Produkty dla na produkty (17208)



Les colliers Oya sont nés du métissage de la tradition dentelière turque et du regard voyageur de Christine Delpal, créatrice de la marque Karawan. La rencontre forte et prometteuse avec Hanifa et ses soeurs, villageoises d’Anatolie, fut une évidence. Karawan s’engage depuis sa fondation pour la valorisation de savoir faire artisanaux des Routes de la Soie, par la création de collections singulières que Christine revisite par le design, pour les maintenir vivants, dans une démarche d’économie solidaire. Un désir partagé de transmettre et d’accompagner vers une professionnalisation, source de revenus et d’innovation, des savoirs traditionnels féminins d’exception, souvent limités à la sphère domestique. Christine s’installe de longs jours dans les montagnes d’Anatolie, aux cotés Référence:KSAUT02CT-S
Nutrilon Proszek mleczny

Nutrilon Proszek mleczny

Wholesale Nutrilon Milk Powder – in Cans 800g. We export and supply you with infant milk powder in 800g cans for sale in Germany. Nutrilon is designed for hungrier bottle-fed babies, helping to delay the early onset of weaning. Our unique blend of ingredients is Halaal approved and now includes increased levels of LCPs (Omega 3 & Omega 6) to support your baby’s development. Trust us for high-quality infant nutrition.
Kiełbasa Painho

Kiełbasa Painho

Painho sausage sausage is a traditional Portuguese sausage that Monte Safira has crafted with precision and care. Made from the finest national meats, this sausage is seasoned with a unique blend of spices, offering a rich and savory taste that is both satisfying and memorable. The traditional smoking process adds a distinctive aroma, making it a must-try for anyone seeking an authentic taste of Portugal. Monte Safira's Painho sausage sausage is perfect for grilling, adding to stews, or enjoying as a standalone snack. Its robust flavors and high-quality ingredients make it a versatile addition to any meal, providing a taste of Portugal that is both authentic and satisfying. Discover the rich culinary heritage of Portugal with Monte Safira's Painho sausage sausage.
VG Titans P65-M Teksturowane Białko Grochu

VG Titans P65-M Teksturowane Białko Grochu

VG Titans P65-M Textured Pea Protein is a premium plant-based protein product designed to meet the needs of modern food manufacturers. This dry product, created through a sophisticated extrusion process, hydrates to deliver a meat-like texture, making it perfect for plant-based burgers, sausages, and other meatless products. Its high protein and fiber content, combined with its versatility, make it an excellent choice for enhancing the nutritional value of various culinary creations. Sourced from non-GMO peas, VG Titans P65-M is produced with a commitment to sustainability and quality. This textured pea protein is ideal for companies looking to innovate and expand their offerings in the plant-based food sector. Its ability to integrate seamlessly into a wide range of recipes makes it a must-have ingredient for those catering to the growing demand for vegan and vegetarian options.
Chusteczki Zen ocean 3-warstwowe 10x10szt

Chusteczki Zen ocean 3-warstwowe 10x10szt

Zen tissues ocean 3-ply 10x10pcs are high-quality tissues that offer both softness and strength. These three-ply tissues are infused with a refreshing ocean scent, providing a pleasant and invigorating experience with every use. Their 10x10 pack size ensures you have plenty of tissues on hand for all your needs, whether at home or on the go. Crafted with care and attention to detail, ZEN vreckovky are designed to deliver a premium experience. Their soft texture and durable construction make them a reliable choice for any occasion. Whether you're dealing with allergies, a cold, or simply need a gentle tissue, Zen tissues ocean are sure to provide the comfort and quality you deserve.
Maszyny do laminowania kątowego

Maszyny do laminowania kątowego

Le macchine per la laminazione angolare sono attrezzature industriali altamente specializzate progettate per modificare la geometria di profilati metallici, come angolari, barre e tubi, tramite un processo di laminazione a freddo o a caldo. Utilizzate prevalentemente nei settori della carpenteria metallica, della costruzione e della produzione industriale, queste macchine consentono la deformazione precisa e controllata dei materiali, adattandoli alle specifiche esigenze di progetto. Efficienza e Precisione: Dotate di rulli regolabili e di un sistema di pressione ottimizzato, queste macchine garantiscono una laminazione uniforme su tutto il profilo, migliorando la qualità del prodotto finito. Versatilità dei Materiali: Adatte per laminare diversi tipi di acciaio, alluminio, rame e altri metalli, rispondono perfettamente alle esigenze di settori diversi, dai serramenti alle strutture portanti. Facilità di Utilizzo e Controllo: L'interfaccia digitale avanzata consente un controllo preciso dei parametri di laminazione, come velocità e pressione, adattandosi a ogni tipo di applicazione e permettendo una regolazione personalizzata. Robustezza Strutturale: Costruite con materiali di alta qualità e con una struttura rinforzata, le macchine per laminazione angolare assicurano un funzionamento continuo e duraturo anche nei contesti industriali più esigenti. Sicurezza e Affidabilità: Dotate di sistemi di sicurezza attivi e passivi per garantire la protezione degli operatori durante l'uso, queste macchine rappresentano una scelta sicura e affidabile per ogni tipo di azienda. Ideali per chi cerca precisione, efficienza e resistenza nel processo di laminazione angolare, queste macchine sono un investimento strategico per migliorare la qualità e la produttività industriale.
Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri)

Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri)

Aide à la concentration. Les compléments alimentaires ne sont pas des médicaments, ils ne peuvent remplacer une alimentation variée. Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière conseillés. Ne convient pas aux femmes enceintes et allaitantes, ni aux enfants de moins de 12 ans. Les personnes ayant des pathologies doivent consulter un professionnel de santé. A conserver dans un endroit sec à l’abri de la lumière.
Musujące tabletki suplementów diety

Musujące tabletki suplementów diety

Le compresse effervescenti rappresentano una soluzione innovativa per l'assunzione di integratori alimentari, offrendo un'azione effervescente che maschera il sapore e facilita l'assorbimento dei principi attivi in forma liquida. Questo tipo di compresse è ideale per chi non gradisce o non può ingoiare le pillole, garantendo un'esperienza di consumo più piacevole. Disponibili in diverse dimensioni e pesi, queste compresse sono perfette per chi cerca un prodotto personalizzabile e di alta qualità. Con un ordine minimo di 100.000 compresse e un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, queste compresse sono ideali per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute in modo semplice e conveniente. La formulazione delle compresse effervescenti include una vasta gamma di materie prime, come vitamine, minerali e aminoacidi, che supportano il benessere generale. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza sensoriale, rendendo l'assunzione più gradevole. Questi integratori sono progettati per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute senza compromessi, grazie alla loro capacità di fornire un rapido assorbimento dei nutrienti essenziali. Scegliendo le compresse effervescenti, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, capace di soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più diverse.
Miód letni

Miód letni

Le Miel d’été de Pocquet Apiculture est une véritable explosion de saveurs estivales. Récolté durant les mois les plus chauds, ce miel capture l'essence des fleurs en pleine floraison. Sa couleur dorée et son arôme floral intense en font un incontournable pour les amateurs de miel. Que ce soit pour sucrer vos desserts ou pour agrémenter vos plats, le Miel d’été est un allié culinaire de choix. Chaque pot est soigneusement préparé pour conserver toutes les propriétés naturelles de ce nectar précieux. En optant pour notre Miel d’été, vous choisissez un produit issu d'une apiculture responsable et respectueuse de la biodiversité. Nos abeilles évoluent dans un environnement sain, loin des pesticides, ce qui garantit un miel pur et savoureux. Disponible en différentes tailles, ce miel s'adapte à toutes vos envies gourmandes. Pour toute question ou pour passer commande, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Laissez-vous séduire par la douceur et la richesse du Miel d’été de Pocquet Apiculture.


PE (Polietilen) 3000 ml hacimli Yüksek mukavemete dayanaklı kırılmazlık Hacim göstergeli İdrar toplama kabı (24 saatlik), laboratuvar ortamlarında kullanılan önemli bir numune toplama aracıdır. Bu özel tasarımlı kabın temel amacı, hastanın bir gün boyunca ürettiği tüm idrarı toplamak ve bu süre zarfında oluşan kimyasal değişiklikleri incelemek için bir numune sağlamaktır. Ürün Kodu:AKL-149
Koper luz

Koper luz

El eneldo a granel de Lord Spices Group es una hierba aromática y versátil, ideal para añadir un toque de sabor fresco a sus platos. Con una tradición de más de un siglo, somos líderes en la producción y distribución de eneldo al por mayor, ofreciendo un servicio personalizado que se extiende a nivel nacional e internacional. Nuestro eneldo es cuidadosamente seleccionado y empaquetado en diversos formatos, asegurando su frescura y calidad. Libre de OMG, nuestro eneldo es una opción segura y deliciosa para sus creaciones culinarias.


Le nostre scarpe in pelle donna Made in Italy combinano artigianalità e stile, offrendo un prodotto di alta qualità per chi desidera eleganza e comfort in ogni occasione. Realizzate con pellami selezionati e lavorate a mano, queste scarpe si distinguono per la cura dei dettagli e la resistenza. Disponibili in vari modelli, dalle decolleté ai mocassini, dalle ballerine agli stivaletti, sono progettate per garantire una calzata perfetta e un look raffinato. Ideali sia per il giorno che per la sera, le nostre scarpe in pelle sono una scelta di classe per chi apprezza il design italiano e la qualità duratura.
Armagnac Castarède - 1931

Armagnac Castarède - 1931

L'Armagnac Castarède de 1931 est une véritable œuvre d'art pour les connaisseurs de spiritueux. Ce millésime rare, vieilli en fût de chêne, offre une expérience de dégustation unique avec une teneur en alcool de 40°. À déguster en digestif, cet Armagnac est livré avec un étui, ajoutant une touche d'élégance à chaque dégustation. En bouche, l'Armagnac Castarède 1931 dévoile une richesse aromatique exceptionnelle. Les notes de fruits mûrs, de pruneaux et d'épices se marient parfaitement, offrant une expérience gustative inoubliable. La persistance en bouche témoigne de la qualité supérieure de cet Armagnac, tandis que le fond de verre révèle des arômes de pruneau, d'épices et de vanille, capturant l'essence même de l'Armagnac.
Personalizowane produkty do włosów z białą etykietą

Personalizowane produkty do włosów z białą etykietą

Découvrez notre gamme de produits capillaires personnalisables en marque blanche chez Dôm Labs. Nous vous offrons la possibilité de créer des produits capillaires uniques qui répondent aux besoins spécifiques de votre clientèle. Que vous souhaitiez développer des shampooings, des après-shampooings ou des masques capillaires, notre équipe est là pour vous accompagner à chaque étape du processus. Nos produits sont conçus pour offrir une efficacité maximale tout en respectant les normes de sécurité les plus strictes.
Produkcja części plastikowych w procesie wtrysku

Produkcja części plastikowych w procesie wtrysku

Plastic Industrie “Utrecht” (PIU) specializes in plastic injection molding and in developing, designing, and manufacturing both semi-finished and finished products. We offer our clients a wide range of options with virtually no development or production limitations. Because of our flexible capabilities, PIU can readily deliver both small and large production series. PIU is a dynamic partner for custom-made injection molding.
Dział druku

Dział druku

The Printing Department at Vielta s.a is a key player in the textile production process, offering the ability to easily differentiate and add value to products. Specializing in ribbons, rigid tapes, lingerie, bands, medical, and packing materials, this department enhances the functionality and practicality of the end-use products. By utilizing advanced printing techniques, the department ensures that each product meets the highest standards of quality and durability, making it a crucial component in the production of high-end textiles. In addition to its technical capabilities, the Printing Department is a hub of creativity and innovation. By leveraging advanced printing techniques and machinery, Vielta s.a is able to produce intricate designs and patterns that set their products apart in the competitive textile market. The department's commitment to quality and innovation not only enhances the reputation of Vielta s.a but also aligns with the growing consumer demand for unique and high-quality textile products. As the industry continues to evolve, the Printing Department remains a vital contributor to the success and growth of Vielta s.a.
Drewniana paleta 910x910 mm

Drewniana paleta 910x910 mm

2-Wege Holzpalette mit den Maßen 910x910 mm. Industriepalette für Bauprodukte wie Ziegel. Aus gemischten Holzarten. Erhältlich sowohl in einer Nassversion als auch mit IPPC behandelt (ISPM 15 Standard) und kammergetrocknet. Entschachtelt geladen. Ca. 900 Stk. auf einem vollen LKW.


Mandrino per fresa a cappuccio Diametro 10 mm Riferimento:KF777
F.LLI PETRUCCI Pecorino bislacco rum & tytoń 1 opakowanie 2 kg

F.LLI PETRUCCI Pecorino bislacco rum & tytoń 1 opakowanie 2 kg

IL formaggio Pecorino bislacco di F.LLI PETRUCCI è una deliziosa combinazione di rum e tabacco, che si fondono perfettamente con la consistenza morbida e il sapore unico del formaggio. Un gusto intenso e avvolgente, ideale per una cena con amici o un aperitivo elegante. Confezione da 2kg.
Skrzynia Piracka - Skrzynia Piracka - Idealna do przechowywania skarbów twojego dziecka

Skrzynia Piracka - Skrzynia Piracka - Idealna do przechowywania skarbów twojego dziecka

The white pirate chest is a stylish and practical addition to any interior, ideal for storing children's treasures, toys and other trinkets. Made of durable wood and coated with an elegant white lacquer that protects it from damage, the chest is available in three sizes: small, medium and large, allowing you to adjust it to different needs. The sturdy construction guarantees durability and safe use. Thanks to its classic appearance, the chest will work well in both the children's room and the living room. Product features: White lacquered surface Durable wood construction 3 sizes to choose from With this chest you can easily keep things in order, while adding a unique touch to your interior. Dimensions:630x340x450mm
Otwarte Pudełka

Otwarte Pudełka

Ein Set aus 6 offenen Kästen aus Kiefernholz in Form eines Bücherregals. Geschliffen, Natur-Version. Boden aus HDF-Platte oder Sperrholzplatte. Masse:44,5 x 30 x 58 cm Code des Produktes:1400
Automatyczny konturówka do ust - Karmel - Makijaż

Automatyczny konturówka do ust - Karmel - Makijaż

Perfilador de labios automático. Color Delfy: Caramelo Opiniones Perfilador de labios automático - Caramel Sin opiniones por el momento Referencia:5060465716071
Avene Cicalfate Restorative Manual Cream 100 ml - Avene Cicalfate Restorative Manual Cream 100 ml

Avene Cicalfate Restorative Manual Cream 100 ml - Avene Cicalfate Restorative Manual Cream 100 ml

Restores, softens and protects your very dry and irritated hands faster. Restorative and antibacterial components. Without perfume. The creamy and nourishing texture can easily be smoothed out. The transparent cream absorbs quickly and forms an insulating barrier over the skin. Thanks to this "second-skin effect" your hands are protected.
Maseczka do twarzy - Delikatna rutyna do twarzy dla skóry normalnej do suchej - oczyszczająca, oczyszczająca

Maseczka do twarzy - Delikatna rutyna do twarzy dla skóry normalnej do suchej - oczyszczająca, oczyszczająca

Transformez votre routine de soin avec notre soin visage solide “Rosée Précieuse”, spécialement formulé pour les peaux sèches. Enrichi en lait d’ânesse, argile rouge, beurre de karité, huile de romarin et un mélange d’huiles végétales saponifiées, ce soin nourrit intensément et revitalise votre peau tout en respectant l’environnement. Bienfaits : • Hydratation Intense : Le lait d’ânesse et le beurre de karité hydratent en profondeur, laissant la peau douce et souple.• Réparation et Apaisement : L’argile rouge et l’huile de romarin apaisent les irritations et favorisent la régénération cutanée.• Purification Douce : Les huiles végétales saponifiées nettoient délicatement, éliminant les..
Monoblok Spawany Silo Cementowe: Silo Mineralne - Monoblok Spawany Silo Cementowe: Silo Mineralne

Monoblok Spawany Silo Cementowe: Silo Mineralne - Monoblok Spawany Silo Cementowe: Silo Mineralne

A monoblock welded cement silo, also known under the name of mineral silo, is an industrial storage used for storing cement, minerals, or any other granulated material. These silos are developed as a one-piece, monoblock welded structure so that they are strong, compact, and resistant to environmental factors. Mineral silos perform the ideal function of storing materials in a well-ordered way and also providing maximum security in industries like construction, mining, and manufacture. Normally, the monoblock welded cement silo adopts a sealed construction, which can keep stored materials from rainwater, dust, and other impurities that might affect the quality. The monoblock welded silos come in different sizes and capacities to meet various storage needs.
Pełna instalacja produkcyjna.

Pełna instalacja produkcyjna.

Producción rápida, sistema de enfriamiento rápido, 2 tipos de producción de grasa en un solo ciclo, el producto más homogeneizado, capacidad de diseño flexible desde 5 litros hasta 3000 litros de reactores, compatible con la producción de todos los tipos de grasas.
Produkcja precyzyjnych części CNC - Odbierz swoją część CNC w ciągu kilku dni

Produkcja precyzyjnych części CNC - Odbierz swoją część CNC w ciągu kilku dni

CNC Machining at RPWORLD meet the diverse needs of clients ranging from single part to low- to mid-volume production. Our CNC machines run 24/7, ensuring that your high precision, complex geometries parts delivered in as fast as 3 days. We have equipped with 3-axis, 4-axis, and 5-axis machines, drilling machines, lathe machines and EDM, which are designed for creating complex shapes with high precision. The cutting-edge machines offer tight tolerances DIN ISO 2768 medium (fine), and wide machining range from 1mm to 1600mm. Industries Applied: - Medical Device Manufacturing - Automotive - Scientific Instrument - Mechanical Engineering - Robotic - Design Industries Applied:Medical Device Industries Applied:Scientific Instrument


Maxi size, 27 diapers, designed with anti-leakage barriers and soft texture.
Stacje pobierania próbek

Stacje pobierania próbek

Sampling stations are dedicated areas within a retail environment where customers can try products before purchasing. Typically staffed by brand ambassadors, these stations allow shoppers to experience the taste, smell, or feel of a product firsthand, increasing engagement and conversion rates. They are particularly effective for food, beverage, and cosmetic items. By providing direct interaction with the product, sampling stations help build consumer confidence, foster brand loyalty, and boost sales. Strategically placed in high-traffic areas, they capture customer interest and encourage impulse buys, making them an essential tool for in-store marketing and promotions.