Produkty dla olej kakaowy (8)

Surowe Masło Kakaowe

Surowe Masło Kakaowe

Deodorized cocoa butter also available CONTAINER:25kg. 200kg. 1000kg. INCI:Theobroma cacao seed Butter CAS:84649-99-0 / 8002-31-1 EINECS:283-480-6
Oliwa z oliwek extra virgin z organiczną czarną truflą 250 ml

Oliwa z oliwek extra virgin z organiczną czarną truflą 250 ml

Gure boilurdun olio ongailuak boilur beltz zapore eta usain bizi eta sarkorra duten produktuak dira eta dagoeneko amaitutako platerentzako apaingarria da. Besterik gabe, janariari gure olio ongailuen tanta batzuk gehitu behar dituzu gure platerean boilur-azentua lortzeko. Osagai osagarria da plater ugaritan, plater sinpleetatik hasi eta goi sukaldaritzako errezeta konplexuetaraino: Arrautza frijituak trufatuak, tortillak. , trufa tostadak, pizza boilarra, haragi saltsa boilarra, pasta boilarra, risotto boilarra, lasagna boilarra, gazta boilarra, pure boilurduna, arrain boilarra, entsaladak ozpin ozpin trufatuekin eta imajina dezakegun beste edozein plater. Kontutan hartu behar da Olio-baldintzak ez direla sukaldaritzarako erabiltzen, beroak zaporea hondatuko bailuke, dagoeneko prestatutako platerak ontzeko erabili behar dira. Hidroxitirosolaren antiinflamatorio-aktibitateak indartzen du alergia-kontrako gaitasun jakin batek, tuber melanosporum-aren extractei egotzita. boilurra Gordinik kontsumitu (elikagai hotzetan edo egosi ondoren gehituta). Tanta batzuk nahikoak dira boilur-zapore atsegina lortzeko
Ziarna kakao

Ziarna kakao

Raw Cocoa beans
Masło kakaowe

Masło kakaowe

Le beurre de cacao est un ingrédient naturel extrait des fèves de cacao. C'est un type de graisse végétale qui possède une texture riche et crémeuse à température ambiante, et qui fond délicatement au contact de la peau, offrant une sensation douce et luxueuse Ce beurre est particulièrement apprécié pour ses multiples bienfaits en cosmétique et en soin de la peau. Il est riche en antioxydants naturels, acides gras essentiels et vitamines, ce qui en fait un excellent hydratant et réparateur pour la peau. Il aide à nourrir, apaiser et protéger la peau contre les dommages causés par les facteurs environnementaux, tout en améliorant son élasticité et en réduisant l'apparence des vergetures et des cicatrices.
Olej imbirowy

Olej imbirowy

Ginger oil is a convenient and flavorful alternative to fresh ginger, offering the same spicy and aromatic taste without the hassle of grating. This essential oil is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. From baking banana breads and ginger biscuits to adding a spicy kick to teas and smoothies, ginger oil is a must-have in any kitchen. Its health benefits are also noteworthy, as ginger oil is known to aid with nausea, sore gut, and cramps. In addition to its culinary uses, ginger oil can be used in a diffuser to create a warm and inviting aroma in your home. It is also a natural remedy for bloating and discomfort, providing relief from digestive issues. To preserve the quality of ginger oil, store it in a cool, dark place or refrigerate it to maintain its optimal levels. This ensures that its flavor and health benefits remain intact, making it a valuable addition to your pantry.
Olej kokosowy

Olej kokosowy

Organiczny olej rycynowy

Organiczny olej rycynowy

Organic castor oil is obtained by first cold pressing Ricinus communis’ seeds. This shrub native to the tropical areas of the African continent stands out in its composition for the presence of ricinoleic acid, a highly antibacterial derivative of oleic acid. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties, protecting the skin from the sun’s rays. Castor vegetable oil is a 100% natural product with multiple cosmetic applications thanks to its beneficial properties for the skin. INCI:RICINUS COMMUNIS SEED OIL CAS:8001-79-4 EINECS:232-293-8
Olej baobabowy, organiczny

Olej baobabowy, organiczny

Das hellgelbe kaltgepresste Baobaböl, bio hat einen sehr milden nussigen Geruch. Es enthält vorwiegend Palmitinsäure, Ölsäure und Linolsäure.