Produkty dla na produkty (104)

SPOT BASKET dla reflektorów podążających - Perspektywy bez granic i ograniczeń!

SPOT BASKET dla reflektorów podążających - Perspektywy bez granic i ograniczeń!

EFESTO has designed a very compact “Follow spot Basket”, capable of combining four follow spots. Modular aluminium structure, assembled with prefabricated components and used as a suspended work plan in combination with free-standing towers and lifting systems. Spot Basket structure provides a support base in elevation for stage luminaries, commonly called “Follow spots” and for the operator assigned to its use. Spot Basket can be useas a single module or overlapped configuration up to maximum number 4 modules / spot baskets. The modularity and compactness of elements make easy and fast the assembly. This structure can be dismantled completely for a compact transport and storage area.
Scena Speedy Gamma - Scena bez gry

Scena Speedy Gamma - Scena bez gry

Modular platform of scaffolding , made in welded aluminum, systems for stages and podiums , suitable for indoor and outdoor applications. Technical data ▪ Birch plywood, 12mm thick platform , anti skid top layer and fireproof, water resistant, for phenolic coating on both sides ▪ Aluminum frame with shocks protection board of wooden deck panel ; ▪ Plastic corners of deck panel are removable. They make accessible the guides along the frame for mounting accessories (Railings, scale, etc.); ▪ In the bottom of deck there is a quick connection system between the decks : GAMMA FastLock - is actuated by hexagonal key for a security and reliable positioning of stages.
Homogenizowana Ricotta - Homogenizowana Ricotta

Homogenizowana Ricotta - Homogenizowana Ricotta

Fior di ricotta purissima di latte vaccino omogenizzata PREZZO AGGRESSIVO
Katalog produktów - Lody czekoladowe

Katalog produktów - Lody czekoladowe

Realizzato con cacao monorigine, e cioccolato puro al 75 %


Kompostowalne kapsułki kawowe ESE 44 mm - Doypack - Kapsułki ESE 44 - Kapsułki

Kompostowalne kapsułki kawowe ESE 44 mm - Doypack - Kapsułki ESE 44 - Kapsułki

Miscela Arabica Miscela 100% Arabica. Crema marrone chiaro. Rotondo, ricco, fruttato. Tostatura media. Nata per accontentare i palati più delicati, questa miscela prevalentemente arabica si presenta con un marrone più chiaro. All’assaggio subito emergono la delicatezza e la morbidezza, accompagnati da un gusto aromatico e profumato, quasi dolce ma nello stesso tempo un po’ acido. Per ridurre al minimo i consumi della plastica ci sono le nostre Cialde Caffè Cortese compostabili ESE 44 mm confezionata in Doypack da 25 pz. Grazie alle buste doypack si limita del 65% il consumo della pastica rispettto all'imbustamento di ogni singola cialde. Questo nuovo packaging è stato ideato per tutto quei clienti che desiderano un prodotto freschissimo infatti le cialde vengono prodotte e poi confezionate al momento dell'ordine. MISCELA:ARABICA
Krzesło ergonomiczne

Krzesło ergonomiczne

Flaminia, seduta personalizzabile nei colori del legno, tessuti e in eventuali loghi o nomi.


FreedomFast - FreedomFast to kompakt wsparcie dla ledwall, które mieści się w walizce lotniczej!

FreedomFast - FreedomFast to kompakt wsparcie dla ledwall, które mieści się w walizce lotniczej!

FreedomFast may be used as a self-supporting or haging-supporting system, easy to assemble, aluminum made, is ideal solution for different kind of led systems. Fast, versatile, compact, modular: FreedomFast is the freedom to be fast in every single installation! Ledwall support, compact version and black finish, has basic and simple design: this is the fastest solution and the better answer at ledwall star of the events and shows. The ledwall support system must be ballasted (you can request a back ballast - device compatible). Advantages: • Compact and Lightweight: each component (front and back foots, the stabilizers bracing, central positioning and securing system) disassembled enters into a flight case. • Modular: the modular base with adjustable foots is suitable to different types of led modules systems. • Versatile:the back stabilizers, height adjustable, ensure the stability of the walls up to 200 cm.
Marynowany miecznik - z oliwą z oliwek extra virgin

Marynowany miecznik - z oliwą z oliwek extra virgin

Pesce spada fresco o congelato lavorato in giornata e marinato in aceto di vino. Confezionato in olio misto, 20% extra vergine d'oliva, 80% olio di semi di girasole con aromi freschi. Confezionato in vaschetta sottovuoto. Pesce spada (Xiphias Glaudius), (ZONA FAO 37,34,47), 80% olio di semi di girasole 20%, olio extra vergine d'oliva, aceto, antiossidante, esaltatore, aroma, sale, aromi naturali L'azienda opera in ottemperanza alla normativa nazionale ed europea, in regime di autocontrollo ed in conformità ai principi del sistema HACCP. L'azienda attua procedure di pulizie e disinfezione, disinfestazione e controlli igienici, ed effettua controlli microbiologici e chimici su materie prime, semilavorati, prodotti finiti ed in fase di lavorazione a campione. Il prodotto fresco viene abbattuto a -20° C. ai sensi del Reg. CE 853/04. Gli allergeni conosciuti vengono evidenziati in grassetto secondo le disposizioni di legge.


Prodotto pronto uso a magazzino. Disponibile. Vare misure, vari colori, anche oro e argento e fluo. Spedizione in Italia Euro 6 + iva Spedizione Europa Euro 12 + iva
Katalog produktów - Ciasta semifreddo

Katalog produktów - Ciasta semifreddo

I semifreddi ideali per tutte le occasioni


Włoska żywność konserwowana - Produkt w puszce

Włoska żywność konserwowana - Produkt w puszce

Gecom canned products are produced in Italy with a special care from the first single day of the harvest up to their maturation following a strict quality control process. They are whole peeled tomatoes, diced chopped tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato puree, passata, pizza sauce, tomato sauce, canned peas, tinned beans, green peas, white beans, chick peas, red kidney beans, black beans, butter beans, baked beans in tomato sauce, San Marzano, bio products