Produkty dla wykonawczyni (3)

Solarium twarzy/ciała - ŁÓŻKO, PRYSZNIC, TWARZ, EVA wykonuje funkcje w jednym rozwiązaniu

Solarium twarzy/ciała - ŁÓŻKO, PRYSZNIC, TWARZ, EVA wykonuje funkcje w jednym rozwiązaniu

Mai più distinzioni fra LETTINO, DOCCIA, VISO, EVA svolge le funzioni di tre apparecchi in un’unica soluzione. Lo stile, attuale ed esclusivo, unisce creatività e flessibilità d’uso e trasforma un ambiente in un affascinante tempio benessere dove rigenerarsi sarà veramente un piacere. Open space avvolgente, EVA è modellata per il corpo, un momento di sublime armonia tra corpo e psiche, la comodità e la libertà di spazio necessaria alla tua serenità. L’utilizzo di materiali pregiati, l’ergonomia e linee sinuose, eleganti e accattivanti rendono EVA flessibile e funzionale. EVA è la PRIMA apparecchiatura progettata per il raggiungimento di un completo stato di benessere grazie alle proprietà dei suoi trattamenti. I sensi si abbandonano all’abbraccio rigenerante della luce, dei colori, delle essenze cromatiche per un completo recupero delle energie vitali.
System Wsparcia Ziemi - Struktury Wysokiej Wydajności

System Wsparcia Ziemi - Struktury Wysokiej Wydajności

GROUND SUPPORT system is a large, strong and sturdy modular structure, available in different standard sizes. Professional structure was designed for a high loading capacity and together wide spans. Built in S105R high load aluminium truss with a fork connections and PoliPlus52 tower is suitable for big - sized structures. This is ideal solution to cover large areas of the stage and backstage in the concerts and public events. The whole systems, using the towers suitable and the help erecting system, can be raised with electrical chain hoists. They can be fitted with lateral wings for hanging audio and video systems. GROUND SUPPORTsystem can to work with SPIDERoof system . The assembly of the structure happens at ground including the fastening of the cover sheet to the perimeter of SPIDERoof system. Powerful and strong is itself an element of great scenical show.
FreedomFast - FreedomFast to kompakt wsparcie dla ledwall, które mieści się w walizce lotniczej!

FreedomFast - FreedomFast to kompakt wsparcie dla ledwall, które mieści się w walizce lotniczej!

FreedomFast may be used as a self-supporting or haging-supporting system, easy to assemble, aluminum made, is ideal solution for different kind of led systems. Fast, versatile, compact, modular: FreedomFast is the freedom to be fast in every single installation! Ledwall support, compact version and black finish, has basic and simple design: this is the fastest solution and the better answer at ledwall star of the events and shows. The ledwall support system must be ballasted (you can request a back ballast - device compatible). Advantages: • Compact and Lightweight: each component (front and back foots, the stabilizers bracing, central positioning and securing system) disassembled enters into a flight case. • Modular: the modular base with adjustable foots is suitable to different types of led modules systems. • Versatile:the back stabilizers, height adjustable, ensure the stability of the walls up to 200 cm.