Produkty dla wykonawczyni (260)

Wysoka jakość - Wydajny wymiennik ciepła z uszczelkami - UniGasket

Wysoka jakość - Wydajny wymiennik ciepła z uszczelkami - UniGasket

High performance plate type heat-exchangers consist of a number of formed, sealable heat-exchange plates according to the respective requirements. The alternating pressed plates and channel spacing cause highly turbulent flow behaviour, optimal self cleaning effect and highest possible heat transfer. Use of high-grade materials such as titanium, titanium palladium, highly alloyed steels and even a UniCarb carbon/graphite version help ensure UniGasket heat-exchangers are extremely economical compared to other heat-exchanger types. The plates are clamped to a rack between frame plate and pressure plate by means of clamping bolts. -:pressure from vacuum up to 25 bar -:high heat transfer coefficient -:compact design -:selectable pressure drop -:heat transfer surfaces 0.8 - 600m² -:suitable for wide range of fluids -:construction for individual applications -:plate thickness 0.4 - 0.9mm -:usable in temperatures -20 °C to 155 °C -:low logarithmic temperature differences -:low weight compared to tubular heat-exchangers -:good self-cleaning, due to high media velocities -:suitable for parallel use -:wide range of fittings -:use as heat-exchanger, condenser or evaporator -:wide range of construction materials


La butaca BRUSELAS es sinónimo de alto rendimiento y durabilidad, ideal para auditorios y espacios de alto tráfico. Su estructura metálica y carcasa de polipropileno proporcionan un soporte sólido, mientras que el bloque de espuma compacta asegura comodidad durante largas sesiones. Los apoyabrazos de poliuretano inyectado de alta densidad ofrecen un acabado rugoso que imita la piel, evitando el deslizamiento de los brazos. Además, el diseño de la butaca permite una fácil sustitución de la tapicería gracias al sistema ER (Easy Remove), lo que facilita su mantenimiento y prolonga su vida útil.
SRT5PD6 BIG BILL® koszulka o wysokiej widoczności do wydajności sportowej

SRT5PD6 BIG BILL® koszulka o wysokiej widoczności do wydajności sportowej

1 poche poitrine gauche Sans étiquette Coupe décontractée Trou pour le pouce au poignet Tricot côtelé sur le col et les poignets Matériau réfléchissant segmenté pour plus de confort Le placement du matériau réfléchissant ignifuge offre une visibilité à 360° avec 2 bandes verticales sur le devant, une bande horizontale autour de la taille, une bande horizontale autour de chaque bras et un « X » sur le dos Entretien : Lavage industriel Fait au Canada Matériel 50% Modacrylique / 40% Lyocell / 10% Twaron, Antex™ Exodry® FR coupe-vent Caractéristiques Poids moyen Normes de sécurité Indice d'arc ATPV 16,4 calories/cm², ASTM 1506, Norme CSA Z462, NFPA 2112, Norme NFPA 70E Catégorie EPI CATÉGORIE 2 Résistant au feu Oui Visibilité 3M™Scotchlite™ (segmenté argent de 2 po), CSA Z96 Classe 2 / Niveau 2 (Couleur du tissu du vêtement : Fluorescent seulement ou Orange vif) Norme CSA Z96 classe 2/niveau 2
Readymesh MX-500 : Wysokowydajne włókna stalowe 50 mm

Readymesh MX-500 : Wysokowydajne włókna stalowe 50 mm

Readymesh MX-500 Readymesh MX-500 is a special carbon steel fibre, obtained by the extrusion and cutting of high-strength steel wire. Its special double-hooked form gives it a remarkable shear strength, thus conferring the concrete with excellent post-cracking structural strength even at low doses. Readymesh MX-500 significantly increases the mechanical performance of the structure in terms of toughness, ductility, fatigue, dynamic stress, shock, wear, tensile and shear strength and even post-cracking and damage behaviour. General preparation of fibre-reinforced concrete with high pre and post-cracking performance. Ideal for industrial flooring and prefabrications. "Readymesh MX-500 fibres must be added to the concrete during mixing. It is recommended to pour the fibres directly onto the loading belt of the concrete mixer during the loading of the aggregates. Alternatively, it is possible to add them directly into the mixer after loading the concrete. In this case, add the fibres a little at a time so that they are well-distributed in the cement mix and extend the mixing time by at least one minute for every 20 kg of fibres added in order to achieve optimal distribution. Conglomerates with Readymesh MX-500 can be easily transported and used with pumps, joiners, vibratory finishing machines, roadway extruders (e.g. slipform paver), etc." Variable according to the type of work to be carried out and/or performance to be achieved. Packaging: 20 kg bag Unit: €/kg
Podwójne rzędy rolek torowych - ŁOŻYSKA WYDAJNOŚCI

Podwójne rzędy rolek torowych - ŁOŻYSKA WYDAJNOŚCI

These track rollers offer the same features of a single row track roller with the added benefit of heavy radial, thrust or combined loads. Yoke-type track rollers are single or double-row units mounted on shafts or studs. Similar to the single row track roller, we can customize the running surface to meet the specific requirements of the applications. Cam rollers are similar in their construction to single and double-row support rollers, except that the raceway is formed by a heavy-section roller stud with a fixing thread. The most common running surface profiles can be found on the Special Profiles page under Technical Parameters.
SUPER WYSOKOWYDAJNE OLEJE WYŚCIGOWE - Oleje do silników benzynowych i lekkich silników diesla

SUPER WYSOKOWYDAJNE OLEJE WYŚCIGOWE - Oleje do silników benzynowych i lekkich silników diesla

Super High Performance Racing Oils are no ordinary engine oils; they are meticulously designed for the most demanding high-performance four-stroke racing engines, ensuring seamless lubrication even under extreme racetrack conditions. These ultra-performance oils are engineered to deliver unwavering endurance, a critical necessity in the world of competitive racing, where engines are consistently pushed to their absolute limits. This includes enduring extreme loads, turbocharging, high speeds, and elevated operating temperatures. The secret to their exceptional performance lies in their unique additive chemistry, which includes enhanced levels of zinc anti-wear agents. These components work in harmony to unlock the maximum power output achievable through lubrication, all while providing comprehensive protection against the risks of scuffing and scoring in rapidly moving engine components. API:SN, SM, SL, SJ, SH, CF, CD, CE Available in:Bulk, 200 Litres, 20 Litres, and 5 Litres Item code:VI1-2055 (50)
Centrifuga Decanter Z2E - Flottweg Z2E decanter: wszechstronny, łatwy w utrzymaniu i o wysokiej wydajności

Centrifuga Decanter Z2E - Flottweg Z2E decanter: wszechstronny, łatwy w utrzymaniu i o wysokiej wydajności

Per Flottweg, affidabilità non è soltanto un concetto di centrale importanza, bensì espressione della propria filosofia aziendale. Vogliamo che le soluzioni Flottweg consentano ai nostri clienti di conseguire risultati insuperabili. Ecco perché c'è bisogno di macchine affidabili, di un'assistenza eccellente e di collaboratori la cui passione per la perfezione si rifletta sull'intero processo produttivo. La nuova centrifuga Flottweg Z2E rappresenta un grande passo in avanti verso l'obiettivo che ci siamo prefissati. La centrifuga decanter è versatile, facile da manutenere e ad alta prestazione. Grazie ad una calotta facile da aprire, Flottweg consente un accesso rapido ai componenti principali, senza dover ricorrere all'uso di dispositivi di sollevamento. Unitamente ad un'altra peculiarità, ovvero al sistema a livello profondo super, la Flottweg Z2E esprime tutto il know how raccolto in questo decanter. Tamburo del decanter:Soluzioni su misura Coclea del decanter:Soluzioni su misura Protezione antiusura:Soluzioni su misura Simp-Drive®:Soluzioni su misura Recuvane®:Soluzioni su misura Pompa centripeta (regolabile):Soluzioni su misura Numero di giri differenziale:Soluzioni su misura Piastra di tracimazione:Soluzioni su misura


Czujniki Wydajności AXIS-P

Czujniki Wydajności AXIS-P

Performance Sensoren - zuverlässige Lösungen für die Fabrikautomation Messbereich:40 - 500 mm Auflösung:4 - 670 µm Linearität:± 0,15% MR...± 0,40 % MR Ausgang:0...10 V / 4...20 Ma Schutzklasse:IP67
DRUK 3D - DRUK LENTIKULARNY 3D wykonywany na maszynach UV offsetowych. Dowiedz się więcej: www.torro.

DRUK 3D - DRUK LENTIKULARNY 3D wykonywany na maszynach UV offsetowych. Dowiedz się więcej: www.torro.

Pienet painokset valmistetaan myös UV-plottereille tai vakaalle alustalle, kuten pahville tai paksulle liidulle, joka laminoidaan linssikuviofolioon. Lentikulaarinen tulostus yhdistää kaksi elementtiä: 3D-tekniikka on erinomainen tapa muuttaa perinteiset tiedotusmateriaalit, esim. myyntipakkaukset, erottuvaksi välineeksi ja siten lisätä markkinointiviestejä ja myyntiä. Torrolla on tietotaitoa, teknologiaa ja koneita, joiden avulla voimme tarjota sinulle laajan valikoiman 3D-tuotteita, kuten: jalustat julisteet kannet hiirimatot hyllykaistaleet tarrat – myös magneetilla: Syvyystehoste, animaatio, zoomaus, kääntäminen tai morfointi.
LEAK LOCATE 320 - Elektrodynamiczny monitor wydajności filtra wielokomorowego

LEAK LOCATE 320 - Elektrodynamiczny monitor wydajności filtra wielokomorowego

Controller based filter dust leak monitor (0100%) for filter emissions monitoring after bag houses, cartridge filters, cyclones etc. • reliable monitoring of leaking and broken bags in dust collectors • sensor configured remotely via controller • manual sensor drift checks probe check option for improved data integrity reduces filter maintenance intervals, process downtimes and filter costs
Sport i Zwinność - Karma Sucha dla Psów Wydajnościowych

Sport i Zwinność - Karma Sucha dla Psów Wydajnościowych

Sport & Agility, Alleinfuttermittel von Beckers Beste Tiernahrung mit erhöhtem Energiebedarf zur Unterstützung der optimalen Ausdauer und Leistungsfähigkeit. (z.B. Hunde im Wach- und Schutzdienst, sowie Sporthunde jeder Sportart) Auch säugende Hündinnen haben einen deutlich erhöhten Energiebedarf und können von diesem Produkt nur profitieren! Mit erhöhtem Fleischanteil in der Trockensubstanz, Glutenfrei und ganzheitlich (Holistic) konzipiert überzeugt dieses Produkt den Hundesportler und besonders Deinen Hund! Glutenfreies Produkt! Beckers Beste Tiernahrung Sport & Agility - Aus Liebe zu meinem Hund! Mit Leinsamen, Muschelextrakt (Grünlippmuschel), Yucca Schidigera und unserer Spezial-Kräutermischung. Frei von chemischen Konservierungs-, Farb- und Geschmackstoffen und ohne tierische Nebenprodukte. Unser Leistungsfutter Sport & Agility von Beckers Beste Tiernahrung wurde speziell für diese Zielgruppe entwickelt ...... Leistungsfutter:Hoher Fleischanteil
MODEL 7500 Seria - Analizatory wydajności

MODEL 7500 Seria - Analizatory wydajności

The Magtrol 7500 Series Power Analyzer is an easy-to-use instrument ideal for numerous power measurement applications. From DC to 80 kHz AC, the 7500 measures volts, amps, watts, volt-amps, frequency, crest factor, Vpeak, Apeak and power factor in one convenient display. They may be used either as stand-alone instruments or in conjunction with any Magtrol Hysteresis, Eddy-Current or Powder Brake Dynamometer; any Magtrol Dynamometer Controller and M-TEST Software for more demanding motor test applications. Single/Three-Phase Capabilities:For single (7510) or three-phase (7530) power measurements Ranges:Up to 600 Vrms @ 20 A continuous duty Interfaces:USB & GPIB/IEEE-488 & Ethernet Data Transfer Rates:Up to 100 per second Accuracy:Up to 0.1% Vacuum Fluorescent Display:High-quality, easyto-read, customizable readout displays volts, amps, power and power factor Measurement:Continuous or cycle-by-cycle Bandwidth:DC up to 80 kHz Input Power:Accepts 85/264 Vrms, 60/50 Hz power at 20 VA max Auto Ranging:Automatically scales instrument for most accurate range Isolation: 1000 Vrms to earth, 750 Vrms line-to-line Average:Displays running average of amps, volts and watts Peak Hold:Stores the highest value read. Values can include amps, watts and volts in any combination Calibration Certificate:NIST Traceable Rack Mounting:19” (482.6 mm) with handles


We adapt our filter bags exactly to your specific requirements and thus create the highest process reliability for you. FTJ filter bags are available in sewn and welded design, with plastic collar and stainless steel ring. We offer standard filter bags, high performance filter bags and absolute rated filter bags. High performance filter bag made of needle felt in PP or PES (welded/sewn version) Longer lifetime Higher dirt absorption capacity Fully welded seams Special bag filter seal Full compatibility with the entire FTJ filter housing program Production according to the highest quality standards
Soczewki z topionej kwarcu UV do laserów półprzewodnikowych - UV FS jest porównywalny z N-BK7 lub innymi podobnymi szkłami optycznymi pod względem wydajności

Soczewki z topionej kwarcu UV do laserów półprzewodnikowych - UV FS jest porównywalny z N-BK7 lub innymi podobnymi szkłami optycznymi pod względem wydajności

Knight Optical can offer UV Fused Silica Lenses for Solid State Laser applications. UV FS is a prime choice for lenses in use with Solid State Lasers due to its consistently high transmission in the UV/VIS/NIR regions. This means that it can be used with a range of different laser types, such as Titanium-doped sapphire (tuneable to 660-1080nm) or Alexandrite (tuneable to 700-820nm) with very little change in performance. UV FS is comparable to N-BK7 or other similar optical glasses in its performance, having a very similar average transmission over the VIS range up to approximately 2000nm and a slightly lower refractive index. The Abbe constants of UV FS are also very similar to that of N-BK7, although slightly higher. Read PDF for full specification Material::UV Grade Fused Silica Operating Wavelength:587nm Diameter Tolerance::+0 / -0.10mm Centring Tolerance::<5 arc min Focal Length Tolerance::± 0.2mm (<10mm) ±2.0% (10mm – 1000mm) Centre Thickness Tolerance:±0.2mm
Imponująca Wydajność w Aplikacjach Elektrycznych - Branże

Imponująca Wydajność w Aplikacjach Elektrycznych - Branże

Der ständige Kontakt mit Elektrizität stellt eine Brandgefahr dar. Um die branchenspezifischen Brandschutzanforderungen zu erfüllen, sind unsere nach UL94 als V-0 klassifizierten Kunststoffprofile selbstverlöschend und zudem für eine Optimierung des Brandschutzes frei von rotem Phosphor und Halogenen.Elektrotechnische Bauteile müssen strenge Anforderungen erfüllen, um eine hohe Funktionalität und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Kunststoffprofile vereinen die benötigten mechanischen und elektrisch isolierenden Eigenschaften in einem Bauteil. Das ermöglicht effizientere Systeme, die die branchenspezifischen Sicherheitsanforderungen erfüllen. Unsere Hochleistungskunststoffe, die nach der Brandschutznorm UL94 als V-0 klassifiziert sind, bieten Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die auf Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse abgestimmt sind. Unsere besonders festen Kunststoffprofile enthalten weder roten Phosphor noch Halogene und verfügen über eine ausgezeichnete Oberflächengüte
Dwukierunkowy Złącze w Steatycie - TERMINALE

Dwukierunkowy Złącze w Steatycie - TERMINALE

Connettori biolari in Steatite, per la connessione di cavi elettrici in impianti di distribuzione civili ed industriali. Questi connettori trovano applicazione soprattutto in termoresistenze, termocoppie, resistenze elettriche e apparecchiature ove si necessita un'elevata resistenza alla temperatura. Temperatura esercizio:-20°C ÷ 500°C Tensione Nominale:450 Volt
Filtry Wysokiej Wydajności

Filtry Wysokiej Wydajności

Hautes performances Gamme de filtres hautes performances, air, huile. Véhicules de compétition…
Cylinder elektryczny LZ 60 S/P - Kategoria wydajności 2

Cylinder elektryczny LZ 60 S/P - Kategoria wydajności 2

Los cilindros eléctricos de equipamiento completo abarcan la unidad de motor-engranaje incluyendo freno del motor, circuito de sensor Hall de 2 canales y dos interruptores de fin de carrera. Todas las líneas de conexión están llevadas al exterior para facilitar la puesta en servicio, en particular para el funcionamiento con PLC.
LedControl DC PL kategoria 4 & SIL 3: Bezpieczeństwo i wydajność dla przemysłu - źródła światła UV-LED

LedControl DC PL kategoria 4 & SIL 3: Bezpieczeństwo i wydajność dla przemysłu - źródła światła UV-LED

In order to design machines safely and to meet the requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, safety functions are required in the control systems. Typically, the required Performance Level PLr is determined for each safety function. This is where the first difficulty begins during the planning and commissioning of UV systems, namely determining the severity of the injury, the frequency and duration of exposure, and how to avoid the uv hazard. In the short term, UV exposure of the skin leads to erythema, elastosis and/or skin cancer. In contrast, UV exposure of the eye can lead to photokeratitis, conjunctivitis and cataractogenesis. If e.g. skin cancer is considered, it is a severe, usually irreversible injury. In this context, Directive 2006/25/EC „Artificial Optical Radiation“ allows regular exposure up to a daily exposure limit of 30 J/m². Mounting type:DIN rail Dimensions, approx.:10,5 x 7,0 x 21,5 cm Cooling:passive Operating temperature:5 to 40 °C Storage temperature:-10 to 60 °C
Uszczelkowe płytowe wymienniki ciepła - Punkt odniesienia dla wydajności

Uszczelkowe płytowe wymienniki ciepła - Punkt odniesienia dla wydajności

Uszczelkowe wymienniki ciepła to efekt naszego zaangażowania, pasji badawczej i wiedzy technologicznej. Wyższy stopień sprawności przy niższych kosztach eksploatacji i więcej możliwości zastosowań przy mniejszych nakładach inwestycyjnych to ich główne zalety. Nieustannie udoskonalane serie płyt odpowiadają na potrzeby przemysłu w zakresie termo- i hydrodynamiki, zapewniając jednocześnie maksymalną ekonomiczność. Szeroki zakres rozmiarów i typów płyt gwarantuje dostosowanie konstrukcji do wymagań konkretnego procesu. Ponadto nowe, przyjazne dla użytkownika technologie montażu i uszczelniania sprawiają, że konserwacja urządzeń jest łatwiejsza, a dopasowanie uszczelek i pakietów płyt – idealne.
Specjalne Profile OZL-80

Specjalne Profile OZL-80

Special Profiles OZL-80 Ref:OZL-80
Zbiorniki magazynowe i budowa rur

Zbiorniki magazynowe i budowa rur

Planning and construction according to the latest standards The constant supply of raw materials is an essential feature of the process performance in dosing operation. Our proven know-how in tank storage and pipeline construction is proving its worth in production companies around the world. Tank storage designed and constructed by FRICKE complies with the latest engineering standards. Pipeline construction, carried out by FRICKE, likewise Logistic as well as production-related, product-specific and all safety-relevant requirements are combined in an efficient solution for your application. With storage tanks from FRICKE ■ you increase productivity ■ avoid dovvn-times (no transfer, cleaning of pumps) ■ ensure safe storage and easy handling ■ Clearlot séparation ■ Easy rinsing during product change
Wysokowydajne baffle używane do pochłaniania hałasu w budynkach - Bafflesorba

Wysokowydajne baffle używane do pochłaniania hałasu w budynkach - Bafflesorba

Bafflesorba ecopaint are Class A high performance baffles used to absorb noise in buildings. Bafflesorba are particularly useful in situations where the roof space needs to support various services or it is important to allow natural light. Not only are excellent acoustic results achieved in this way, but aesthetically innovative solutions are created. Typical uses are in schools, leisure centres, exhibition areas, offices, factories, studios and other internal building areas. The standard Bafflesorba ecopaint surface finish comes in white RAL 9016. However, they can be emulsion spray painted on site to any colour with little significant effect on acoustical performance. The panels can be painted for aesthetic reasons or even in the future to cover dirty marks. Acoustic Performance Class A absorbers Sound absorption coefficients. Installation Using Suspension Wires Clean white gloves must be used when handling to avoid marking the baffles. Install the first baffle and check that...


Pour les projets les plus ambicieux en therme d´éficacité thermique, Sapa presente le systéme de battant avec rupture de pont thermique Performance 70, dans une gamme compléte et évolutionniste, avec des solutions particuliérement spécialisées pour le marché de rénovation le plus éxigent. Le systéme de portes et fenêtres batantes Performance 70 a été développer d´aprés un concept évolutionnaire. permettant ateindre 4 niveaux d´isolation thermique en accord avec les exigences de projets du secteur résidencielle, nouveau ou de rédaptation Le concept modulaire des éléments d´isolations supplémentaires ajoutés das les profils augmentent progressivement la valeur de l´isolation thermique afin d´obtenir le meilleur résultat du marché. Test thermique:CSTB nº BV12-905
Systemy inspekcji rentgenowskiej Dypipe - Systemy inspekcji rentgenowskiej Dypipe

Systemy inspekcji rentgenowskiej Dypipe - Systemy inspekcji rentgenowskiej Dypipe

Met Dypipe garanderen wij u een nieuw niveau van veiligheid en flexibiliteit in uw productieproces van viskeuze en vloeibare producten. Het systeem kan worden uitgerust met diverse separatoren, aansluitingen en montageopties die een ongeëvenaarde flexibiliteit bieden, waardoor het de perfecte oplossing is voor uw productielijn. Een innovatief systeem voor het inbrengen van monsters zorgt voor validatie van monsters tijdens live gebruik. Voor de hoge hygiënische eisen in vleestoepassingen wordt de Dypipe geleverd met een gemakkelijk te openen separator, die speciaal voor dit doel is ontworpen. Het X-ray inspectiesysteem is gemaakt van roestvrij staal en heeft een beschermingsklasse van IP 65 of IP 69. Verschillende interfaces zoals OPC UA, Ethernet IP en de Minebea Intec software voor statistische proces- en voorverpakkingscontrole SPC@Enterprise effenen de weg naar een hogere productiviteit.
Kabiny Alpha: Postęp w Akustyce Motoryzacyjnej - Akustyka Motoryzacyjna

Kabiny Alpha: Postęp w Akustyce Motoryzacyjnej - Akustyka Motoryzacyjna

Cabins are used to determine the acoustic absorption properties of materials and are generally called "acoustic test cabins" or "reverberation rooms". These cabins are designed to detect the sound absorption properties of materials against frequency, measure their acoustic performance and determine their properties. Here are some of different types of cabins: ​ Reverberation Rooms: In these rooms, sound waves hit and reflect on surfaces and resonate for a while. In this process, the acoustic absorption capabilities of the material are measured. Acoustic Test Booths: These booths are designed to evaluate the acoustic performance of specific materials or products. They often include high-sensitivity microphones, sound sources and measuring devices. Acoustic Rooms: These rooms are generally large and can be specially designed. It is used for larger-scale or special tests of the acoustic properties of materials.
Centrum obróbcze C 650 - C 650 wyznacza nowe standardy w zakresie drogi przejazdu i wydajności obciążenia

Centrum obróbcze C 650 - C 650 wyznacza nowe standardy w zakresie drogi przejazdu i wydajności obciążenia

The C 650 uses a modification of HERMLE's tried-and-tested gantry-type design, with a mineral-cast machine bed. The integrated, rigid clamping table can cope with workpieces up to a maximum of 3000 kg (1050 x 900 x 600 mm) in the 3-axis version, making it ideal for toolmaking, mould construction and machine construction. The swivelling rotary table of the 5-axis version can accommodate workpieces up to 1500 kg (Ø 900 x 600 mm), allowing for highly precise machining. The traverse path in the stainless-steel-clad working area comprises 1050 x 900 x 600 mm with a vertical table clearance of 775 mm and a door aperture of 1050 mm. Ideal parameters for simple and safe crane charging. The C 650 has an integrated tool magazine for 42 tools. The control panel of the C 650 is also designed to swivel easily to the magazine loading location, so the operator can enter the tool data directly into the tool table in the control system. Traverse X axis:1050 mm Traverse Y axis:900 mm Traverse Z axis:600 mm Rapid linear traverses X-Y-Z:35 - 35 - 35 m/min Linear acceleration X-Y-Z:6 m/s² Linear feed force X-Y-Z:7000 N Max. vertical table clearance:775 mm Max. workpiece diameter:Ø 900 mm Max. workpiece height:600 mm Collision circle(A axis) in 0° pos.:Ø 1100 mm


Marine Diesel Engine Oils, basis of paraffinic base oil with superior detergent dispersant feature. Used as lubricant for mid and high cycle marine diesel engines, and mid cycle trunk pistoned, heavy fuel using diesel engine’s carter case, cylinder and axuiliary machines.
CELSIUS HEAT Cherry Lime Napój Energetyczny Wydajności, Bez Cukru, 16oz. Puszka, 12 Pakiet

CELSIUS HEAT Cherry Lime Napój Energetyczny Wydajności, Bez Cukru, 16oz. Puszka, 12 Pakiet

Introducing the irresistible CELSIUS HEAT Cherry Lime Performance Energy Drink, a tantalizing blend of flavor and function that will elevate your energy game to new heights! Specially crafted to deliver a powerful burst of vitality, this 16oz. can is designed to keep you energized and focused throughout your day, without any sugar holding you back. Enliven your senses with the delicious fusion of sweet cherry and zesty lime, perfectly balanced to create a taste sensation that will leave you craving for more. The refreshing aroma alone will invigorate your spirit and awaken your senses, making each sip a truly delightful experience. But CELSIUS HEAT Cherry Lime is not just about incredible taste; it’s about performance! Packed with a potent blend of proven ingredients, this energy drink is engineered to supercharge your physical and mental prowess. Feel the rush of energy surging through your body, igniting a fire within, and empowering you to conquer any challenge that comes your way.