Produkty dla nie (58)

Sanazieg: Specjalny zaprawa klejowa do spoinowania i wypełniania odsłoniętej cegły

Sanazieg: Specjalny zaprawa klejowa do spoinowania i wypełniania odsłoniętej cegły

Sanazieg Adhesive high breathability and moldability mortar, based on hydraulic lime, for filling the vanishing points between elements in stone, brick, mouldings, decorative articles etc., in ecological building interventions, new buildings and in the restoration of vintage buildings and monuments. It can be added with earth colours, ornamental aggregates etc. Sanazieg is a product consisting of hydraulic lime, botticino, kaolin, calcium caseinate, Vichy salt, tartaric acid, ammonium salts and natural fibres. It has high hygroscopicity and breathability, contains no cements, resins, solvents and radioemissive substances. Jointing and filling interstices between bricks, or between bricks and stones, in mouldings, and in decorative articles, etc., in interventions of restoration and rehabilitation of old buildings and buildings of historical interest. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer. Gradually add Sanazieg and the water still required, continue to mix until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture of the desired consistency is obtained. The mixing water indicatively necessary is equal to 14%-16% by weight (3.5 - 4 litres per 25 kg bag). Apply with trowel, mechanical plastering machine, etc., in the interstices prepared as specified. To highlight the aggregate, use a sponge or a wet brush as soon as the plaster Sanazieg begins to harden. For more significant removals, spray retardant solutions like PRERIT, immediately after spreading. Approximately 1.6 kg of Sanazieg for each cubic decimetre of volume to be filled (on average 10-15 kg/m² of solid brick masonry to fill). Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
BUBBLE dealkolizacja ( wkrótce dostępne )

BUBBLE dealkolizacja ( wkrótce dostępne )

Servizio di de-alcolizzazione di bevande, con riduzione del contenuto alcolico senza comprometterne il gusto e la qualità. Utilizziamo tecnologie avanzate per mantenere intatte le caratteristiche organolettiche del prodotto. Servizio disponibile dal 2025
Enkoder inkrementalny REV - Wysoka liczba ppr - Enkodery inkrementalne Rozmiar 58 - do 50000 ppr

Enkoder inkrementalny REV - Wysoka liczba ppr - Enkodery inkrementalne Rozmiar 58 - do 50000 ppr

The incremental encoders series REV ensure high performances in terms of reading accuracy and signal stability. The aluminium housing offers an excellent protection against environmental agents and makes them suitable for applications in harsh environments. They can be supplied with round clamping or sychro flange, or square flange. Output signals:push-pull, 5 Vdc line driver (supply5/28 Vdc) Pulses per revolution:1000 ÷ 50000 Voltage supply: 5/28 Vdc
Jedna przestrzeń wysoka stojak na rowery na podłożu w stalowym ocynku

Jedna przestrzeń wysoka stojak na rowery na podłożu w stalowym ocynku

One space high conjunction grounded-based bike rack, in cold-dip galvanized steel, silver color, no plugs. Upper curve is a patented system designed by ANDRYS Ltd in order to set even the disk brake bikes. This bike rack has been designed to be the connection between art. 1103b and art. 1105b. The horizontal tube has a narrowed diameter in both sides that allows it to fit in a single long bike rack. Perfect to optimize space where needed. SKU:Art. 1101 C-B Size:38.5 x 42 cm h 42 cm Weight:2,5 kg Dimensions:38,5 × 42 × 42 cm
Używany Apple dla iPhone 11 12 13 mini 128GB 512GB odblokowany odnowiony telefon komórkowy 13 Pro max

Używany Apple dla iPhone 11 12 13 mini 128GB 512GB odblokowany odnowiony telefon komórkowy 13 Pro max

iPhone 12 mini 64GB Used Mobile Phone US version Original Refuirbished, No any scratches, Like Brand New
Zawory gazowe mod. 22 NO (0921-B)

Zawory gazowe mod. 22 NO (0921-B)

The Gas Valves Mod. 22 NO (0921-B) are high-performance standard valves designed for efficient gas flow control in a variety of applications. These valves do not feature a thermoelectric safety device, making them ideal for systems where additional safety mechanisms are managed separately. Equipped with a pilot, these valves are engineered to handle large flow ranges, providing reliable operation for industrial, commercial, and residential gas systems. Perfect for applications requiring robust and versatile gas flow regulation, the Gas Valves Mod. 22 NO (0921-B) offer both durability and precision in demanding environments.
Izolacja termiczna INTOTHERM - Certyfikat Politechniki w Bari nr 93/870 Zgodny z minimalnymi kryteriami CAM

Izolacja termiczna INTOTHERM - Certyfikat Politechniki w Bari nr 93/870 Zgodny z minimalnymi kryteriami CAM

Intonaco premiscelato alleggerito, conforme ai criteri minimi ambientali CAM, fibrorinforzato con una speciale composizione di fibre in polipropilene appositamente studiata, a base di leganti idraulici, perle di polistirene espanso ed inerti minerali leggeri ad altissimo isolamento termico, per la realizzazione di intonaci a cappotto di sottofondo termoisolanti certificati in interno ed esterno e/o protezione termica su travi e pilastri in cemento armato, ad applicazione meccanica e manuale. Utilizzare come finitura INTOFIN FLEX o INTORAS FLEX.
Esaflex Koniec Z Rozdwajającymi Się Końcami - Creative Professional

Esaflex Koniec Z Rozdwajającymi Się Końcami - Creative Professional

Aggiunto ai trattamenti tecnici ESAFLEX previene i danni prima ancora che si presentino, creando nuovi legami e rafforzando quelli esistenti. Si utilizza nei 6 trattamenti tecnici principali: colorazione, decolorazione, coloranti dopo decolorazione, trattamento protettivo, permanente, stiratura chimica. Grazie ai suoi principi attivi di origine naturale: • derivati della soia e del riso • cisteina • amminoacidi agisce in profondità nella corteccia del capello così che i capelli dopo il trattamento saranno più belli e lucenti di prima. Formato: Flacone da 500 ml e 100 ml
Rura LED T5 - T5 Bez Modyfikacji, Plug & Play, Natychmiastowe Dopasowanie

Rura LED T5 - T5 Bez Modyfikacji, Plug & Play, Natychmiastowe Dopasowanie

Nuovo Tubo a LED T5 115 cm 24w diametro 17 mm, NON BISOGNA RIMUOVERE IL TRASFORMATORE, FUNZIONA CON LO STESSO REATTORE DELLA PLAFONIERA, PLUG & PLAY ALTA LUMINOSITA' fino a 2600 Lm, (130Lm/w), non bisogna modificare nulla, ( NON rimuovere il vecchio reattore, altrimenti NON funzionano senza) , adatti per Plafoniere con reattore Elettronico a 230vac consumo max 24W . colore BIANCO NEUTRO 4000 k , . Policarbonato e alluminio, in alternativa ai tradizionali tubi al Neon da 28 o 54w. - , peso 250 gr ca.- Vantaggi: - Riduzione dei consumi fino al 50% con conseguente risparmio sulla bolletta della Luce. - SOSTITUZIONE IMMEDIATA SENZA MODIFICARE NULLA, (n.b. NON rimuovere il reattore, o mOdificare il cablaggio della plafoniera, altrimenti non funzionano) adatti anche a plafoniere con schermo per videoterminali - Lunga vita led fino 50.000 ore ca. - Lampada che non produce molto calore (adatti a celle Frigo e Banconi Frigo) - tempi di consegna 20 gg ca.
Linia No Orange - Linia Anti-Orange (szampon + maska) o wysokiej koncentracji niebieskich pigmentów

Linia No Orange - Linia Anti-Orange (szampon + maska) o wysokiej koncentracji niebieskich pigmentów

Trattamento professionale ad alta concentrazione di pigmenti blu per neutralizzare i riflessi arancio/rame e rendere i capelli nuovamente luminosi e tonici. Prodotti ideali per capelli colorati, decolorati o con mèches. Formula arricchita con estratto di Goji, olio di cocco e olio di mandorle. I capelli color castano-medio risulteranno più condizionati ed elastici, mentre il colore non avrà piu' i riflessi indesiderati. Sole, smog o troppi trattamenti tecnici o strumenti di styling possono danneggiare la brillantezza dei capelli castani e causare la formazione di riflessi indesiderati arancio o rame. Linea No Orange composta da shampoo (250 e 1000 ml) e maschera (250 e 1000 ml) per ridare ai capelli la luminosità che meritano.
Steviella Topniejąca - Krem do Smarowania z Stevią i Bez Dodatku Cukru

Steviella Topniejąca - Krem do Smarowania z Stevią i Bez Dodatku Cukru

Eccezionale crema spalmabile al cacao, senza glutine, latte e olio di palma. Per dolcificare la Crema abbiamo utilizzato l'estratto di Stevia ed il Maltitolo che non apportano calorie
Sałatka owoców morza z oliwą z oliwek extra virgin - Wszystko ryba, bez warzyw i surimi.

Sałatka owoców morza z oliwą z oliwek extra virgin - Wszystko ryba, bez warzyw i surimi.

Preparazione gastronomica tipica del nostro territorio.Tentacoli di gigas, seppie, totani, calamari, cotti in acqua e aromatizzati. Confezionati in olio misto, 20% extra vergine d'oliva, 80% olio di semi di girasole con aromi freschi. Confezionate in vaschetta sottovuoto (in proporzioni variabili) Tentacoli di gigas, seppia, totani, 80% olio di semi di girasole, 20% olio extra vergine d'oliva, aceto, sale, aromi naturali, antiossidante, esaltatore, aroma. L'azienda opera in ottemperanza alla normativa nazionale ed europea, in regime di autocontrollo ed in conformità ai principi del sistema HACCP. L'azienda attua procedure di pulizie e disinfezione, disinfestazione e controlli igienici, ed effettua controlli microbiologici e chimici su materie prime, semilavorati, prodotti finiti ed in fase di lavorazione a campione. Il prodotto fresco ricevuto viene abbattuto a -20° C. e conservato a tale temperatura per almeno 24 ore al fine di sanare eventuali defezioni igienico-sanitarie.
IM No Zawór Zwrotny Napędzany Hydraulicznie Z Regulacją Prędkości Zamknięcia

IM No Zawór Zwrotny Napędzany Hydraulicznie Z Regulacją Prędkości Zamknięcia

Im No Hydraulically Operated Check Valve With Adjustable Closing Speed Control
Sztuczna Trawa Polinezja - Sztuczna Trawa Polinezja No Fly Zone: rewolucja w sztucznej trawie

Sztuczna Trawa Polinezja - Sztuczna Trawa Polinezja No Fly Zone: rewolucja w sztucznej trawie

Polinesia è la punta di diamante di anni di studi sui materiali, di ricerca sulle condizioni di utilizzo e sui processi estetici più sofisticati. Manto con la straordinaria caratteristica No Fly Zone® con effetto anti-zanzare, 100% ecologico. Abbiamo introdotto il sistema “Micro Nerve Technology”, i primi sul mercato europeo, che consente non solo il ritorno di memoria ma si oppone addirittura al calpestio. Infatti i fili di cui e costituito questo manto sono così importanti in termini di “danaratura” che non si piegano, mai. Polinesia è il manto più lussuoso sul mercato.


Materasso ignifugo composto da una lastra di Eurocell ignifugo ad alta densità ed una lastra di Memory ignifugo ed ergonomico. Un materasso che esalta le caratteristiche dei prodotti innovativi di cui è composto rispettando le normative sulla prevenzione incendi. I due strati sostengono in maniera adeguata il corpo durante il riposo. Omologazione certificata in classe 1 IM. Struttura in Eurocell ignifugo ad alta densità e memory ignifugo e rivestimento in tessuto ignifugo.
Łożyska obrotowe - Łożyska obrotowe z zębami wewnętrznymi, zewnętrznymi lub bez zębów

Łożyska obrotowe - Łożyska obrotowe z zębami wewnętrznymi, zewnętrznymi lub bez zębów

La ralla di rotazione si rende necessaria quando, all’interno di un macchinario o di un impianto, una parte strutturale deve ruotare rispetto ad un’altra secondo un asse univoco, assicurando il vincolo tra le parti. La ralla di rotazione, con la massima rigidità possibile garantita dalla sua geometria, deve sopportare e trasmettere i carichi operativi della struttura a cui è collegato e deve inoltre garantire il grado di precisione richiesto dall’applicazione, il rispetto dei parametri di funzionamento e il ciclo di vita richiesto. È evidente come la ralla sia un componente fondamentale e la sua scelta deve rispondere ad attenti studi tecnici. Lo staff tecnico di EVOLMEC è a disposizione per assistervi nella scelta della ralla ideale per la vostra applicazione. Settori di applicazione: generatori eolici, impianti alimentari, industria mineraria, macchine movimentazione terra, industria offshore, industria dei trasporti, posizionamento antenne radar.
WIERCŁO EK 3000 AT - wiertło do roślin doniczkowych o średnicy 10-30 Mechaniczne (bez sprężarki)

WIERCŁO EK 3000 AT - wiertło do roślin doniczkowych o średnicy 10-30 Mechaniczne (bez sprężarki)

L’invasatrice EK 3000 AT effettua il caricamento automatico del terriccio in vasi di diversi diametri, predisponendo l’inserimento della piantina. Grazie alla innovativa tecnologia Moirano® la nuova EK 3000 AT è in grado di produrre sino a 3800 vasi/ora. Costruita totalmente in acciaio verniciato, l’invasatrice EK 3000 AT spicca per la facilità di utilizzo e la semplicità di regolazione della velocità e adattamento dei diversi tipi di vaso. L’invasatrice e’ dotata di decastatore vasi automatico adattabile ai vasi dal Ø 10 al Ø 24 e di giostra portavasi a 9 piatti con braccetto espulsione automatico. Quest’ultimo immette con un leggero movimento anche ad alte velocita’ i vasi sul nastro di ripichettaggio, il quale e’ orientabile in tre diverse direzioni di uscita . Possibilita’ di invasare Ø25/ Ø 30 con giostra optionale, in questo caso il caricamento vasi e’ manuale.
SPOT BASKET dla reflektorów podążających - Perspektywy bez granic i ograniczeń!

SPOT BASKET dla reflektorów podążających - Perspektywy bez granic i ograniczeń!

EFESTO has designed a very compact “Follow spot Basket”, capable of combining four follow spots. Modular aluminium structure, assembled with prefabricated components and used as a suspended work plan in combination with free-standing towers and lifting systems. Spot Basket structure provides a support base in elevation for stage luminaries, commonly called “Follow spots” and for the operator assigned to its use. Spot Basket can be useas a single module or overlapped configuration up to maximum number 4 modules / spot baskets. The modularity and compactness of elements make easy and fast the assembly. This structure can be dismantled completely for a compact transport and storage area.
Krem do twarzy Migdałowy - 50 ml

Krem do twarzy Migdałowy - 50 ml

La crema è arricchita con olio di mandorle dolci, che grazie alla combinazioni con preziosi elementi, rendono la crema idratante e molto nutriente. Adatta ad ogni tipo di pelle, da utilizzare tutti i giorni su viso, collo e décolletè per una bellezza giornaliera. grazie alla presenza di sostanze nutritive rendono la pelle giovane ed idratata a tutte le età. La crema è arricchita inoltre con la Vitamina E, antiossidante, che contrasta i radicali liberi, rallentando pertanto l'invecchiamento cellulare. Prodotto sottoposto al nichel tested, testato microbiologicamente, no testato su animali.
COCKPIT SPRAY NO-SIL - COCKPIT SPRAY NO-SIL to produkt do polerowania kokpitu

COCKPIT SPRAY NO-SIL - COCKPIT SPRAY NO-SIL to produkt do polerowania kokpitu

COCKPIT SPRAY NO-SIL is the cockpit-polish product very suitable for all car body shops, where the use of silicone containing products is not welcome. In fact, COCKPIT SPRAY NO-SIL grants the total silicone absence in its formula. Art. 812 NO-SIL COCKPIT SPRAY NO-SIL Cont. ml 500
ROTOCABE OD RIMOR - Wentylatory wyposażone w kabinę afoniczną ROTOCABE (patent nr TO2009A001018)

ROTOCABE OD RIMOR - Wentylatory wyposażone w kabinę afoniczną ROTOCABE (patent nr TO2009A001018)

Rimor Rotocabe è il nostro primo brevetto tecnologico depositato e nasce dall'esigenza di ridurre le emissioni sonore legate alla ventilazione classica. Per questo motivo, l'azienda, utilizzando un materiale composito da essa stessa prodotto, il Rimor SIlent, ha ideato un ventilatore completamente insonorizzato ma ruotabile, dalle dimensioni ridotte senza però rinunciare alle prestazioni aerauliche della macchina. Rimor Rotocabe est notre premier brevet technologique déposé et naît de l’exigence de réduire les émissions sonores liées à la ventilation classique. Pour cette raison, la Société, en utilisant un matériau composite produit en interne, a conçu un ventilateur complètement insonorisé mais roulant, Rimor Silent, aux dimensions réduites sans toutefois renoncer aux performances aérauliques de la machine.
S122 - Superautomatyczna wymiana opon z koncepcją Par-Move - bez dźwigni

S122 - Superautomatyczna wymiana opon z koncepcją Par-Move - bez dźwigni

Colonna verticale fissa dotata di braccio operante con movimento a parallelogramma (PAR-MOVE Concept); Sistema di stallonatura combinato ad azionamento pneumatico a mezzo dischi, con doppio braccio per disco superiore e disco inferiore e paletta stallonatore; Dischi stallonatori disallineati rispetto al foro centrale per una penetrazione più veloce ed un distacco immediato del pneumatico, Center Driven Concept (brevetto Giuliano); Corpo macchina rinforzato. Gruppo colonna verticale – braccio operante contribuisce a rendere la macchina ancora più robusta e priva di flessioni; Comandi a pedale e pulsantiera; Sistema brevettato di bloccaggio ultra-rapido della ruota manuale a mezzo coni e ghiera rapida, SMART LOCK; Equipaggiato standard con dispositivo Lever - No Lever (brevetto esclusivo Giuliano), per montaggio e smontaggio ruote autovettura; Sistema di rotazione a due velocità a pedale (motoinverter); Gonfiaggio a pedale (standard); Sistema SBS – brevetto Giuliano
Sanatigh: Osuszający, przywracający, makroporowaty tynk na bazie wapna hydraulicznego

Sanatigh: Osuszający, przywracający, makroporowaty tynk na bazie wapna hydraulicznego

Sanatigh This macroporous, breathable, dehumidifying, fibre-reinforced plaster, with a base of natural hydraulic lime NHL 3.5, is for the dehumidification and hygrometric restoration of buildings and masonry, in works on green buildings, for new constructions and in the restoration of historic and monumental buildings. Sanatigh is a product consisting of hydraulic lime, botticino, kaolin, very fine calcium, expanded lightweight aggregates of volcanic origin, fiber-reinforced with special glass microfibres and fibers Readymesh PM 060. It has high hygroscopicity and breathability, contains no cements, resins, solvents and radioemissive substances. It has strong dehumidifying capacities and, thanks to the total absence of cement, is perfectly compatible with all types of masonry and especially with the historical walls and in all the interventions designed according to the canons of green building. Breathable dehumidifying plastering for wall bodies. Removal of crumbling plaster, if present, up to a maximum height of about 1 metre, with respect to the line of persistent humidity; wall bodies of application must in any case be clean, intact, dust-free, fouling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition of "saturated with dry surface". In the presence of salt efflorescence it will be necessary to ensure it is carefully removed by applying packs of the specific detergent and saline converter Deterg-A, in solution with water of 1:4. To prevent any new spills of salts, use specific universal anti-saline treatments in aqueous solution, Sanareg, for humid surfaces, or solvent-based, FEST SALZ, for cohesive saline concretions but with perfectly dry surfaces. PREPARATION OF THE WALL SURFACE • Remove all inconsistent, friable and rotten material, and grouting from joints, paying utmost attention where they are particularly friable or inconsistent (see also the paragraph on PREPARING SUPPORTS). • In case of strong salt concentrations, read the paragraph on PREPARING SUPPORTS. ROUGH COAT The sprayed rough coat must create a rough, corrugated surface to facilitate the adhesion of the following plaster, which must be applied promptly; within 1 - 2 days from the application of the rough coat. This adhesion spray must be applied with a low thickness (of a few millimetres) using a plastic-fluid consistency, and can be applied with the same Sanatigh product mixed with about 20% water. In case of particularly deteriorated masonry, it is recommended to use a specific Untersana product to make the rough coat. PLASTER The following application of Sanatigh must be made before the complete hardening of the rough coat (within 24-48 hours if the rough coat is made with Sanatigh, and 12-24 hours if made with Untersana). Put about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, and then gradually add Sanatigh and the remaining water, continuing to mix into a homogeneous, lump-free mixture of the desired consistency for trowel or plastering machine application. Indicatively, the necessary mixing water is 16-18% by weight (i.e. 4 - 4.5 litres per 25 kg bag). Application can be performed by manual (trowel, plastering trowel) or mechanical spray methods. In case of application with a plastering machine, in order to allow adequate and homogeneous product mixing, it is recommended to not use machines with a continuous cycle, and to adjust nozzle, air and spray power in order to softly and lightly apply the product without excessive compaction. SKIMMING Levelling of plastered surfaces with Sanastof: green-construction fine, highly breathable mortar, natural hydraulic lime based with special, light, spherical micro-aggregates and high strength microfiber Readymesh PM 060. Protect surfaces from fresh direct exposure to sunlight, from the rain and wind. Cure the prolonged moist hardening. For thicknesses in excess of the 2 cm, and to improve the anti-cracking potential, provide for inserting a suitable reinforcement plaster-holding mesh: ARMAGLASS 140 o, recommended, a galvanized steel wire mesh with 2mm diameter, mesh 5x5 cm. Approximately 13 kg/m² of Sanatigh for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (minimum thickness 2 cm = 26 kg/m²). Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
Untersana : Oddychowy, odwadniający tynk, oparty na wapnie hydraulicznym

Untersana : Oddychowy, odwadniający tynk, oparty na wapnie hydraulicznym

Untersana With the addition of mixing water only, this single-component premix creates a breathable, dehumidifying rough coating, preparatory to the application of restorative, dehumidifying, thermal-insulating and anti-condensation plasters, specifically Intosana, Sanatigh, Sanawarme and Caleosana, being plasters designed specifically for the healthiness of new buildings, existing buildings, works on green buildings and in the restoration of historic and monumental buildings. Untersana is composed of hydraulic lime, botticino, kaolin, calcium caseinate, Vichy salt, tartaric acid and natural fibres. Does not contain cements, resins, solvents, thinners and radioemissive aggregates. Anchoring scratch coat (applied by "spraying" or "splashing") for the formation of an adhesive bridge for easy grip of subsequent plasters, dehumidifying, breathable, based on hydraulic lime. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Untersana and the remaining water; continue to mix until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. The mixing water should be about 22-25% of the weight of the bag. After mixing is completed wait a few minutes before applying. "Spray" the product, with plastic fluid consistency, on the application supports, with plastering trowel and brick trowel or with plastering pump. Protect fresh surfaces from direct exposure to sunlight, from the rain and wind, cure the prolonged moist hardening. From 4 to 6 kg of Untersana per square metre of surface to be rendered. Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
Sanavel: Niet giftige verf, ademend, op basis van kaliumsilicaat, voor binnengebruik

Sanavel: Niet giftige verf, ademend, op basis van kaliumsilicaat, voor binnengebruik

Sanavel Breathable, natural, non-toxic, indoor paint, based on potassium silicate. Mineral-based, active formulation, high mildewcide and anti-condensation performance, prepared according to traditional recipes, for use in ecological building interventions, new buildings and in the restoration of vintage buildings and monuments. Sanavel consists of potassium silicate, natural pigments. It has very high breathability, remarkable mildewcide and antibacterial properties. It has no solvents, thinners, harmful substances and toxic emissions in general, and does not have thermoplastic effects. Restoring and decorative paint for interior environments. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc. Pre-existing paints (washable, organic, solvent based etc. ) must be thoroughly removed. Preliminarily treat the support with the fixative Sanaxil Fix. Apply by brush, roller or spray. Sanavel is "dust-free" (it has started to be consistent to the touch) after about 1 hour. It can be overcoated after 4-5 hours, while it will be dry in-depth after 10-12 hours. Apply from 0.30 to 0.40 liters of Sanavel per square metre of surface to be painted. Pail 4 l - Pail 14 l
Dezaktywacja BUBBLE (wkrótce dostępna)

Dezaktywacja BUBBLE (wkrótce dostępna)

Entalkoholisierungsservice für Getränke mit Reduzierung des Alkoholgehalts ohne Beeinträchtigung von Geschmack und Qualität. Wir verwenden fortschrittliche Technologien, um die organoleptischen Eigenschaften des Produkts beizubehalten. Service verfügbar ab 2025.
BUBBLE dealcholization ( wkrótce dostępne )

BUBBLE dealcholization ( wkrótce dostępne )

Beverage de-alcoholization service, with reduction of the alcohol content without compromising the taste and quality. We use advanced technologies to keep the organoleptic characteristics of the product intact. Service available from 2025.
Rura łącznikowa ze stali ocynkowanej

Rura łącznikowa ze stali ocynkowanej

Junction tube in galvanized steel, silver colour with no caps. This tube is made to connect all bike ranks having the same non bottleneck side, art. 1000 have 2 bottleneck sides so you can have a single structure. SKU:Art. 1000 B Size: d. 4,5 cm lenght 30 cm Weight:0,5 kg Dimensions:30 cm