...Twardywosk Mantis to wosk depilacyjny do całego ciała.
Twardywosk Mantis można bezpiecznie stosować w obszarach ciała, takich jak twarz i delikatne miejsca.
WAX WAX is a unique wax, made from the best resins and with additional purification, because only the best is good enough for our skin, is it not?
Specially developed to suit every skin type, WAX WAX does not stick to the skin, only to the hairs (and that includes the smallest of hairs, too) making it less painful than other waxes and considerably reducing the risk of skin irritation.
Chocolate, banana, avocado or peach: our unique compositions filled with natural ingredients also have a nourishing and skin repairing effect.
Vous imaginez un vrai supporter se coiffer avec un autre produit que la cire officielle des Leones ? Pas nous...
Elle offre une fixation modérée et un effet naturel, parfaite pour résister aux dribbles les plus fous sur le terrain. Avec cette cire, votre coiffure reste aussi inébranlable qu'une défense bien organisée.
Et devinez quoi ? Elle se rince plus rapidement qu'une égalisation à la dernière minute. Ne laissez pas votre coiffure être hors-jeu.
Mascarilla especialmente indicada para tratar cabellos coloreados. Sus micropartículas protegen el color de los rayos UV. El efecto sinérgico de sus activos favorece la duración y fijación del color. Sus componentes catíónicos de alta tecnología han desmostrado una gran eficacia reparadora y acondicionadora del cabello.
Con Provitamina B5, favorece que el cabello se mantenga más brillante y flexible, mateniendo el cuero cabelludo en buenas condiciones. Incluye filtro UVB fundamental para retener el color por más tiempo.
Crema de manos y cuerpo de Aguacate 160gr es un producto eficaz para el cuidado de la piel que ayuda a que la piel se mantenga más sana e hidratada proporcionando un cuidado hidratante para las manos y el cuerpo gracias a los extractos naturales de aguacate de su contenido.
Cire dentaire dure à inlay
Cire dure pour tous types de restauration, spécialement recommandée pour la technique de sculpture des couronnes primaires dans les travaux combinés comme le recouvrement de prothèse?
Modelage facile après la prise
Ne colle ni au modèle ni aux instruments
Faible rétraction
Entièrement calcinable sans résidu
Maquette précise
Coulée lisse
Suitable for universally usable refurbishment wax for mending surface damages and small defects in varnished, oiled or glazed wood surfaces indoors, such as doors and furniture, wall panels and wood parts.
Crema intensiva per il trattamento della cellulite, indicata anche per il trattamento dell’addome e dei cuscinetti localizzati.
Dalle prime applicazioni la pelle sarà più levigata e compatta.
Funzionalità estrema con effetto "freddo-caldo".
Principi attivi di ultima generazione quali Slimexir® e Nicoment in sinergia con Caffeina, Escina, Estratto di Centella titolato agiscono sulla buccia d'arancia e sull'eccessiva ritenzione idrica.
Principi Attivi:
Slimexir®: composto da X-Melt, estratto di carciofo e Levan; stimola la lipolisi e inibisce la formazione di adipociti.
Nicoment: unisce le proprietà stimolanti dell’acido nicotinico a quelle rinfrescanti del mentolo naturale. Esercita un micromassaggio cutaneo associato a un simultaneo effetto “freddo-caldo”.
Uso: applicare quotidianamente e costantemente sulle zone da trattare, massaggiando fino a completo assorbimento. Per un effetto urto, si consiglia l’applicazione mattina e sera per almeno 30 giorni.
At Barbertime we offer the heritage and tradition of barbering with a modern touch.
We are proud to present our latest product catalogue featuring a total range of Professional
salon products for men complete requirements, with a collection of more
than 40 products and more on the way.
Our exclusive line of products is designed to fulfill all the needs of the male grooming
Because men deserve good care,We strive to develop innovative, high-performing
products which are always safe and meet the needs of our hairdressers and consumers
alike. We use ingredients that are Beneficial to the hair yet gentle for the scalp.
For stylists, our range of products helps you reshape, renew, explore and reinvent to
bring out the uniqueness in every one of your clients. Be unconventional,be passionate,
and use your cutting-edge tools to create a style like no other.
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minimum order:2500 USD
Wicopur- Lederpflege besteht ausschließlich aus hochwertigen Inhaltsstoffen. Die sorgfältig aufeinander abgestimmten Wirkstoffe ergeben ein hervorragendes Glattleder.
Das Leder ist wieder vor Schmutz und Nässe geschützt, es bleibt weich und geschmeidig, trocknet nicht aus und zieht gänzlich in das Leder ein.
MCK Hair Mask with Vinegar provides the care of your hair needs. Helps to prevent wear, breakage and breaking off in hair strands. Protects your hair from external factors and provides a vibrant and brighter appearance. Thanks to the Apple Vinegar in its content, helps repair hair breakage. Bringes your hair a more lush and voluminous appearance. Suitable for all hair types. Apply to damp hair with a wide-wooth comb. Feed it to all hair from root to tip and leave it on your hair for 5-10 minutes. After waiting time, rinse your hair with warm water. Use at least once a week. If your curls are tight, you can apply 2-3 times in a week to your hair.
A silicone-free mask specially formulated for dry, fragile and breakable hair. Its formula, rich in repairing agents, rebuilds the hair fibre in depth and gives life to the hair instantly. The hair is much stronger, more resistant, more flexible and easy to style.
Delovanje: Osvežilno čistilo za obraz nežno osveži kožo, očisti pore, odstrani lesk in zagotavlja zdrav videz kože. Brez lepljivih ostankov.
Namen uporabe: odstrani maščobo, poživi kožo, izenači polt.
Navodila za uporabo: Uporabite vsak dan po umivanju ali pred nanosom izdelkov za nego kože. Navlažite vatno kroglico ali blazinico in jo nanesite na obraz in vrat ter druge dele telesa. Da bi dosegli najboljše rezultate in si zagotovili naravno mehko in čudovito kožo, uporabljajte zjutraj in zvečer.
* Sestavine naravnega izvora ( 94,5 %)
** Ekološke sestavine kmetijskega izvora ( 80,5 %)
Vous imaginez un vrai supporter se coiffer avec un autre produit que le gel officiel des Colchoneros ? Pas nous...
Ce gel est plus fort que la détermination d'un attaquant face au but. Il garde votre coiffure en place, même lors des prolongations !
Et devinez quoi ? Il se rince plus rapidement qu'un joueur cherchant à gagner un penalty. Ne laissez pas votre coiffure être hors-jeu.
Prélevez une petite quantité de gel. Appliquez le gel sur des cheveux humides pour un effet plus naturel ou sur des cheveux secs pour une fixation plus forte. Assurez-vous de répartir le gel uniformément sur l'ensemble de vos cheveux pour une tenue équilibrée.
Suitable for any wood or cork surfaces in indoor areas exposed to high-stress , as well as linoleum, PVC, plastic floor covering, laminate, stone, wood, marble, terracotta and ceramic floor tiles. Wax Finish is anti-static, anti-slip and dirt-repellent. Wax Finish maintains and protects the surface while keeping it breathable. Transparent when dry.
Suitable for any wood indoors and outdoors such as facade cladding, windows, garden houses, wall and ceiling cladding, wooden floors, furniture, cork, toys, etc. Wood Wax L is also suitable for damp areas like bathrooms and kitchen and even highly strained surfaces like doors and furniture. Wood Wax L is an impervious, open-pore and vapor permeable coat. It protects against graying and soiling and penetrates well. Swelling and shrinkage are reduced.
Suitable for any parquet or wooden surfaces indoors. Especially blond wood like maple retain their evenly blond, beautiful surface after treatment with High Solid Oil Wax. High Solid Oil Wax is made from select, high quality natural waxes and natural oils.
Innovativa crema da massaggio, adatta sia al viso che al corpo. Arricchita con Glycacid ECO, stimola la microcircolazione sottocutanea, migliorando l'epidermide. Grazie alla presenza di Olio di Riso, Vitamina E e Glicerina la pelle sarà più tonica e rassodata, avvolta in un delicato profumo.
Consiglio: massaggia per almeno 15 minuti il viso deterso, con movimenti verso l'alto. Vedrai la tua pelle rinascere!
Se sei vegana o vegetariana, portala con te dalla tua estetista!
Suitable for any strained indoors surfaces, like wooden floors, cork, OSB boards, glued wood, work tops and furniture. Even in damp areas such as bathrooms and kitchens. Suitable for kindergartens, schools, nursing homes, etc. Hardwax Oil evolution is a moisture-regulating surface product based on natural raw materials. The treated areas are highly water-repellent and resistant to common foods and household chemicals.