetable and baked products. Each product piece is cooled uniformly regardless of its position on the conveyor belt. Temperature, air circulation and conveyor speed are independently adjustable and PLC controlled. Our Edge Drive Ambient Spiral has no internal drum drive, making cleaning simple and efficient. Insulated cabinet and stainless steel construction are built to Danish standards. Custom design:500kg per hour up to 4T
Taca z papieru do smażenia mięsa - Opakowanie papierowe do żywności

Taca z papieru do smażenia mięsa - Opakowanie papierowe do żywności

Paper; C1S, C2S, Kraft, Special, Duplex Printing; CMYK, Pantone, UV, Silk Screen Lamination; Matte, Gloss, Varnish, Dispersion Application; Hot Foil, Deboss, Emboss, Grain, Spot UV
Extra mięso chorizo

Extra mięso chorizo

Explore the traditional flavor of our Extra meat chorizo. This smoked chorizo, made from pork meat and fat, is skillfully seasoned with legally authorized condiments and additives. A product that honors traditional practices, while celebrating authentic flavors and offering a unique experience that will captivate all chorizo lovers.