Prasa do brykietów RUF do biomasy - Prasa do materiałów organicznych, takich jak słoma, miskantus itp.
The RUF briquetting systems of the Biomass series process dust, shavings and wooden chips into briquettes of consistently high quality and density. Varying bulk densities are offset automatically during the process.
These materials can be pressed into a compact form without the use of binders. It is important that the moisture content of the chips is below 15%, preferably under 12%, and that the chip size does not exceed 50mm. The general rule is that the finer the material is, the smoother and more solid the surfaces and edges of the resulting briquette.
The systems can be equipped with a multitude of options, thus optimally adapting them to customer needs. This series offers maximum flexibility. All systems are extremely energy efficient thanks to the innovative RUF hydraulic system.
Depending on the model, the machines are equipped with motors ranging between 4 kW and 90 kW.
The throughput capacities of the RUF Biomass presses range between 50 and 1,300 kg/h.
Max. throughput rate (kg/h):50 - 1300 kg/h
Power (kW):4 - 90 kW
Spec. pressure, max (kg/cm²):700 - 3700 kg/cm²
Briquette format:60x40, 60x60, Ø80,150x60, 150x70, 150x75, 150x75 (Knochen), 240x70, 240x80, 240x80(Knochen), 260x100
Weight (t):1,3 - 12 t