Produkty dla ryż z sosem meksykańskim (2)

Piana z jajecznego likieru

Piana z jajecznego likieru

And finally, a modern take on an old recipe; familiar to most grandparents. With this espuma of eggnog, you show the older guard that not everything used to be better. 300ml eggnog 200ml cream Cream charger Whipped cream siphon Beat the eggnog and cream together until smooth. Add this mixture to the whipped cream syringe and put it to rest in the refrigerator. Before serving the eggnog, it is important to shake the whipped cream syringe well to keep the liquids well mixed. Drain two whipped cream cartridges into the whipped cream syringe so it can be served with the right pressure and right airiness. Paired with a good cup of coffee and a regional cookie, this is the perfect afternoon snack. If you want to make the process of some of these recipes a little easier, you can use our unique cream charger in combination with our taste beads. You can simply insert the taste beads into the cream charger and add exotic flavors to any dish.
Tradycyjny Tort z Bita Śmietaną

Tradycyjny Tort z Bita Śmietaną

Das Rezept dieses Kuchens ersetzt die herkömmlichen Kuchenbestandteile – Butter und Öl – durch das Fett der Schlagsahne. Mit seiner saftigen Krume und einer zartschmelzenden Textur macht er garantiert Lust auf mehr. Sie können verschiedene Beeren Ihrer Wahl verwenden, um Ihre Schlagsahne schmackhaft zu machen. 1 Tasse ungesalzene Butter bei Raumtemperatur 2 1/2 Tassen Kristallzucker 6 zimmerwarme Eier 3 Tassen Allzweckmehl ½ Teelöffel koscheres Salz 1 Becher schwere Schlagsahne 2 Teelöffel Vanilleextrakt