Produkty dla punktowe (1)

Zewnętrzny punkt dystrybucji 10 par DP dla modułu STB bez ochrony z fabryki TAEPO w Chinach

Zewnętrzny punkt dystrybucji 10 par DP dla modułu STB bez ochrony z fabryki TAEPO w Chinach

Descriptions     Distribution point box / DP box (TP-1712-10BM) is used in terminating cables of secondary telephone networks to the cable pairs of subscriber lines.   The STB module also called VX connection module provides a connection point between an exchange-side cable pair and a distribution pair. It incorporates a 5-point plug in module to provide continuity and a range of other options.   It is especially recommended for outdoor connections where the environmental conditions are extremely aggressive.   The connection modules are designed for mounting on a standard DIN rail and can therefore be mounted in a variety of housings in whatever quantities are required. The small footprint (2 cm wide) ensures a compact product. Main Features     Insulation Displacement Connection No wire-stripping, screw and solder free Reliable connections Clear labeling Modular design and installations Gas tight connection One push wire insertion Robust long-term environmental stability Flexible indoor and outdoor use Wall or pole mountable Quick mounting and installation Order Data Item No: TP-1712-10BM Descriptions: Outdoor 10 pairs distribution point box for STB module, 200x185x70mm, scew snap locking, plastic housing, with STB module without protection