Produkty dla odzyskane (12)

Zakład Uzdatniania Wody dla Zakładów Recyklingowych

Zakład Uzdatniania Wody dla Zakładów Recyklingowych

The water treatment plant for a recycling plant is a facility that is specifically designed to treat the wastewater from the recycling operations of most industrial sectors. The function of water treatment facilities is to ensure that, upon discharge, the water from a recycling plant meets the required regulatory and environmental standards before being either released into the environment or reused back into the facility. The treatment process typically includes physical, chemical, and biological modes of treatment for the scavenging of pollutants, contaminants, and suspended solids from a wastewater stream. Applying processes such as filtration, sedimentation, disinfection, and biological treatment, water treatment plants for the recycling plant ensure that high-quality and environmentally safe treated water for discharge or reutilization, with the overarching goal of promoting sustainable water management practices.
Wymiennik ciepła spalin - Odzyskiwanie inaczej zmarnowanej ciepłoty

Wymiennik ciepła spalin - Odzyskiwanie inaczej zmarnowanej ciepłoty

La novità della nostra linea di prodotti è uno scambiatore di calore compatto, realizzato in acciaio inossidabile altolegato, in grado di resistere a temperature fino a 550°C Con un design compatto e modulare proponiamo un prodotto estremamente versatile e di facile manutenzione. Il nostro scambiatore di calore per il recupero del calore dai gas di scarico è ad esempio impiegato dai motori a combustione utilizzati negli impianti di cogenerazione di energia termica ed elettrica. Lo scambiatore trasferisce il calore dai gas di scarico ad un liquido (acqua o acqua glicolata). Una volta riscaldato, tale liquido può essere utilizzato nelle centrali termiche; per il preriscaldamento dell’aria nelle camere di combustione di forni e turbine; per l’essiccazione di carbone, pasta, legno e altri materiali, nonché per generare elettricità con il ciclo termodinamico di Rankine.
Biofosforan - Odzyskany Fosfor

Biofosforan - Odzyskany Fosfor

ABC Animal Bone Char and biochar products
Regeneracja Mięśni i Nerwów - RECOVER - Suplement dla Mięśni i Nerwów

Regeneracja Mięśni i Nerwów - RECOVER - Suplement dla Mięśni i Nerwów

GeoSilica RECOVER NATURAL SILICA MINERALS FOR MUSCLES & NERVES GeoSilica is sourced from geothermal water deep within Iceland's volcanic earth, using no artificial chemicals. RECOVER is a combination of silica and magnesium in pure Icelandic water. Magnesium contributes to normal function of the muscles and nerves*. Often used by active users, whose bodies need rejuvenating after physical activity*. Contains silica and magnesium Helps with normal muscle function and protein synthesis Improves electrolyte balance Improves your athletic performance MINERAL CONTENT PER SERVING Silicon 100 mg per 10 ml Magnesium 215 mg per 10 ml RECOMMENDED DAILY AMOUNT 10 ml or 1 tablespoon for oral intake All our products are 100% natural and registered by the Vegan Society The bottle contains 300ml for one-month consumption Can be mixed in with water or juice This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease


Per la produzione di particolari e guarnizioni vengono impiegati tutti gli elastomeri più comunemente utilizzati oltre ad una vasta gamma di polimeri speciali, la produzione interna con mescolatore a cilindri ci consente di realizzare mescole su specifica esigenza , il magazzino costantemente rifornito di tutta la gamma mescole ci permette di rispondere tempestivamente alle esigenze della clientela. Disponiamo di materiali approvati e certificati secondo le più importanti normative internazionali che regolano i prodotti destinati al contatto con alimenti in maniera diretta ed indiretta, con acque potabili , per usi specifici industriali e ferroviari.
Usługa Zakupu i Doradztwa - TURNKEY USŁUGA ZAKUPU

Usługa Zakupu i Doradztwa - TURNKEY USŁUGA ZAKUPU

From zero to hero procurement and supply chain services on behalf of our clients including:  Supply market analysis & Sourcing  Technical specification validation and development  Procurement planning and strategy  Value engineering study to catch the target under budget.  Preparing RFP/RFQ packages, incorporating both engineering and commercial requirements  Issuing the RFP/RFQ packages to the vendors and bid collections on time  Responding to pre- and post-submission clarifications  Formulating the commercial bid evaluation and recommendation to estimate, to shortlist & negotiate, and for award  Recovering the payment terms in line with customer’s financial standarts.  Contracting of suppliers and contract management  Preparation of ‘’Procurement Cash Flow’’ within the frame of payment terms  Definition and implementation of quality assurance and inspection  Organization of transportation and inspection  Logistics management


Aujourd’hui, la gestion des déchets est devenue un véritable enjeu de développement durable et de rendement des lignes de transformation des légumes et des fruits. FEMIA apporte des solutions qui visent à extraire uniquement les déchets, sans impacter le traitement des bons produits. Selon un modèle économique vert et circulaire, ils sont ensuite rassemblés, récupérés et valorisés. Nous concevons, à vos côtés, une logique de récupération de déchets surmesure, en fonction de vos objectifs de valorisation matière (alimentation animale, valorisation agronomique avec ou sans compostage), énergétique (méthanisation) ou d’incinération avec valorisation énergétique. Nous intégrons la démarche de récupération dès la phase de conception de vos lignes de production pour permettre à vos convoyeurs une récupération progressive et facilitée des déchets tout au long du procédé de fabrication.
HELICOIL® - Wkręcany wkład do metali

HELICOIL® - Wkręcany wkład do metali

Les filets rapportés HELICOIL® permettent le renforcement durable de tous les taraudages dans des matériaux métalliques. La répartition des forces étant égalisée, les taraudages sont protégés et l'assemblage en devient plus fort.
Kompaktor P6 - Od 6 do 8 ton nacisku

Kompaktor P6 - Od 6 do 8 ton nacisku

La Pressa P6 è adatta al riciclo di piccoli e medi volumi di scarti di materiali sfusi compattabili (cartone, plastica, film estensibile, pellame, stracci, ecc.), le balle compattate facilitano il successivo trasporto, stoccaggio, smaltimento o eventuale recupero di tali materiali. Compattatori rifiuti, Compattatori cartone, Compattatori plastica CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE Max. forza di compattamento da 6 a 8 t. Dimensioni piano mobile (balla)700 x 700 mm. Corsa massima piatto 800 mm. Altezza balla compattata da 700 a 900 mm. Dimensioni principali di ingombro Larghezza x Profondità x Altezza1000 x 1000 x 2670 mm. Scarico balla automatico Legatura manuale Compattazione con cilindro idraulico Comandi elettrici Potenza 2,2KW 380V Ciclo compattazione manuale Movimentabile tramite transpallet o carrello
WYPOŻYCZENIE POJAZDÓW POGRZEBOWYCH do TRANSPORTU ZMARŁYCH - dostosowane furgony do transportu i odzyskiwania ciał

WYPOŻYCZENIE POJAZDÓW POGRZEBOWYCH do TRANSPORTU ZMARŁYCH - dostosowane furgony do transportu i odzyskiwania ciał

I nostri allestimenti funebri, generalmente effettuati in acciaio INOX, sono pensati per essere un compagno di lavoro indispensabile e funzionale sia per il recupero salme che per lo svolgimento di una cerimonia funebre, ottenendo un veicolo di rappresentanza perfetto per la propria agenzia funebre. Operiamo su diverse tipologie di furgone come Volkswagen Transporter, Renault Trafic, Opel Vivaro, Nissan Primastar e sul nuovo Fiat scudo. Alcune delle personalizzazioni disponibili: RIVESTIMENTI INTERNI con molteplici tipologie di ACCIAIO INOX, IN PELLE SKAY, FIBRA DI VETRO RESTYLING COMPLETI di autofunebri cassetti, vani, alloggiamenti posti bara PIANO INTERMEDIO elettroidraulico o mobile ALLESTIMENTO SPAZIO DI CARICO con guide e carrelli scorri bara SCAFFALATURE fisse o mobili SISTEMI DI RITENUTA CON SGANCI RAPIDI VERNICIATURA COIBENTAZIONI interne e possibilità di climatizzazione Impianti di ILLUMINAZIONE A LED EBANISTERIA COLLAUDO ad uso specifico trasporto salme
Ostrzenie noży granulacyjnych - Możemy przywrócić pełną ostrość twojego noża granulacyjnego.

Ostrzenie noży granulacyjnych - Możemy przywrócić pełną ostrość twojego noża granulacyjnego.

Our granulator knife sharpening service is provided from Fernite’s ISO 9001 certified factory in Sheffield. Our professional and experienced knife sharpening experts look after your knives as they would if they were sharpening a brand new knife. We recommend sending your granulator knives to us as a complete set, so we ensure that the knives tolerances required by the granulator manufacturer are maintained. Please let us know what type of material you are processing, as thinner materials often require tighter blade tolerances. We have the capacity to sharpen blades of up to 6 metres. We are using less rigid porous grinding abrasives for minimal-loading and cool surface sharpening. Therefore, your knife doesn’t produce overheat and doesn’t become more brittle as a result. Correct equipment for sharpening either Carbon, Alloy, or even Tungsten Tipped granulator knife. On custom request, a Granulator Knife can be finish ground to profile.
Produkcja wałów / regeneracja wałów

Produkcja wałów / regeneracja wałów

Due to the ever-increasing level of automation, coated rolls and rollers are now used in almost all production facilities. These rollers and rolls are used in a wide variety of applications (transport, finishing, cleaning, coating, drying, etc.). What is particularly important is the quality of the coating, which determines the service life of the roller and the processing process.We manufacture completely coated rollers, i.e. We provide you with the roller core made of aluminum, steel, etc. and the desired coatings (rubber, Vulkollan®, etc.) from a single source. We can also roughly pre-grind your rollers, finely grind them or even provide them with grooves.As a cost-effective alternative, we also offer you to have your rollers recoated by us. Here too we can choose between different coatings (rubber, Vulkollan®, etc.). According to the customer’s wishes, we can also pre-grind, finely grind or provide these rollers with grooves. We would be pleased to advise you!