Polska, Puchały K/janek
Oferujemy wysokojakościowy druk offsetowy UV na 6-cio i 5-cio kolorowych maszynach z wieżą lakierującą. •Komori Lithrone GL-629: druk 6-cio kolorowy z dwiema wieżami lakierującymi UV lub dyspersja oraz zespołem suszącym, maszyna wyposażona w systemy automatycznie korygujące nafarbianie i przyrost punktu. •Komori Lithrone L529: druk 5-cio kolorowy + UV oraz Waterless z możliwością lakierowania wyb...
Spręcograf to drukarnia z wieloletnim doświadczeniem założoną w 1983 roku. Posiadamy nowoczesny i zróżnicowany park maszynowy, co pozwala nam realizować nawet niestandardowe zlecenia. Wykonujemy: druk offsetowy, druk cyfrowy, książki w oprawie twardej, książki w oprawie miękkiej klejonej, książki szyte nićmi, katalogi reklamowe, kalendarze ścienne, kalendarze spiralowane, kalendarze listwowane, k...
Polska, Stare Babice
GRIST99, located near Warsaw, Poland, stands as an esteemed printing powerhouse, boasting over two decades of invaluable industry expertise. Our Printing Proficiency Encompasses: Sheet-fed offset printing: A judicious choice for medium to large print runs, marked by its adaptability with special Pantone inks and a diverse range of varnishes. Digital printing: Tailored for personalized, small ...
Polska, Kleszczow
We would like to inform you that our company produces and sells materials for the production of calendars, notebooks and exercise books. We supply the highest quality materials.If you are interested in our offer we would like to send you current price lists and samples of materials. FHU Małgorzata, Krzysztof Thiel s.c. offers wide range of elastic cord with film hooks (metal T-ends) in different...
Polska, Warsaw
... in our offer the following bindery products and services.Bindery services: Spiral binding with Zip-wire spirals Metal straps poster binding Cutting of the edges, drilling the holes Cutting and gathering of the prints. Die cutting (creating blanking dies) Perforation of prints and pads Small dots perforation Creating of the tools ith cutting elements on it from the metals and polymers for the purpose of the marketing materials.Products: Straps for binding of calendars and posters Window frames Wobblers Aluminium twinsticksZipwire spirals...
Polska, Kraków
...Drukarnia Narodowa SA is a modern printing company with park machine from 2009, engaged in printing and binding works. Having its own printing and binding machines in one place. We print books, magazines, calendars, booklets, brochures, flyers. We are creating design, scanning, preparing for press.We have uniqe techonlogy of printing Braill'a which is solid and cheap comparing to traditional technology of printing books for blind people.Drukarnia Narodowa is looking for new partners for the cooperation.
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