Produkty dla usługi pocztowe (2)

DM360 Poczta Bezpośrednia - Usługa Marketingu Poczty Bezpośredniej

DM360 Poczta Bezpośrednia - Usługa Marketingu Poczty Bezpośredniej

Data. Design. Print. Fulfilment. Postage. Returns and Suppressions. Providing expertise at all 6 stages of the direct mail journey, our service is built around you and your campaigns. Our process allows you to select specific services, or utilise our full turnkey DM360 Direct Mail solution. We oversee your campaigns from start to finish, adapt to your needs and deliver intelligent, cost-effective results, maximising the impact and ROI of your marketing. With DM360, precise data management, reliable postage, practical design advice, and efficient print and fulfilment are all broken down to create a 6-stage direct mail journey. We can manage your campaigns from beginning to end or allow you to select the stage or stages most relevant to you. Our 6-sided solution adapts to your requirements, with unparalleled expertise in every area. Whatever you’re looking for, DM360 has you covered.
Opłata za Pocztę Bezpośrednią - Opłata za Kampanie Marketingowe Poczty Bezpośredniej

Opłata za Pocztę Bezpośrednią - Opłata za Kampanie Marketingowe Poczty Bezpośredniej

DM360 provides comprehensive mail services, giving you access to the ideal delivery choice to your target destination at an economical price. Our team has extensive expertise in determining the best direct mail postage option for your campaigns. We offer both national and international mail services, as well as fully-tracked local courier services and discounted DSA Mailsort solutions. We examine all potential scenarios based on your expectations, budget and timeframes in order to guarantee that your mailings get to their recipients swiftly and without breaking the bank.