Produkty dla en organizacja (2127)

Krem przeciwstarzeniowy do twarzy i okolic oczu Staminax

Krem przeciwstarzeniowy do twarzy i okolic oczu Staminax

Crema Anti-Age Scopri il Prodotto L'azione anti-age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è determinata dalla sapiente miscelazione di ingredienti della tradizione cosmetica con attivi innovativi. Contiene un preparato brevettato di due principi attivi estratti da cellule staminali vegetali, per una tripla azione, dalla rivoluzionaria performance anti-age. La crema viso e contorno occhi anti-Age Staminax è sviluppata, prodotta e confezionata in Italia da professionisti farmaceutici e cosmetici con esperienza decennale. La Formula I due attivi, sono inclusi in una formula preziosa, con Olio d'Argan, Olio di Jojoba, Olio di Vinaccioli e Burro di Karatè. Per un prodotto sublime 99,8% di ingredienti Naturali 50,2% di ingredienti Biologici Senza Profumo Senza Parabeni Senza OGM Senza derivati animali Vegano Non testato su animali L'Efficacia Il potere Anti-Age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è garantito dall'alto contenuto di estratti da cellule staminali vegetali. Il primo stimola le nostre cellule a produrre collagene normalmente presente nella pelle umana, donando elasticità alla pelle, prevenendo e riducendo le rughe. Il secondo stimola la degradazione della bilirubina riducendo le occhiaie e migliora la microcircolazione riducendo le occhiaie. Gli Studi Sicurezza e Efficacia: Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili, studio condotto su 25 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo. Nichel Tested Testato per altri 8 metalli pesanti Efficacia testa in Vivo, studio condotto su 30 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo. Per aproffondimenti visita il sito :
Gastroprotekcyjne suplementy diety w tabletkach

Gastroprotekcyjne suplementy diety w tabletkach

Le compresse gastroprotette sono un'opzione eccellente per chi desidera un'integrazione alimentare efficace e sicura. Queste compresse sono progettate per resistere all'ambiente acido dello stomaco, garantendo che i nutrienti vengano rilasciati solo quando raggiungono l'intestino. Questo processo non solo migliora l'assorbimento, ma riduce anche il rischio di irritazione gastrica, rendendole ideali per chi ha uno stomaco sensibile.
Nasiona kminku

Nasiona kminku

SOverview The Cumin Seed plant is related to parsley and is indigenous to the Mediterranean region. These seeds have pungent lemon flavours to them and are most often used in ground form. It is a very fundamental ingredient in Middle Eastern and Indian cooking and makes it a favourite seasoning in several ethnic cuisines. Common Uses Ground cumin seeds are very often used in Spanish, Mexican, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cookpots. It is added in bean stews, vegetable stews, lentils, dahls and tomato-based sauces. In Europe cumin seeds are very regularly added to breads, such as breadsticks and cornbread. In India it is almost always a component of a good curry – in fact it is part of garam masala. Cumin can also be used to flavour cheeses. Recommended Storage The most important point is that dried herbs and spices can never go bad if they are kept dry. Yes, the potency is lost, but it will still influence the flavor of your cooking. Purity: 99% pure cumin with expected little cumin stems cleaned from any foreign material Packaging: 25kg in polypropylene bags or paper bags as per request Seeds, roots, leaves and flowers last longer than crushed or ground herbs and spices. When you are preparing to store your dry herbs and spices it is vital that they are completely dry. A good indication is to rub it with your finger to check if it crumbles. As oxygen degrades dried herbs and spices over time, you should store them in airtight containers. Glass jars with sealable lids are perfect, and so are metal tins. Plastic won’t do for long terms storage. Sunlight also degrades dried herbs and spices; therefore, it should be stored in a dark cabinet that is both cool and dry. If your spice rack is near the stove or cooker, steam will degrade your herbs and spices each time you open the container while cooking. When buying in bulk, you should always store only some of the dried herbs and spices in a glass or metal container. Each time you open it, it is exposed to the elements. When buying in bulk it is useful to label your containers with the purchase date and discard date.


Anthocyanins are natural pigments found in various fruits and vegetables, offering a range of red, purple, and blue hues. These pigments are widely used in the food, beverage, and cosmetics industries to provide vibrant colors. As plant-based compounds, anthocyanins are ideal for products aimed at vegan and vegetarian consumers. EC number:600-954-3 CAS No:11029-12-2
Rośliny klementynki dla producenta cytrusów PRO-Cena dystrybutora

Rośliny klementynki dla producenta cytrusów PRO-Cena dystrybutora

Fournisseur Grossiste Plants Clémentinier à prix Producteur Bio et Conventionnel - Agrumiverse, fournisseur et grossiste en plants de Clémentiniers bio et conventionnels, propose une large gamme de plants d'agrumes à prix producteur pour les maraîchers, les Agrumiculteurs et producteurs. Bénéficiez de notre service commercial joignable et réactif 24h, avec devis gratuit et conseils personnalisés. Livraison rapide partout en Europe. Possibilité de commandes groupées pour optimiser vos coûts. Nos plants sont rigoureusement sélectionnés pour garantir des rendements élevés et une qualité exceptionnelle, adaptés aux pratiques biologiques et conventionnelles. Vente en ligne avec un accompagnement expert pour réussir vos cultures d’agrumes. Conditionnement : Pot 5L - 6/8cm diamètre - 150cm Pot 10L - 6/8cm diamètre - 120-130cm Pot 17L - 8/10cm diamètre - 120-130cm Pot 35L - 12/16cm diamètre - 120-140cm Site Web : Plant de Clémentinier Clemenrubi:Pot 5L - 6/8cm diamètre - 150cm Plant de Clémentinier Clemenules:Pot 5L - 6/8cm diamètre - 150cm Plant de Clémentinier Hernandina:Pot 5L - 6/8cm diamètre - 150cm Plant de Clémentinier Nero:Pot 5L - 6/8cm diamètre - 150cm Plant de Clémentinier Neufina:Pot 5L - 6/8cm diamètre - 150cm Plant de Clémentinier Orogros:Pot 5L - 6/8cm diamètre - 150cm Plant de Clémentinier Oronules:Pot 5L - 6/8cm diamètre - 150cm
Olej arganowy do dużej dystrybucji - Olej arganowy dla profesjonalistów

Olej arganowy do dużej dystrybucji - Olej arganowy dla profesjonalistów

Safran & Co. est un acteur majeur dans la distribution d'huile d'argan bio et de safran bio, des produits authentiques et d'excellence provenant directement du Maroc. En tant que grossiste, nous nous engageons à fournir des matières premières naturelles de la plus haute qualité, issues de l’agriculture biologique et du commerce équitable, destinées à une clientèle exigeante, qu’elle soit issue du secteur cosmétique, alimentaire ou pharmaceutique. Avec un savoir-faire ancestral et un réseau de producteurs locaux, Safran & Co. met un point d'honneur à garantir une traçabilité exemplaire et un respect des standards internationaux. Offrez à vos clients le meilleur du Maroc avec Safran & Co. : une huile d'argan bio aux vertus nourrissantes exceptionnelles et un safran bio de qualité supérieure, cultivés dans le respect des traditions et de l’environnement. Choisissez l'excellence naturelle, choisissez Safran & Co. !
ALOE VERA Żel do skóry 200 ml

ALOE VERA Żel do skóry 200 ml

Aloe Vera, lat. aloe barbadensis miller, gehört zur Familie der Lilien. Sie ist eine der ältesten bekannten Heilpflanzen und wächst in den ariden und semi-ariden Regionen Afrikas, Mittel- und Südamerikas. Das gelartige Innere des Blattes, das Wasser und Nährstoffe über lange Trockenperioden speichern kann, wurde bereits von fortgeschrittenen Zivilisationen zur Erhaltung von Schönheit und Wohlbefinden genutzt. Von den mehr als 300 Arten von Aloe hat „Aloe barbadensis miller“ die besten Eigenschaften für unsere Haut und den menschlichen Organismus. Wirkungen: Eingenommen als Saft aktiviert Aloe Vera unseren gesamten Organismus. Der Hauptbestandteil ist ein langkettiger Zuckertyp, das Mucopolysaccharid Acemannan. Neben dem Wirkstoff Acemannan enthält die Aloe Vera Pflanze weitere wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe. Vor allem gibt es zahlreiche Mineralien, Enzyme, Aminosäuren und Vitamine. Seit Jahrhunderten in der Naturheilkunde in Indien und Mittelamerika verwendet, ist Aloe Vera als „Erste-Hilfe-Pflanze“ für ihre umfangreichen Heilkräfte bekannt. Bio-Aloe-Vera-Saft 1.200 mg Aloverose (Premium): 1 Liter Bio-Aloe-Vera-Hautgel 99 % – Premium: 200 ml Herkunft: Mexiko
Scalp Special 4oz/118ml

Scalp Special 4oz/118ml

Scalp Special est une pommade légère qui contient des huiles pour aider à conditionner les cheveux, contrôler les démangeaisons et réduire la chute de cheveux. Ce conditionneur rend les cheveux souples et brillants, il contient de la lanoline et des huiles minérales. Utilisation : Appliquer une petite quantité́ de scalp sur les cheveux et sur le cuir chevelu, masser légèrement les cheveux et le cuir chevelu. Poids:152.0 g
Ciasto Karanja – Nawóz organiczny i bariera przeciw szkodnikom

Ciasto Karanja – Nawóz organiczny i bariera przeciw szkodnikom

Description Le tourteau végétal de karanja est le résidu sec obtenu de l’extraction de l’huile des noix de l’arbre de pongolote ou hêtre Indien. Son huile est utilisée en cosmétique pour la protection de la peau et le soin des cheveux. Cet engrais organique est utilisé en agriculture biologique pour ses apports en azote à libération lente et progressive et pour ses qualités de protection contre les ravageurs. Il renforce le complexe absorbant (argilo-humique) et stimule la vie microbienne du sol en améliorant l’état des racines des plantes. Depuis l’interdiction de l’huile de Neem en France, les maraichers s’en servent pour renforcer les défenses des sols sensibles aux nuisibles. Dosage : 100 g / M2 Incorporer au sol avant les semis. Associé au tourteau de ricin 50 /50 Forme : semoule, poudre. Azote organique (N) 4.5 % Phosphore (P2O5) 0.8 % Potassium ( K2O) 1.1 % POIDS:ND DIMENSIONS:ND POIDS:4 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg
Cukier brzozowy Xylitol

Cukier brzozowy Xylitol

"What is Xylitol (Birch sugar)? Xylitol is found as a natural sugar alcohol in many vegetables, fruits and the bark of different trees. Our birch sugar is made exclusively from birch and beech wood from Scandinavia. The Xylitol is extracted from the wood sugar (xylose) in a very complex way. Finely chopped wood is mixed with water. The wood-water mixture is then purified and filtered until all other substances are completely separated from the xylitol. Birch sugar is suitable for diabetics Birch sugar has slightly less sweetening power as the familiar refined (white) table sugar but affects the blood sugar only slightly. This sugar is very suitable for diabetics, the glycemic value is only 7. Beer Sugar Benefits Xylitol has a moisturizing effect on the skin and can increase the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin. Xylitol is a natural alternative to sugar. Xylitol can be found in almost every toothpaste, and it is often found in chewing gum fo…"


I curcuminoidi sono in grado di prevenire la formazione di radicali liberi e di neutralizzarli già quelli esistenti. È un potente antinfiammatorio. Può essere utilizzato in caso di diabete neuropatie. Migliora la funzione articolare. Aiuta a mantenere le arterie sane. Curcuma Longa PIPER NIGRUM Aiuta la digestione e facilita l'assorbimento dei nutrienti nel primo tratto intestinale. Piperina rafforza il sistema immunitario, stimolando diversi tipi di cellule immunitarie. Pepe nero POSOLOGIA E MODALITÀ D'USO Da 1 a 2 compresse al giorno, da deglutire con acqua, previo consiglio medico. prescrizione. EFFETTI COLLATERALI Ipersensibilità e intolleranza verso gli elementi presenti nel prodotto. Non sono noti effetti collaterali del Confezione:30 compresse Curcuma e.s. tit 95 curcuminoidi:700,0 mg Pepe Nero e.s:7,0mg
Ręcznik Hammam - Niebieski

Ręcznik Hammam - Niebieski

Hammam towel - Blue SKU:F4w-pea-bl Model:Peacock
Mąka pszenna T450/T550

Mąka pszenna T450/T550

Pure Wheat Flour is a versatile and essential ingredient for any kitchen, whether for home cooking or professional baking. Made from 100% organic farmed wheat, this flour is finely milled to ensure a smooth texture and consistent quality. With a maximum moisture content of 14.5% and a fineness of 99.96%, our wheat flour is perfect for a wide range of recipes, from bread and pastries to sauces and gravies. Our Pure Wheat Flour is available in various packaging options, including 1 kg, 3 kg, 25 kg, and 50 kg bags, catering to both small-scale and large-scale needs. The flour is low in fat and contains no additives, making it a healthy choice for those conscious about their diet. With a shelf life of 12 months, you can be assured of its freshness and quality. Choose Pure Wheat Flour for a reliable and high-quality baking experience.
Mleko barista górskiego Milkyland 3,5%

Mleko barista górskiego Milkyland 3,5%

Elevate your coffee experience with Milkyland mountain barista milk 3.5%, a premium milk designed specifically for baristas and coffee enthusiasts. This milk offers a rich and creamy texture that enhances the flavor and aroma of your favorite coffee beverages. With its perfect balance of creaminess and frothability, Milkyland mountain barista milk 3.5% is the ideal choice for creating lattes, cappuccinos, and other specialty coffee drinks. Milkyland mountain barista milk 3.5% is sourced from the finest dairy farms, ensuring a high-quality product that meets the standards of professional baristas. Its smooth and velvety consistency allows for easy steaming and frothing, resulting in a perfect cup of coffee every time. Whether you're a professional barista or a coffee lover at home, Milkyland mountain barista milk 3.5% is the ultimate choice for achieving café-quality coffee in the comfort of your own kitchen. Experience the difference that premium milk can make in your coffee and indulge in the rich and satisfying taste of Milkyland mountain barista milk 3.5%.
Mirtillo - Superfood, organiczny

Mirtillo - Superfood, organiczny

Il mirtillo è il frutto di diverse specie di piccoli arbusti del genere Vaccinium, appartenenti alla famiglia delle Ericaceae. I mirtilli sono noti per il loro colore blu scuro o viola, il sapore dolce e leggermente acidulo e le loro eccezionali proprietà nutrizionali e benefiche per la salute.
Drewno Wełniane BBQ Zapałki Globalny Dostawca Hurtowy - 256 -sztukowa Pudełko

Drewno Wełniane BBQ Zapałki Globalny Dostawca Hurtowy - 256 -sztukowa Pudełko

We supply two types of wood wool firelighters: Fluffy and tight one. Both are perfect quality and FSC certified. Start your fires effortlessly with our wood wool firelighters, crafted from natural wood fibers tightly wound to catch flame quickly and maintain it. These eco-friendly fire starters are perfect for igniting wood, charcoal, or pellet fires, offering a reliable and chemical-free option to begin your warming experience. With a clean burn and a high flame, they're an essential companion for your fireplace, barbecue, or campfire adventures. Carton box with 256 pcs +/- 2 pcs Personalized design available
Heraldo Noble Ekologiczny Olej, wczesne zbiory

Heraldo Noble Ekologiczny Olej, wczesne zbiory

Nuestro Virgen EXTRA TEMPRANO ECOLÓGICO de variedad PICUAL, en un elegante estuche de regalo, para regalar salud y sabor a tus amistades. Te lo agradecerán. NOTA DE CATA: Aceite de oliva virgen extra monovarietal Picual, de intensidad malta de frutado, con preponderancia en nariz de notas de verde hoja, hierba y tomatera, percibiéndose también matices de higuera e higo verde. En boca, el atributo amargo se manifiesta con intensidad media de forma agradable, combinándose con ligeras notas astringentes y aromas de plátano verde que ,vía retronasal, se mezclan con progresivos tonos picantes. En general es un aceite de perfil verde, equilibrado y agradable al paladar.
Stały Nawóz - Osmo Pro 4-4-4

Stały Nawóz - Osmo Pro 4-4-4

Osmo Pro 4-4-4 is an organic plant based fertilizer that contributes to soil organic matter and soil fertility. The mix of organic raw materials makes for a sophisticated compound fertilizer with controlled release of nutrients over time. The period of releasing nutrients lasts from a minimum of 90 up until 120 days. Osmo Pro 4-4-4 is a fully plant based fertilizer. Due to the balanced amount of NPK, this fertilizer is a good basic fertilizer. Osmo Pro 4-4-4 can be used complementary with other fertilizers. The fertilizer contains a high proportion of magnesium. The addition of seaweeds results in positive effects on the photosynthesis. Seaweed can decrease plant stress. Osmo Pro 4-4-4 is certified for use in organic agriculture in compliance with EC 834/2007 and EC 889/2008. Pellet diameter: crumb 2-3 mm:Nitrogen (N total): 4% Fosforic acid anhydrid (P2O5) soluble in mineral acid 4%:Organic matter 60% Potassium oxid (K2O) soluble in water 4%:Magnesium oxid (MgO) soluble in mineral acid 4%
Bio sok z kwaśnych wiśni w proszku

Bio sok z kwaśnych wiśni w proszku

Unsere Saftpulver werden mit Hilfe eines innovativen Verfahrens unter Rohkostbedingungen hergestellt. Dies bedeutet, dass das Produkt zu keiner Zeit höheren Temperaturen als 41°C und niedrigeren Temperaturen als 1°C ausgesetzt wird. So können wir gewährleisten, dass nahezu alle Vitamine, Mineralien, sowie Farbe und Geschmack im Pulver erhalten bleiben.
Karczochy w organicznej oliwie z oliwek extra virgin 120g — Włoskie smaki wegańskie - buononaturale

Karczochy w organicznej oliwie z oliwek extra virgin 120g — Włoskie smaki wegańskie - buononaturale

Les artichauts buononaturale sont cultivés, fraîchement transformés et conservés dans de l'huile d'olive biologique de haute qualité selon les normes biologiques. Cet aliment riche en nutriments est prêt à être dégusté comme apéritif élégant ou comme amuse-gueule lors de happy hours (ou d'apéritifs à la manière italienne), mais peut tout aussi facilement et de manière créative être combiné avec d'autres ingrédients pour des repas savoureux. Ils sont présentés dans des bocaux en verre recyclables. Poids net:120g
Materiał folderu Mleko osła - Mleko osła

Materiał folderu Mleko osła - Mleko osła

Folded trifold brochure with information about the Donkey milk products. The brochure provides an overview of the products, but does not contain all products. On the back of the brochure there is space to place your own logo or stamp and at the bottom is the Sprelink logo. The brochures are intended to provide information and can be placed next to the products, for example. Let's try to avoid waste as much as possible, only order the brochures you really want. Prefer a folder with your own logo on the back? Ask us about the possibilities! Weight:0,01 kg
Szafa do przechowywania 40kWh Pytes V5 - Akcesoria do przechowywania baterii

Szafa do przechowywania 40kWh Pytes V5 - Akcesoria do przechowywania baterii

Produktinformationen "Speicherschrank 40kWh Pytes V5" Der hochwertige Speicherschrank 40kWh Pytes V5 ist speziell für die Aufbewahrung von acht Pytes V5 Batterien mit jeweils 5,12 kWh konzipiert, was eine Gesamtkapazität von 40kWh ergibt. Dieses robuste Lagerungssystem ist ideal für Organisationen, die Wert auf Sicherheit und Effizienz legen. Hauptmerkmale: Stabile Bauweise:Der Schrank besteht aus perforiertem Stahlblech, das ihm sowohl Stabilität als auch Sicherheit verleiht. Ein abschließbarer Türgriff mit Zylinderschloss schützt Ihre Batterien vor unbefugtem Zugriff. Optimierte Raumnutzung:Acht spezielle Montageschienen sind für Batterien vorgesehen wodurch die Raumnutzung maximiert wird. Flexibler Türanschlag:Die Türen des Schrankes können sowohl rechts als auch links angeschlagen werden und öffnen sich jeweils um mindestens 120°, was einen leichten Zugang ermöglicht. Produktnummer:IVG202407003 Hersteller:IVG Energy Solutions
ORGANICZNY proszek z jarmużu; ekstrakt proszku z jarmużu 4:1; - Chem2Market GmbH

ORGANICZNY proszek z jarmużu; ekstrakt proszku z jarmużu 4:1; - Chem2Market GmbH

"Quality: for food Processed plant part: Leaf Extracting agent: ethanol & water Carrier: maltodextrin Scientific Name: Brassica oleracea var Kale, also known as green cabbage, is a dark green vegetable. It is considered a superfood due to their high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided. Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. We also offer the following products: Acerola Field bean Field horsetail African black bean Elecampane Alpha lipoic acid Amla Artichoke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Valerian Bamboo Beta Glucan ORGANIC Birch leaf ORGANIC Brazilian almond ORGANIC Nettle ORGANIC Broccoli ORGANIC Chaga ORGANIC Chlorella ORGANIC Cranberry ORGANIC Barley grass ORGANIC Ginseng ORGANIC Grapefruit ORGANIC Kale ORGANIC Rosehip ORGANIC Blueberry ORGANIC Hedgehog spikenard ORGANIC Ginger
Surowy czarny organiczny konopie

Surowy czarny organiczny konopie

Mortalhas Raw black organic hemp King Size > Mortalhas por Pacote: 32
Olej roślinny z awokado

Olej roślinny z awokado

Avocado vegetable oil is extracted from the avocado fruit, being a rich, thick oil with a wide range of benefits for the skin and hair. This oil is packed with healthy fatty acids, vitamins A, D, and E, as well as antioxidants, making it an excellent natural moisturizer. Its moisturizing and emollient properties help soften and nourish dry skin, promoting a softer and more supple complexion. Additionally, avocado oil is known for its ability to soothe irritation and reduce inflammation, making it especially useful for people with sensitive or allergy-prone skin. In hair care, this oil strengthens hair, improves its elasticity and shine, and can help reduce frizz. Organic avocado oil also available. CONTAINER:25 kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg. INCI:Persea Grattisima / Persea Americana CAS:8024-32-6 EINECS:232-428-0
Skrobia ziemniaczana

Skrobia ziemniaczana

El almidón de papa se obtiene mediante la separación mecánica de otras partes de la papa mediante enjuague, limpieza, secado y tamizado. El producto final es insoluble en agua fría. En la industria alimentaria, el almidón de maíz es el ingrediente de guisos, sopas, rellenos para pasteles, comidas preparadas, postres, cremas de panadería, conservas de carne y pescado y quesos rallados preenvasados. También se utiliza en budines y jaleas. El almidón de maíz se usa para mejorar la textura crujiente como componente de rebozados, empanados, mezclas de recubrimiento y polvos tempura.
Suszone Pomidory: Proszek

Suszone Pomidory: Proszek

Sun Dried Tomatoes: Powder Sourcing from the finest dried ripe tomatoes, our Tomato Powder is very convenient when a recipe calls for the tomato flavor, but you don’t have any in the pantry. Can be used in a variety of different sauces, soups, pasta and more.
Mąka słonecznikowa w BIG BAG z dostawą

Mąka słonecznikowa w BIG BAG z dostawą

Гранулиран слънчогледов шрот в Big Bag с тегло 1 тон. Параметри на продукта: • Протеин: 39% • Влажност: до 10,4% • Мазнини: 1,4% • Фибри: 22,8% Цена: • 1250 PLN за Big Bag, с доставка до провинцията. Mazowiecki или района около Бяла Подляска. Минимална поръчка от 22 тона - пълни количества, плащане след доставка на стоката. Допълнителна информация: • Сертификати за изтегляне и повече снимки на продукти можете да намерите на нашия уебсайт:; • Офертата идва от полска фирма; • Възможност за издаване на фактура по ДДС. Моля, свържете се с нас: 503#577#909 Обадете ни се и ни уведомете мястото за доставка и ние ще изчислим цената. Ние гарантираме кратки срокове за доставка и професионално обслужване. минимална поръчка:23 тона
Jadalny olej konopny - Smak oregano

Jadalny olej konopny - Smak oregano

Rediscover the cooking and its flavours through our innovative natural culinary hemp oil, from organic farming, made in France. Culinary oil made from organic hemp, oregano and chilli taste. Simple and quick to use, press the pump and season at your convenience.
Bioderma - Bioderma Sensibio, Woda micelarna Bioderma, Pigmentbio, Atoderm

Bioderma - Bioderma Sensibio, Woda micelarna Bioderma, Pigmentbio, Atoderm

Siete interessati ad assicurarvi un buon accesso a Bioderma? Bioderma è un marchio rinomato per la cura della pelle, riconosciuto per i suoi prodotti sviluppati da dermatologi e progettati per promuovere una pelle sana ed equilibrata. Uno dei suoi prodotti più venduti è l'acqua micellare Bioderma Sensibio H2O, famosa per le sue proprietà di rimozione del trucco e di pulizia della pelle delicate ed efficaci. B. Futurist B.V. aiuta il vostro business della bellezza a crescere assicurandovi un buon accesso a Bioderma e ad altri marchi di prodotti per la cura della pelle. Forniamo un portafoglio in crescita di oltre 800 marchi di bellezza che spaziano dalle fragranze ai cosmetici, dalla cura dei capelli ai filler dermici. Siete interessati ad acquistare marchi specifici o a ricevere offerte speciali da parte nostra? Non vediamo l'ora di lavorare con voi, contattateci oggi stesso.