Origine Pure 100% Togo
Plateaux Region is renowned for its beautiful natural environment with tropical forests
and natural waterfalls. However, tree cover has diminished considerably over the last
decades, resulting in land degradation and loss of biodiversity. Forests were cut due to
slash and burn agriculture. Also, wood is an important energy source most households
cook their food on it. Interestingly, cacao and coffee cultivation is an important
protection for Togolese forests. Farmers grow these crops traditionally under the canopy
of natural forests, sometimes intercropped with other crops, a socalled agroforestry
system. Because their livelihood depends on it, farmers have a big incentive not to cut
down trees. On the contrary, they protect the forests from further degradation and – as a
consequence – help to preserve biodiversity.
This cacao has a fullbody with pleasant chocolate tones, low
acidity, herbal and woody hints, and coconut and almond flavour notes.
Region:Plateau region
Variety:Forastero and Amelonado
Hints:herbal, woody, coconut
PURE CHOCOLATE:100% cocoa beans
Energy:550Kcal, 2300kJ
Total fat:52g
which Saturated fat:31g
which Sugar:0g