Produkty dla wykonawczyni (2)

Konsultacje w zakresie przywództwa - Planuj i oceniaj wyniki swojego najwyższego kierownictwa

Konsultacje w zakresie przywództwa - Planuj i oceniaj wyniki swojego najwyższego kierownictwa

Alhambra International has highlighted several factors that influence as well as challenge Leadership today and proposes its own approach that covers requirements of today’s leadership practices. Nowadays, companies are struggling to attract, retain, and develop the leaders who will shape organization’s future. It is no longer enough to assess Top Management without an explicit link to their further growth. Alhambra International’s Leadership Consulting services develop leaders from the inside-out, which helps to clarify values, strengths, personal motivations, capabilities and from the outside-in while conducting a constructive coaching.
Wyszukiwanie Wykonawcze - Popraw swoją rekrutację talentów, aby zapewnić wzrost i wydajność

Wyszukiwanie Wykonawcze - Popraw swoją rekrutację talentów, aby zapewnić wzrost i wydajność

Our mission is based on identifying, contacting and selecting Middle & Top Management talents in line with their professional development wishes and organizations’ expectations. Alhambra International truly understands that in today’s dynamic and complex business world our Clients confront many demanding challenges and continuously endeavor to create and maintain their competitive advantage. Therefore, we search for the best Executive Leaders and Board Members with solid academic background, top skills, and particular abilities to easily adapt to progressive changes to identify how successfully leverage business opportunities and increase performance within the organization