Your products deserve the best Nuts and kernels – our new manufacturing technology from Bühler is as diverse as their processing options. From cleaning to roasting, step by step, we can offer our customers all the optimal processes. Whether for continuous production or flexible batch operation – gentle treatment of the nuts and kernels is always our top priority.
W-Wholes, B-Butts , S-Splits, P-Pieces
Wholes: von 180er bis 500er
Pieces: large pieces oder small pieces
Süß, würzig, geröstet und / oder gesalzen
Granulate, diverse Größen
Mehl und Paste
hochwertige Bioqualität, mild-nussiges Öl, kaltgepresst
Unser hochwertiges in Bioqualität Cashewkernöl wird aus hochwertigsten Cashew schonend kaltgepresst. Es schmeckt nussig mild.