Produkty dla xpert w usłudze (177)

Montaż Stacji Samochodowej - Profesjonalna Usługa Techniczna w Całej Europie

Montaż Stacji Samochodowej - Profesjonalna Usługa Techniczna w Całej Europie

Forniamo montaggio, smontaggio e assistenza completa. I nostri tecnici possono installare macchine e linee industriali nel vostro stabilimento o presso i vostri clienti facilità. Abbiamo un forte team di meccanici ed elettricisti esperti nel lavorare in diversi paesi, condizioni e con macchine diverse. Comunichiamo in inglese, tedesco e polacco. Disponiamo delle attrezzature e degli strumenti necessari per svolgere tutte le attività. Arriviamo sempre al progetto completamente attrezzati e pronti a lavorare. Realizziamo il progetto sulla base della documentazione affidata, adattandoci alle linee guida del cliente. Forniamo il servizio di massima qualità. Abbiamo a cuore la sicurezza e la tempestività. Abbiamo già completato numerosi progetti in tutta Europa, tra cui sistemi di smistamento completamente automatici, separatori di fogli di alluminio, stazioni automobilistiche, linee di produzione di finestre, ecc. Come partner commerciale siamo molto flessibili e pronti per nuove sfide.
Usługi Elektryczne Wysokiej Jakości w Pamiers - Les Bons Artisans, Twój ekspert w dziedzinie elektryczności

Usługi Elektryczne Wysokiej Jakości w Pamiers - Les Bons Artisans, Twój ekspert w dziedzinie elektryczności

L'entreprise Les Bons Artisans propose des services électriques adaptés à vos besoins. Nos électriciens qualifiés sont là pour vous aider avec la mise en conformité de votre installation électrique et le diagnostic électrique de votre logement. La mise en conformité est essentielle pour garantir la sécurité de votre installation électrique et répondre aux normes actuelles. Nos experts se chargeront d'inspecter et de mettre à jour votre système électrique si nécessaire. Quant au diagnostic électrique, il permet d'identifier les éventuelles anomalies et de les corriger afin d'assurer la sécurité de votre habitation. Les Bons Artisans interviennent rapidement en moins de deux heures dans tout le département de l'Ariège (09). Notre équipe est à votre service à Pamiers (09100) et dans les communes voisines telles que Saverdun (09700), Mirepoix (09500), Varilhes (09120) et Laroque-d'Olmes (09600). Faites confiance à nos professionnels pour des prestations électriques fiables et efficaces.
Projekt outsourcingu połączeń wychodzących - Wybierz outsourcing usług połączeń wychodzących z ekspertem

Projekt outsourcingu połączeń wychodzących - Wybierz outsourcing usług połączeń wychodzących z ekspertem

Nosycom dispose propose divers services d'externalisation. Actuellement, il est possible de recourir à des experts en la matière depuis Madagascar et de bénéficier des services de qualité avec un tarif très abordable. Afin de réduire les charges de votre entreprise, confiez la gestion de vos appels sortants à Nosycom. L'agence est dotée de l'expérience requise pour atteindre votre objectif.
Specjalistyczna usługa wprowadzania i przetwarzania danych - Mediphone, ekspert w zakresie wprowadzania i przetwarzania danych

Specjalistyczna usługa wprowadzania i przetwarzania danych - Mediphone, ekspert w zakresie wprowadzania i przetwarzania danych

Mediphone est une entreprise experte dans la gestion des appels téléphoniques, mais aussi un leader dans d'autres domaines tel que le back-office et BPO. Nous proposons des services externalisés comme la saisie et traitement de données, la saisie de coupons et la recherche d'informations sur Internet. Confiez vos tâches en externe à un prestataire de confiance tel que Mediphone.
Usuwanie usterek - Ekspert w Usuwaniu usterek

Usuwanie usterek - Ekspert w Usuwaniu usterek

Dépannage Serrurerie dans le Département - Trouver un Expert en un InstantSous-Un service de qualité pour vos urgences en serrurerieVous êtes à la recherche d'un serrurier professionnel pour une intervention en urgence ? Ne cherchez plus, notre entreprise est spécialisée dans le dépannage en serrurerie dans le département. Nous sommes disponibles 24h/24 et 7j/7 pour répondre à vos demandes en cas de problème de porte claquée, de serrure bloquée ou cassée, de clé perdue ou cassée dans la serrure.DépannageDépannageDépannage, c'est notre expertise. Nous intervenons rapidement sur place pour résoudre vos problèmes de serrurerie. Notre équipe de professionnels expérimentés utilise les dernières technologies et outils pour effectuer les réparations ou les remplacements de serrures de manière rapide et efficace.Nous sommes également en mesure de vous proposer des solutions de sécurité adaptées à vos besoins.
Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Frisquet Épinay-sous-Sénart (91860) - Essonne (91)

Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Frisquet Épinay-sous-Sénart (91860) - Essonne (91)

Parce qu’urgence de plomberie n’est jamais prévue et qu’elle peut rapidement gâcher une journée, notre entreprise de plomberie en fait sa priorité à Épinay-sous-Sénart (91860) et ses alentours. En effet, notre équipe de plombiers chauffagistes est disponible 7/7, 24/24 pour prendre en charge vos problème de plomberie et de chauffage. En cas de panne qui vous empêche de mener à bien vos tâches du quotidien, nous intervenons en une heure à votre domicile suivant votre appel au 06 44 60 31 00. Quand une urgence de plomberie nous tombe dessus (panne de chauffage, fuite d’eau, évier bouché…), il est parfois difficile de trouver un professionnel en qui nous pouvons avoir totalement confiance. Vous pouvez confier vos panne de plomberie à nos artisans les yeux fermés ! Ils accordent également une attention particulière au respect des normes en vigueur dans le cadre des dépannages des équipements de plomberie et chauffage. Nous sommes aussi très stricts quant
Analiza danych - Usługi eksperckie

Analiza danych - Usługi eksperckie

Our Data & Analytics experts are fluent in a broad set of technologies and practises, including DevOps, Automation and Agile Project Delivery. Through our Data & Analytics Centre of Excellence, we have the hands-on experience and unrivalled expertise to deliver a unique solution for your business, helping you to maximise business growth, decision-making and efficiency. Our data engineers have over 100 certifications and are in tune with the very latest advancements in data and digital transformation. They specialise in an ecosystem of on-premise, cloud and hybrid Data & Analytics platforms and PaaS providers, including: Microsoft Azure, Tableau, Confluent, Apache Kafka, Cloudera (and Hortonworks).
Usługi szyte na miarę w dziedzinie nauk przyrodniczych - Twoi międzynarodowi eksperci w zakresie testów laboratoryjnych i usług regulacyjnych

Usługi szyte na miarę w dziedzinie nauk przyrodniczych - Twoi międzynarodowi eksperci w zakresie testów laboratoryjnych i usług regulacyjnych

NVITRO-CONNECT GmbH is your ideal partner and service provider for your projects in the field of life science for chemicals / REACH, pharmaceuticals, biocides, cosmetics and medical devices. We are the strong partner at your side who provides our tailor-made service modules according to your project requirements. You have the choice to individually select the modules that you urgently need in your projects from our modular service system. With our technical expertise and our customer-oriented approach, we fit in perfectly with your projects and processes, so that we form a team and nothing stands in the way of the project's success. The Modules can be individually and flexibly adapted for each project. For more information please contact INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH. INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH - Your International Experts for Laboratory Testing and Regulatory Services Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable -->
Ekspertyzy ubezpieczeniowe, prywatne, arbitrażowe i sądowe

Ekspertyzy ubezpieczeniowe, prywatne, arbitrażowe i sądowe

Tobias Hößler- Sachverständiger für Elektrotechnik Haben Sie eine Problemstellung in meinem Fachbereich und benötigen ein Gutachten über beispielsweise mögliche Schadenseintrittswege, Wertermittlungen oder Ursachen für Fehlfunktion, so erstelle ich Ihnen mit meiner besonderen Fachkunde, sowie Erfahrung im Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und baulichen Brandschutz und mit mit passenden allgemeingültigen Aussagen ein zu Ihrer Problemstellung zutreffendes geprüftes und zertifiziertes Gutachten. Für eine hochwertige Begutachtung von Versicherungsschäden bin ich mit der Zertifizierung als IQ-Zertifizierter Sachverständiger für Versicherungsschäden in und an Elektroanlagen bestens geeignet. Mit dieser Zertifizierung erfülle ich zudem die fachlichen Anforderungen der Versicherungen (5-170- K 09 V1), sowie die persönliche Eignung nach 3-030-K 09 V1 der Versicherungen. Zur Klärung des Sachverhalts und Möglichkeiten der Gutachtenerstellung nehmen Sie bitte direkt Kontakt mit mir auf.
Usługa IP

Usługa IP

IP Service übernimmt die Aufgaben für den Maschinenservice und Elektroinstallationen von Fremdprodukten/-maschinen & die Prüfung der Ortsveränderlichen elektrischen Arbeitsmittel (OEA). Unsere Leistungen: - Elektroinstallation - Prüfung OEA orstveränderlicher elektronischer Geräte (rechtssicher, zur Anlagenerhaltung, Arbeitsschutz, Versicherungsbediengungen) - Service für Maschinenbauer
Podnoszenie sztuki, antyków i usług kulturalnych poprzez fachowe doradztwo

Podnoszenie sztuki, antyków i usług kulturalnych poprzez fachowe doradztwo

We are an art consultancy that handles a wide-ranging collection transcending epochs and genres, from historical artworks, antiques, and modern design to music and cultural events. We offer personalized collections that cater to the unique tastes of each client, bridging Old Masters to modern and contemporary art. Through a variety of artistic expressions, we aim to create sophisticated and unique worldviews that resonate with individual lifestyles. Our commitment extends beyond mere artworks, as we endeavor to explore the entire spectrum of culture alongside our clients, discovering new values in the rich tapestry of art and culture.


With our premium welding services, we guarantee strong and durable joints in the structures of industrial facilities. Different welding processes: Underwater welding Laser welding Electronic beam welding Friction welding AWI (WIG) welding MIG/MAG welding Electric arc welding Welding of different materials: Steel Aluminum Stainless steel Cast iron Copper Plastic Pre-planning: Assessing the needs of the project Creating a welding plan Compilation of material list Authorization Execution: Welding works Heat treatment Tests and non-destructive testing Preparation of documentation Maintenance: Repair of welded structures Renovation works Industrial facilities: Factories Power plants Chemical plants Gas and oil facilities Bridge construction Shipbuilding Tank production
Doradztwo w zakresie nieruchomości komercyjnych

Doradztwo w zakresie nieruchomości komercyjnych

Le Conseil en Immobilier d'Entreprise est une offre précieuse pour les entreprises cherchant à optimiser leur patrimoine immobilier. Avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience, CIE propose des solutions sur mesure adaptées aux besoins spécifiques de chaque client, qu'il s'agisse de promoteurs, d'investisseurs ou de territoires. Grâce à une expertise approfondie et une approche personnalisée, cette offre permet aux entreprises de maximiser leur retour sur investissement tout en minimisant les risques associés à la gestion immobilière. En choisissant le Conseil en Immobilier d'Entreprise, les clients bénéficient d'un accompagnement complet et d'une assistance continue pour naviguer dans le marché complexe de l'immobilier. L'engagement de CIE envers l'excellence et l'intégrité garantit que chaque projet est traité avec le plus grand soin et professionnalisme. Cette offre est idéale pour les entreprises de toutes tailles, des TPE aux grands groupes, cherchant à réussir dans leurs projets immobiliers.


MediaMENA isn't just another SEO agency – we're your trusted advisor on the path to digital dominance. Founded in 2008 by SEO pioneers passionate about transparency and results, we've grown into a team of seasoned digital experts serving clients across the globe.
Usługi tłumaczeniowe

Usługi tłumaczeniowe

Le groupe AE-T (Agence Européenne de Traduction, Smart Traduction, Auteuil Traduction) propose depuis plus de 15 ans des traductions financières, juridiques, généralistes et officielles destinées aux professionnels et aux particuliers.
Sloane Sprzątanie

Sloane Sprzątanie

Founded in 1980, Sloane Cleaning Services has retained its founding ethos of excellence while building strong customer relationships and an enduring reputation for providing quality office cleaning and customer service. As an independently owned and operated London business we know just how essential it is to maintain a competitive edge, and our bespoke office cleaning packages ensure that your business makes a great impression to all visitors and employees. With a customised cleaning programme, Sloane Cleaning Services offer a wide range of hygiene and maintenance services to keep your premises in good order both inside and out. We are so much more than just an office cleaning company!
Typy aplikacji fasady

Typy aplikacji fasady

With its expert technical team, Maff Group makes the following facade systems applications. In addition to these systems, Maff Group is also specialized in Free Form facades and has experience in project analysis in accordance with the system design and implementation of different facades. Application Types Aluminium Frames Structural glazing systems Aluminium curtain wall systems Free-form façade solutions Stainless Steel Facade Claddings Aluminium composite panel applications Aluminium balustrades and Sun screening panels Production The production process of the technical drawings starts. due to details designed by the project team. The latest technology is the basis of the precision manufacturing process with CNC machines work. Installation Within the work program prepared by the Project department, the construction site set up is done. Under the control of expert engineers, assembly is started. Reporting to the employer is done in all steps of installation.


Bout India Tours - A luxury travel agency providing customized India trips & packages. Specialist in group tours and bespoke India tours.
SEO w Inverness

SEO w Inverness

At The Inverness Design Studio, we understand that search engine optimisation (SEO) is essential to the growth and success of every business. Based in Inverness, our SEO services are designed to help businesses in the Scottish Highlands improve online visibility, attract more local and global customers, and drive meaningful engagement. Our SEO specialists focus on building tailored strategies that increase search rankings and generate sustainable, organic traffic. With expertise in on-page, off-page, and technical SEO, The Inverness Design Studio provides comprehensive solutions to ensure your website performs optimally on search engines like Google, bringing you a steady flow of qualified visitors. Why Choose The Inverness Design Studio for SEO? 1. Local Expertise in SEO Our Inverness-based team has a deep understanding of the local market, making our SEO services particularly effective for businesses in the Highlands. We know how to target local keywords, create content relevant to the local audience, and implement geo-targeted strategies that improve visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) specific to Inverness and the surrounding areas. Whether you’re a small business owner or part of a larger organisation, we can help your website attract local customers searching for services in the area. 2. Affordable SEO Solutions for Every Business We offer affordable SEO packages that cater to businesses of all sizes. Our pricing is transparent, ensuring that you get the best return on investment while keeping costs manageable. By tailoring our services to fit your budget, we make it easy for companies across the Highlands to access professional SEO without compromising quality. 3. Comprehensive SEO Strategy The Inverness Design Studio provides a full range of SEO services, including keyword research, on-page optimisation, link building, content creation, and technical SEO. Our comprehensive approach ensures that every aspect of your website aligns with best SEO practices, giving you the best chance to rank higher and attract more relevant traffic. We work collaboratively to understand your business goals, translating them into an SEO strategy that maximises both visibility and engagement. 4. Experienced SEO Specialists Our team consists of SEO specialists with extensive experience in driving organic traffic and improving search rankings. Using industry best practices, data-driven techniques, and the latest tools, we ensure that every aspect of our SEO work meets the highest standards. We stay updated with changes in search algorithms, allowing us to adjust strategies as needed to keep your website performing optimally. Our SEO Process The Inverness Design Studio’s SEO process is structured to deliver consistent results over time. Here’s a breakdown of how we approach SEO for our clients: 1. Initial Consultation and Audit – We begin with a thorough consultation to understand your business, audience, and goals. Our SEO audit evaluates your website’s current performance, identifying areas for improvement and providing a baseline from which we measure progress. 2. Keyword Research and Strategy – Effective SEO starts with understanding what your audience is searching for. We conduct in-depth keyword research to find relevant terms that can drive traffic to your site. Our strategy includes a mix of local and industry-specific keywords to ensure broad visibility. 3. On-Page Optimisation – We optimise each page on your website by improving elements like meta titles, descriptions, headers, images, and content structure. On-page SEO ensures that search engines can easily read and rank your content, making it easier for users to find your business online. 4. Content Creation and Optimisation – Quality content is crucial for SEO success. Our team can create SEO-friendly content tailored to your business, providing valuable information for your audience while improving your site’s relevance for target keywords. 5. Technical SEO – We address technical aspects like website speed, mobile-friendliness, and structured data to ensure that your site performs well. Technical SEO helps search engines crawl and index your site effectively, enhancing its overall visibility. 6. Link Building and Outreach – Building quality backlinks is essential for domain authority. Our link-building strategy involves securing high-quality links from relevant, reputable sites, which signals to search engines that your content is trustworthy. 7. Tracking and Reporting – We provide regular reports to keep you updated on your SEO progress. Using data from tools like Google Analytics and Search Console, we monitor website traffic, ranking changes, and other key metrics, making adjustments to ensure sustained growth.
Niezależni konsultanci oferujący usługi eksperckie w dziedzinie (ciężkiego) podnoszenia, podnoszenia, riggingu i transportu specjalistycznego

Niezależni konsultanci oferujący usługi eksperckie w dziedzinie (ciężkiego) podnoszenia, podnoszenia, riggingu i transportu specjalistycznego

We support our clients with a full complement of Managed Training Services including content development, delivery of third party programs and vendors, delivery of proprietary training programs, and management of learning technology.
Profesjonalna agencja projektowania stron internetowych - projektowanie stron dla firm

Profesjonalna agencja projektowania stron internetowych - projektowanie stron dla firm

🚀 Are you looking to elevate your online presence and stand out in the digital landscape? Look no further than Digital-i, your go-to web design agency for all your digital needs. Our team of expert designers and developers is here to craft stunning, user-friendly websites that will captivate your audience and drive results. 🌟Why choose us ? Customized design solutions: Our professional web design agency specializes in creating bespoke websites tailored to your unique brand identity and business goals. We work closely with you to understand your vision and bring it to life with stunning visuals and seamless functionality. Responsive design: In today's mobile-first world, having a responsive website is crucial. Our team ensures that your website looks and functions flawlessly across all devices, providing an optimal user experience and improving your site's SEO performance. User-centric approach: At Digital-i, we prioritize user experience above all else. Our designs are intuitive, easy to navigate, and optimized for conversion, ensuring that your visitors have a seamless journey from landing on your site to taking action. SEO optimization: Stand out in search engine results with our SEO-friendly web design services. We implement best practices to enhance your site's visibility and help you rank higher on search engine results pages, driving organic traffic to your website. Fast loading speed: Say goodbye to slow-loading websites that frustrate visitors. Our web design agency optimizes your site for speed, ensuring quick loading times that keep users engaged and prevent them from bouncing off your site. Scalable solutions: Whether you're a small business looking to establish your online presence or a large enterprise seeking to expand your digital footprint, Digital-i offers scalable solutions to meet your evolving needs and grow with your business. Ongoing support and maintenance: Our partnership doesn't end with the launch of your website. We provide continuous support and maintenance services to keep your site running smoothly, make updates as needed, and ensure optimal performance at all times. Experience the difference with Digital-i and unlock the potential of your online presence. Elevate your brand, engage your audience, and drive business growth with our professional web design services. Contact us today to get started on your digital journey! 🚀
Porady dotyczące Remortgage Sussex

Porady dotyczące Remortgage Sussex

Welcome to EBR Mortgages! We understand that your home is more than just a place to live—it’s a valuable financial asset. Our remortgaging services are designed to help you unlock the full potential of your home’s equity, secure better rates, and move closer to achieving your financial goals.
Otwarcie Lokali poprzez Wydanie Wyroku Sądowego

Otwarcie Lokali poprzez Wydanie Wyroku Sądowego

Realizăm deschideri judiciare ale localurilor comerciale în procesele de evacuare în Valencia. Clar Cerrajeros respectă protocoalele legale, asigurând un serviciu discret, rapid și fără daune pentru proprietari și autorități. Echipa noastră este specializată în gestionarea situațiilor complexe, oferind soluții eficiente și sigure pentru deschiderea localurilor comerciale. Cu Clar Cerrajeros, aveți garanția unui serviciu de înaltă calitate, adaptat nevoilor dumneavoastră specifice.
McNally EV | Eksperci w zakresie instalacji ładowania EV

McNally EV | Eksperci w zakresie instalacji ładowania EV

McNally EV is a trusted provider of EV charger installation services with over 10 years of experience in the industry. Specialising in both residential and commercial installations, they ensure seamless and efficient charging solutions for electric vehicles. In addition to EV chargers, McNally EV offers solar panel installation and solar battery storage solutions, helping customers harness renewable energy. With expertise in both EV and solar systems, they deliver comprehensive, eco-friendly solutions that meet modern energy needs. Whether for homes or businesses, McNally EV is your go-to partner for sustainable energy infrastructure.
Profesjonalne usługi marketingu cyfrowego.

Profesjonalne usługi marketingu cyfrowego.

Growth Pulse offers comprehensive Google Ads management services tailored to boost your online visibility and drive conversions. Our team specializes in maximizing ROI through targeted ad strategies, continuous optimization, and advanced analytics. Ideal for businesses in Cyprus looking to grow their digital presence.
Vento Expert Duo A30-1 S10 Pro Zestaw Komplet - Wentylator Blauberg

Vento Expert Duo A30-1 S10 Pro Zestaw Komplet - Wentylator Blauberg

www . luftbude . de - - - Wir finden die richtige Lüftung für Ihr Gebäude. - Mit 85% Wärmerückgewinnung bieten die Lüfter Vento Expert Duo A30-1 S10 Pro und Vento Expert Duo A30-1 S10 W energieeffizientes Lüften für Einzelräume. Durch die Förderleistung von 30 m3/h sind die dezentralen Lüfter der Vento Expert Duo-Serie ideal für Bäder und Hauswirtschaftsräume. Verbinden Sie die WLAN-fähige Variante Vento Expert Duo A30-1 S10 W mit Ihrem Smart-Home und steuern Sie Ihren Lüfter mobil per Smartphone oder Tablet. Mit einem Vento Expert Duo erhalten Sie Einzelraumlüftungsanlagen mit Wärmerückgewinnung für eine zeitgleiche Be- und Entlüftung. Die Lüftungsgeräte enthalten zwei Ventilatoren, die im Zu- und Abluftbetrieb parallel laufen. Set's - Welche Bauteile sind in den Set's enthalten? Vorbereitungsset: Außenhaube aus Kunststoff (weiß, anthrazit, braun, grau, schwarz oder chrome) und Wandeinbauhülse (500mm oder 700mm) Fertigstellungsset: Wärmetauscher Ventilatoreinheit und Innenblende Komplettset: Wärmetauscher, Ventilatoreinheit
Ochrona Danych w Twojej Firmie - Doradztwo i Wdrożenie, Zewnętrzny Inspektor Ochrony Danych

Ochrona Danych w Twojej Firmie - Doradztwo i Wdrożenie, Zewnętrzny Inspektor Ochrony Danych

Suchen Sie einen Partner, der Ihnen hilft, die Anforderungen in den Bereichen Datenschutz und Informationssicherheit zu verstehen und umzusetzen? Mein Angebot für Sie • Zusammen definieren wir Ihre Strategie zur Umsetzung der digitalen Sicherheit • Sie erhalten meine Unterstützung beim Erfassen des Ist-Zustand bezüglich Ihrer datenschutzrelevanten Prozesse. • Ich helfe Ihnen dabei, die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen von Beginn an zu berücksichtigen. • Ich bereite Sie auf den Ernstfall vor – sollte doch mal was passieren Sprechen Sie mich an! Ich stehe Ihnen in allen Belangen rund um den Datenschutz gerne zur Seite: Robert Schneid-Karl, Datenschutzbeauftragter (DSB), Tel. 089 589394 25, robert.schneid-karl@mip.,de oder
Opinia biegłego

Opinia biegłego

Wertgutachten, Schiedsgutachten, Gerichtsgutachten, Privatgutachten, Fertigstellungsbescheinigung
Inspekcja wyceny używanych dźwigów - Czy potrzebujesz eksperta do inspekcji używanego dźwigu?

Inspekcja wyceny używanych dźwigów - Czy potrzebujesz eksperta do inspekcji używanego dźwigu?

Mevas is a company located in Germany with an international inspectors-network. We offer inspection service (expertise) of mining, construction and lifting equipment. Our service is available in different countries. We can inspect used cranes in more or less all European countries and in the Arab Emirates.
Ekspert w Zakresie Ciesielstwa i Budownictwa Drewnianego

Ekspert w Zakresie Ciesielstwa i Budownictwa Drewnianego

eingetragen in der Sachverständigenrolle des BVFS e.V., Zimmerermeister durch die Handwerkskammer für Ostthüringen