Produkty dla transport (269)

Systemy wentylacji i transportu Filtr Jet - Filtr Jet - Supersoniczny filtr

Systemy wentylacji i transportu Filtr Jet - Filtr Jet - Supersoniczny filtr

Jet filtre, hava toz karışımının tozdan arındırılarak tozun tutulup temiz havanın bacadan atılmasını sağlar. Yuvarlak filtre gövdesi önce siklon sistemi arındırma gerçekleştirir, torbalar vasıtası ile de tüm toz zerreciklerinin tutulmasını sağlar. Un fabrikalarında aspirasyon ve taşıma amaçlı kullanılan havanın içerisindeki tanecikleri havadan ayırmak amacıyla kullanılır. İçerisinde toz ve un bulunan hava makineye girer ve bu toz makine içerisindeki filtre torbalarına yapışır. Yuvarlak filtre gövdesinde oluşan santrifüj güç sayesinde ilk arındırma gerçekleştirilir. Bu filtre torbaları basınçlı hava ile çırpılır ve toz filtrenin aşağı kısmına iner. Bu temizleme işlemi için blower veya kompresör kullanılır. Makinenin altında biriken bu tozların dışarıya atılmasında dip sıyırıcı veya rotoflow kullanılır.
Systemy Wentylacji i Transportu Śruba Helikalna - Śruba Helikalna

Systemy Wentylacji i Transportu Śruba Helikalna - Śruba Helikalna

Tahıl, hububat ve gıda işleme tesislerinde taşıma ekipmanlarında kullanılan Helezon, un fabrikalarında ürünlerin yatay olarak taşınmasında kullanılır.
Systemy wentylacji i transportu Przenośnik łańcuchowy - Przenośnik łańcuchowy

Systemy wentylacji i transportu Przenośnik łańcuchowy - Przenośnik łańcuchowy

Zincirli Konveyör, Merkezi kumandaya bağlı olarak zincir dişli ile tertibatlandırılarak hareket alır, üzerine düşen mamulün taşınmasını sağlar. Gövde çelik malzemeden imal edilir. Avare tahrik yataklama sistemine sahiptir. Özel gergi tertibatı ile dizayn edilmiştir. İstenilen kapasitelere göre değişkenlik gösterir. Taşıyıcı lamaları sertleştirilmiş çelikten imal edilir. Yatay taşımacılığın yapılabildiği her yerde kullanılır. Yem, gıda, kimya, maden, talaş ve toprak sanayilerinde kullanılır.
Systemy Obsługi Wentylacji - wentylator

Systemy Obsługi Wentylacji - wentylator

The Blower, which is used in grain, grain and food processing plants transportation equipment, is used for vertical and horizontal transportation of products, as well as supersonic filter meets the air needs in mill systems. Applications Fields ◾ Food industry ◾ Flour and semolina mills ◾ Feed mills ◾ Grain cleaning plants ◾ Corn processing plants ◾ Grain warehouses and silos ◾ Malt Factories
CNC Przenośnik Wiórów - Przenośnik Wiórów - Przenośnik Wiórów z Paletą Stalową

CNC Przenośnik Wiórów - Przenośnik Wiórów - Przenośnik Wiórów z Paletą Stalową

Cnc Talaş Konveyörü-talaş Konveyörü--çelik Paletli Talaş Konveyörü-kaba Talaş ko - TALAŞ KONVEYÖRÜ-MİLENYUM CONVEYOR-ÇELİK PALETLİ TALAŞ KONVEYÖRÜ-CNC TALAŞ KONVEYÖRÜ-CNC KONVEYÖR-KABA TALAŞ KONVEYÖRÜ ÇELİK PALETLİ TALAŞ KONVEYÖRÜ M I LCHIP conveyor serisi Milenyum Milchip çelikpaletli talaş konveyörleri serisi, en zorlu taşımaişlerinizin üstesinden gelmek için tasarlanmıştır. Benzersiz talaş taşıma sistemi sayesinde, sorunsuz, neredeyse hiç bakımgerektirmeyen çalışma sağlar. Milchip, taşınacak malzeme kirli ve aşındırıcı olsa bile, güçlü çelikpaletleri sayesinde güvenilir taşıma performansı sağlar. Demir malzemelerin işlenmesi sırasında ortaya çıkan karışık, sarmal,orta talaş ve parçaların taşınmaları için tasarlanmıştır. Lazer altı parçaları, plazma altı parçaları, pres altı parçaları, cnc işlememerkezi parçaları, cnc otomat ürünlerinin taşınmasında yüksek verim sağlar. Hareketli olan çelik palet üzerinde taşınan karışık talaşlar, korumasacı altında gizlenmiş güçlü motor sayesinde tahliye edilir.
Przenośnik wiórów--Przenośnik wiórów z paletami stalowymi-Przenośnik wiórów CNC

Przenośnik wiórów--Przenośnik wiórów z paletami stalowymi-Przenośnik wiórów CNC

Talaş Konveyörü--çelik Paletli Talaş Konveyörü-cnc Talaş Konveyörü-kaba Talaş MI - TALAŞ KONVEYÖRÜ-MİLENYUM CONVEYOR-ÇELİK PALETLİ TALAŞ KONVEYÖRÜ-CNC TALAŞ KONVEYÖRÜ-CNC KONVEYÖR-KABA TALAŞ KONVEYÖRÜ Ç EL İ K PALETL İ TALA Ş KONVEY Ö R Ü M I LCHIP conveyor serisi Milenyum Milchip çelikpaletli talaş konveyörleri serisi, en zorlu taşımaişlerinizin üstesinden gelmek için tasarlanmıştır. Benzersiz talaş taşıma sistemi sayesinde, sorunsuz, neredeyse hiç bakımgerektirmeyen çalışma sağlar. Milchip, taşınacak malzeme kirli ve aşındırıcı olsa bile, güçlü çelikpaletleri sayesinde güvenilir taşıma performansı sağlar. Demir malzemelerin işlenmesi sırasında ortaya çıkan karışık, sarmal,orta talaş ve parçaların taşınmaları için tasarlanmıştır. Lazer altı parçaları, plazma altı parçaları, pres altı parçaları, cnc işlememerkezi parçaları, cnc otomat ürünlerinin taşınmasında yüksek verim sağlar. Hareketli olan çelik palet üzerinde taşınan karışık talaşlar, korumasacı altında gizlenmiş güçlü motor sayesinde tahliye edilir.
Magnetyczny Przenośnik Wiórów Magnetyczny Przenośnik Wiórów M

Magnetyczny Przenośnik Wiórów Magnetyczny Przenośnik Wiórów M

Manyetik Talaş Konveyörü Manyetik Konveyör Talaş Konveyörü Magnetic Conveyor MIL - MANYET İ K KONVEY ÖR M I LMAG magnetic serisi Milenyum Milmagmanyetik talaş konveyörleri serisi, en zorlu taşıma işlerinizinüstesinden gelmek için tasarlanmıştır. Benzersiz manyetik taşıma sistemi sayesinde, sorunsuz, neredeyse hiçbakım gerektirmeyen çalışma sağlar. Milmag, taşınacak malzeme kirli ve aşındırıcı olsa bile, güçlü neodyummıknatısları sayesinde güvenilir taşıma performansı sağlar. Demir malzemelerin işlenmesi sırasında ortaya çıkan kırık, ince , küçüktalaş ve parçaların taşınmaları için tasarlanmıştır. Civata, somun, pul, rondela imalatında bu ürünlerin taşınmasınmasında yüksekverim sağlar. Sabit olan sac levha plakası üzerinde hareket eden ince talaşlar, plakaaltında dönen güçlü mıknatıslar sayesinde tahliye edilir. Milmag serisinde taşınacak talaşve malzemelerin, taşıyıcı zincir ve mıknatıslarla direk teması yoktur. Bunedenle keskin, aşındırıcı parçaları ve hurda malzemeleri taşırken manyetiktaşıma aksamının sıkışma, yırtılma veya zamanla yıpranma riski yoktur.
Klatka do Szuflady - Klatka Typu Pojemnik do Szuflady

Klatka do Szuflady - Klatka Typu Pojemnik do Szuflady

>> Dimensions 243.5 x 116.5 x h 157.5 cm. One cage capacity is 12 drawers(4x3) or 15 drawers(5x3). Easy to transport chickens and to stock the empty drawers.
Mała Kurnik - Górne i Boczne Drzwi Mała Kurnik

Mała Kurnik - Górne i Boczne Drzwi Mała Kurnik

>> Dimensions 77 x 57 x h 27 cm. >> Weight 6.6 kg/ ±3% Coop Installation Since plastic boxes are disassembled, you can change only broken parts if any parts are broken and that saves Money. In addition, that is an advantage that helps to stock and ship more coops when disassembled. Properties • The most important feature of the chicken coop with plastic parts is that it is disassembled. This feature allows you to replace broken or worn parts. • Disassembly of the coop gives you the advantage of easy storage. • Very easy to install. No additional equipment required. • Compared to iron coops; There is no problem of oxidation. Does not harm health. • Due to its smooth and rounded surface, it does not cause decay, breakage and injury during transportation of the coop. • Special design provides maximum ventilation. • Perfect locking system prevents load slippage. • Low and high temperature resistant. • Resistant to sunlight.
Małe Pudełko na Kurczaki - Małe Pudełko na Kurczaki z 2 Przegródkami

Małe Pudełko na Kurczaki - Małe Pudełko na Kurczaki z 2 Przegródkami

>> Dimensions 60.5 x 40 x h 12 cm >> Weight 1.3 kg/ ±3% It is generally used in hatcheries , and the eggs are attached to the vacuum gun and the eggs are transported with the help of air without human touch. labor force and time savings are achieved in this process. Product description These specially designed baskets are colorful, attractive and very useful. It allows healthy transport of chicks from hatchery to producer. Perfect design of chick baskets does not interfere with air circulation. By using optional covers, it is possible to store or transport 15 crates one on top of the other. Hygienic Easy to clean with water and steam. Provides extra ventilation through partitions and holes. It eliminates labor and transportation costs. Chicks are kept clean and healthy. It minimizes stress in chicks during transportation. It provides easy stacking.
Mini Pudełko na Jaja

Mini Pudełko na Jaja

>> Dimensions 68 x 36.5 x h 37.5 cm >> Weight 2.75 kg/ ±3% These crates helps egg producers to transport and stack eggs easily. These crates are folded in each other when empty which decreases the volume of stack and the cost of transport. When full, the crates sit on each other perfectly. It is also possible to use it with fruits and vegetables. Features; • Hygienic Easy to clean with water and steam. • Provides extra ventilation thanks to compartments and holes. • Eliminates labor and transportation costs. • The eggs are kept clean and healthy. • Does not harm the eggs during transportation. • Provides easy stacking.
Laminowane Opakowanie

Laminowane Opakowanie

Lamination in packaging is one of the most important stages of production. It prevents the contact of the product in the package with the ink, reduces the oxygen permeability when necessary, prevents the light contact in light sensitive products and most importantly, it gives the package an allure that will attract the attention of the customer. 2 and 3 layers, solvent-free lamination products are produced.
Kurnik dla Indyków - Drzwi Górne i Boczne Kurnika dla Indyków

Kurnik dla Indyków - Drzwi Górne i Boczne Kurnika dla Indyków

>> Dimensions 95.5 x 56.5 x h 42 cm. >> Weight 10.5 kg./ ±3% Coop Installation Since plastic boxes are disassembled, you can change only broken parts if any parts are broken and that saves Money. In addition, that is an advantage that helps to stock and ship more coops when disassembled. Properties • The most important feature of the chicken coop with plastic parts is that it is disassembled. This feature allows you to replace broken or worn parts. • Disassembly of the coop gives you the advantage of easy storage. • Very easy to install. No additional equipment required. • Compared to iron coops; There is no problem of oxidation. Does not harm health. • Due to its smooth and rounded surface, it does not cause decay, breakage and injury during transportation of the coop. • Special design provides maximum ventilation. • Perfect locking system prevents load slippage. • Low and high temperature resistant. • Resistant to sunlight.
Wentylowane FIBC (Bigbag)

Wentylowane FIBC (Bigbag)

Bigbag type which assure that the products picked in their natural environment will keep their freshness and have a long shelf life. As the ventilated parts on the body permit constant air circulation the filled product does not rot and depreciate due to lack of air. Mostly used for Hazelnuts Agricultural products such as potatoes, onions and carrots Timber, wood and other similar forest products
Kurnik dla Indyków Typ Szuflada - Kurnik dla Indyków Typ Szuflada h35

Kurnik dla Indyków Typ Szuflada - Kurnik dla Indyków Typ Szuflada h35

>> Dimensions 116 x 77 x h 35,5 cm. >> Weight 11.3 kg/ ±3% Drawer type transport coop for turkey.
Torby z taśmą zabezpieczającą

Torby z taśmą zabezpieczającą

All expectations regarding security envelopes are met with the applied transparent pocket, security number and unopened tape. Polyethylene-based security envelopes are the most used material in the packaging industry due to their “flexibility”. The produced coex polyethylene films have become the preferred polymeric material type because they are produced to be translucent, flexible, high breaking resistance and tensile strength, and resistant to impacts.
Opakowania detergentów

Opakowania detergentów

We provide quality service for PE / PE-PET / PE-OPP-CPP / PE laminated detergent packaging with our state-of-the-art W&H Extrusion machines and our W&H printing machines that can print up to 10 colours.


BMW M57 HOSE SEAL BETWEEN INTERCOOLER AND TURBO FOR BMW M57N M57N2 E46 E60 E61 E65 E66 E70 E71 E83 E90 E91 E93 2.5 3.0D OE part number: TR1361 R19815 076.365.100 BTH1575 11617801222 7801222 11617789049 7789049 Fits below vehicles BMW 3 E46 330Cd, 330d, 330xd E90 325d, 330d, 330xd E91 325d, 330d, 330xd E92 325d, 330d, 330xd E93 325d, 330d BMW 5 E60 525d, 530d,535d E61 525d, 530d, 530xd BMW 7 E65 730d E66 730Ld BMW X3 E83 3.0d BMW X5 E53 3.0d E70 3.0d BMW X6 E71 30dX
Opakowanie żywności

Opakowanie żywności

Maya Plastik has the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Food Registry Certificate and production permit. OPP + OPP, CPP + OPP and PE + PE lamination is applied on the products. PP is widely used in the packaging industry with OPP (unidirectional oriented polypropylene) and CPP (bi-directionally oriented polypropylene) varieties. Because of its brightness, anti-dust, smoothness on the surface, mechanical properties, especially food, textile, stationery, etc. It is a type of plastic that appeals to the sectors. OPP; It has a good light and oxygen contact feature and protects the product inside against moisture. Polypropylene; it is durable and light. Resistant to water vapour, grease, acids, bases and solutions. In our production, printed and unprinted rolls, and vacuum-welded packages in various sizes are produced.
Rolka do Skrzyń, Rolka Podłogowa z Hakim

Rolka do Skrzyń, Rolka Podłogowa z Hakim

Neri Produkte verfügen über eine hervorragende Spurtreue, auch in Kurvenfahrten - Kistenroller, (Bodenroller) haben eine robuste Schweißkonstruktion aus Stahl, und sind mit 4 Fangecken, ausgestattet. Die Oberfläche der Bodenroller sind galvanisch verzinkt oder pulverbeschichtet, ist dauerhaft oberflächengeschützt sowie schlag- und kratzfest Lenk- und Bockrollen: Polyurethan -Bereifung, Naben mit Rillenkugellager, Feststeller an den Lenkrollen, gemäß der europäischen Norm EN 1757-3. Gehäuse verzinkt. Standard-Beräderung für mittlere Belastungen. Geräuscharmer Lauf Zugdeichsel federgestützt.
Maxi Pudełko na Jaja

Maxi Pudełko na Jaja

>> Dimensions 69.5 x 37.5x h 42 cm >> Weight 3.2 kg/ ±3% These crates helps egg producers to transport and stack eggs easily. These crates are folded in each other when empty which decreases the volume of stack and the cost of transport. When full, the crates sit on each other perfectly. It is also possible to use it with fruits and vegetables. Features; • Hygienic Easy to clean with water and steam. • Provides extra ventilation thanks to compartments and holes. • Eliminates labor and transportation costs. • The eggs are kept clean and healthy. • Does not harm the eggs during transportation. • Provides easy stacking.
Torby z uchwytami - Torby na zakupy

Torby z uchwytami - Torby na zakupy

Polyethylene-based shopping bags are the most used material in the packaging industry due to their flexibility. Colour printing can be applied on the bags. Polyethylene has become the preferred type of polymeric material today due to its translucent, flexible, high fracture resistance and tensile strength, and resistance to impacts. Single-layer and coex production can be made within our company. It addresses a wide variety of fields with the production of LDPE, MDPE and HDPE.
1 & 2 Loop Bigbag (FibC)

1 & 2 Loop Bigbag (FibC)

Cost-benefit wise 1 &2 Loop bigbags are the most advantageous bigbag types. While the simple construction facilitates the usage, various fabric widths permit a wide volume range. Its unique design provides the maximum loading capacity at a minimal cost and consequently assures advantages in freight cost as well. This type can be designed both for non-hazardous goods described in EN ISO 21898 and hazardous goods classified as UN. Depending on the handling process, the bigbag can be manufactured either with 1 or 2 lifting loops, with coated or uncoated fabric and with or without liner. The liners can be attached to the outer body in different ways depending on the requirements.
Dławik - Membrana Wentylacyjna Silnika

Dławik - Membrana Wentylacyjna Silnika

VW AUDI SEAT SKODA 1.9 2.0 TDI yağ doldurma kapağı Karter Havalandırma Membranı


With many years of expertise and broad professional knowledge, MARS Rubber develops suspension solutions for all kinds of commercial vehicle applications. Our anti-vibration products are utilised to minimise noise and vibration for vehicle occupants and operators, as well as improving longevity and reliability of electrical and mechanical components. MARS with its experienced staff specialized in production, management and quality, also together with modern equipment-tools has an integrated facility capable of executing all the necessary activities including compounding, molding and vulcanization. MARS’s products are professionally tested in modern laboratories and each product is subjected to quality control and is validated by professional quality technicians, starting from the raw material to the finished product. Validation of our product safety and quality practices are provided by state-of-the-art tools in tests performed on the rubber compounds and finished products we produce.
backbar 1 drzwi

backbar 1 drzwi

backbar one door with many choice of colour
Stacja transferu odpadów z załadunkiem od góry

Stacja transferu odpadów z załadunkiem od góry

EMS Makina Manufacturing in Turkey Top Loading Waste Transfer Stations. Steel conveyor waste transfer station is used for unloading the solid municipal wastes, that were collected from the inner-cities with smaller garbage trucks, in to bigger capacity waste transfer semi trailers so that the municipal solid wastes can be transported to the landfills economically. TOP LOADING WASTE TRANSFER STATION: CAN BE DEMOUNTED AND TRANSFERRED EASILY. HAS SPRAYING SYSTEM AGAINST BUGS AND FOUL SMELL, CHAIN TYPE, ELECTRIC ENGINE OR IF ELECTRICITY NOT AVAILABLE AIR OR WATER COOLED DIESEL DEUTZ ENGINE. 5 TON/H -90 TON/H SINGLE UNLOADING FACILITIES , 10 TON/H- 180 TON/H HIGH CAPACITY FACILITIES. For more information please contact with us. We would kindly like to help!
Gumowe chevrony - POJAZDY KOLEJOWE

Gumowe chevrony - POJAZDY KOLEJOWE

MARS Rubber is a globally recognized designer, producer and provider of IRIS-approved (to-be soon certified) anti-vibration suspension solutions for railway applications. Our comprehensive range of services offers flexible, high quality, competitive prices and individually tailored solutions. Our service experts are happy to work together with you on fast, reliable solutions throughout the full lifecycle of your trains. Our portfolio includes products for trams, metros, subways and suburban railways as well as standard railway trains for use in regional and long-distance travel. We also produce systems for high-speed trains as well as for special vehicles such as monorails. Our product range includes all rubber and rubber-metal anti-vibration components used on primary and secondary suspension of the bogie.
Torby na Kurczaka i Chleb

Torby na Kurczaka i Chleb

Chicken and Bread Bags can be produced as PE & OPP & CPP with a single layer of film or optionally laminated. It can be produced as printed or unprinted, flat or oval cut up to 10 colors and is suitable for automatic or manual filling.